A Need For Leveling The Field


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The government school system keeps its audience ignorant and uninformed.
That's why it is government school: 'else there'd be a dearth of Democrat voter.

1. Although the Liberal voter loves to claim the title 'intellectual' for himself and his elites, awarding the appellation as something to be proud of is as false a narrative as their dogma, and as are their elected choices.
One need only look at the graduates they turn out, and the foaming-at-the mouth rantings of their tenured staff.
The Democrat's produced as their expert on impeachment Professor Noah Feldman....a dunce who has written that Sharia is better than our Constitution. A Law Professor no less.

“Some ideas are so stupid, only an intellectual could believe them.” George Orwell

2. The fact is that real Americans, those on the Right, use the term 'intellectual' as a disparaging and less than complimentary term, an identifier of the Liberal dogma-afflicted who will never contradict the collective's talking points.

Thomas Sowell, a real intellectual in the positive sense, writes that this intellectual vanguard tends to take the “benefits of civilization for granted.” The “vision of the anointed” lacks respect for the wisdom inherent in experience and common opinion.
Its practitioners value abstractions...over the “tacit knowledge” available to the parent, the consumer, the entrepreneur, and the citizen.

Sowell vigorously defends wisdom—practical reason—against an abstract rationalism that values ideas over the experience of actual human beings. Intellectuals, he argues, are particularly suspicious of the ties ordinary men and women feel to family, religion, and country. They look down upon “objective reality and objective criteria” in the social sciences, art, music, and philosophy. Their “systems” tend to be self-referential and lack accountability in the external world."
"Intellectuals and Society," by Thomas Sowell An Independent Mind

a. And here is an example of one of those 'intellectuals' doing just that:
“And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.” Obama on small-town Pa.: Clinging to religion, guns, xenophobia

3. If one is a government school grad, who has eschewed reading, and thinking, he is unaware of the fact that today’s Democrat Party espouses nearly 100% of the aims of the Soviet Bolsheviks, beginning with the worship of government over God.

4. As government school works to keep it’s captive audience in the dark, educationally, they are ignorant of "Aleksandr Isayevich[a] Solzhenitsyn ... a Russian novelist, historian, and short story writer. He was an outspoken critic of the Soviet Union and communism and helped to raise global awareness of its Gulag forced labor camp system." Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - Wikipedia

Solzhenitsyn’s birthday is today…..and he has much to teach.
Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn, (born Dec. 11, 1918, Kislovodsk, Russia—died Aug. 3, 2008, Troitse-Lykovo, near Moscow), Russian novelist and historian, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1970.
Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn | Russian author

Some of same will follow.

The government school system keeps its audience ignorant and uninformed.
That's why it is government school: 'else there'd be a dearth of Democrat voter.

1. Although the Liberal voter loves to claim the title 'intellectual' for himself and his elites, awarding the appellation as something to be proud of is as false a narrative as their dogma, and as are their elected choices.
One need only look at the graduates they turn out, and the foaming-at-the mouth rantings of their tenured staff.
The Democrat's produced as their expert on impeachment Professor Noah Feldman....a dunce who has written that Sharia is better than our Constitution. A Law Professor no less.

“Some ideas are so stupid, only an intellectual could believe them.” George Orwell

2. The fact is that real Americans, those on the Right, use the term 'intellectual' as a disparaging and less than complimentary term, an identifier of the Liberal dogma-afflicted who will never contradict the collective's talking points.

Thomas Sowell, a real intellectual in the positive sense, writes that this intellectual vanguard tends to take the “benefits of civilization for granted.” The “vision of the anointed” lacks respect for the wisdom inherent in experience and common opinion.
Its practitioners value abstractions...over the “tacit knowledge” available to the parent, the consumer, the entrepreneur, and the citizen.

Sowell vigorously defends wisdom—practical reason—against an abstract rationalism that values ideas over the experience of actual human beings. Intellectuals, he argues, are particularly suspicious of the ties ordinary men and women feel to family, religion, and country. They look down upon “objective reality and objective criteria” in the social sciences, art, music, and philosophy. Their “systems” tend to be self-referential and lack accountability in the external world."
"Intellectuals and Society," by Thomas Sowell An Independent Mind

a. And here is an example of one of those 'intellectuals' doing just that:
“And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.” Obama on small-town Pa.: Clinging to religion, guns, xenophobia

3. If one is a government school grad, who has eschewed reading, and thinking, he is unaware of the fact that today’s Democrat Party espouses nearly 100% of the aims of the Soviet Bolsheviks, beginning with the worship of government over God.

4. As government school works to keep it’s captive audience in the dark, educationally, they are ignorant of "Aleksandr Isayevich[a] Solzhenitsyn ... a Russian novelist, historian, and short story writer. He was an outspoken critic of the Soviet Union and communism and helped to raise global awareness of its Gulag forced labor camp system." Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - Wikipedia

Solzhenitsyn’s birthday is today…..and he has much to teach.
Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn, (born Dec. 11, 1918, Kislovodsk, Russia—died Aug. 3, 2008, Troitse-Lykovo, near Moscow), Russian novelist and historian, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1970.
Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn | Russian author

Some of same will follow.
Some ideas are so stupid, only an intellectual could believe them.”George Orwell

Thats gold

Most liberal college grads have basic intelligence

They are smart enough to take difficult subjects and pass them

But too often they have one academic skill without common sense to go with it
5. 'Intelligentia' is a Russian term that has made its way into the English, along with agitprop, apparatchik, commissar, gulag, Kalashnikov, nomenklatura, pogrom, samizdat, and vodka. Solzhenitsyn, the author of the following essay on 'intellectuals' attempts to explain its meaning....

"Russia has always been a caste society and the intelligentsia was a particular caste, consisting of educated people who did not fit into one of the traditional categories—clergy, nobility, peasants, merchants, or the urban middle class." It defined neither the academic nor the political.
Things have changed.
"Decades of exposure to constant propaganda inevitably left its mark on all but the strongest of intellects. Cut off from contact with the outside world and normal cultural, intellectual, and artistic influences, the Soviet intelligentsia’s tastes were frozen sometime around 1937. " Intelligentsia Elegy

Today there is a joined-at-the-hip sameness of the above, the Russian 'intelligentia,' and the leaders and followers we call Democrats and Liberals.

And for the very same reason: "...Decades of exposure to constant propaganda..."

6. “Social-justice ideology is turning higher education into an engine of progressive political advocacy, according to a new report by the National Association of Scholars. Left-wing activists, masquerading as professors, are infiltrating traditional academic departments or creating new ones—departments such as “Solidarity and Social Justice”—to advance their cause.

…a symptom of an even deeper perversion of academic values: the cult of race and gender victimology, otherwise known as “diversity.” The diversity cult is destroying the very foundations of our civilization.”
The Cost of America’s Cultural Revolution

History doesn't repeat itself but it often rhymes,” as Mark Twain is often reputed to have said.
7. Solzhenitsyn writes about the intelligentsia in a way that echoes the social justice insanity at present.

"The most devastating critique of the Russian intelligentsia was mounted by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in a 1974 essay called Educationdom (Obrazovanshchina). Solzhenitsyn traced the sources of the Bolshevik revolution and its cataclysmic aftermath to the vices of the old intelligentsia, which included “a sectarian, artificial distancing from the national life,” unsuitability for practical work, an obsession with egalitarian social justice that “paralyzes the love of and interest in truth,” and a “trance-like, inadequate sense of reality.” Intelligentsia Elegy

“When a university pursues social justice, it puts aside its traditional claim to authority: the disinterested search for knowledge…. The definition of social justice, however, is deeply political, entailing a large number of contestable claims about the causes of socioeconomic inequality. Social-justice proponents believe that those claims are settled, and woe to anyone who challenges them on a college campus.” The Cost of America’s Cultural Revolution
7. Solzhenitsyn writes about the intelligentsia in a way that echoes the social justice insanity at present.

"The most devastating critique of the Russian intelligentsia was mounted by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in a 1974 essay called Educationdom (Obrazovanshchina). Solzhenitsyn traced the sources of the Bolshevik revolution and its cataclysmic aftermath to the vices of the old intelligentsia, which included “a sectarian, artificial distancing from the national life,” unsuitability for practical work, an obsession with egalitarian social justice that “paralyzes the love of and interest in truth,” and a “trance-like, inadequate sense of reality.” Intelligentsia Elegy

“When a university pursues social justice, it puts aside its traditional claim to authority: the disinterested search for knowledge…. The definition of social justice, however, is deeply political, entailing a large number of contestable claims about the causes of socioeconomic inequality. Social-justice proponents believe that those claims are settled, and woe to anyone who challenges them on a college campus.” The Cost of America’s Cultural Revolution
Have you ever read, One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich>
One need only look at the news, at the 'hearings,' and see how prescient Solzhenitsyn was.

8. “There were other, darker vices, too: “fanaticism, deaf to the voice of everyday life”; a hypnotic faith in its own ideology and intolerance for any other; and the adoption of “hatred as a passionate ethical impulse.”

Worse still for Solzhenitsyn was the intelligentsia’s fervent rejection of Christianity, replaced by faith in scientific progress and a mankind-worshiping idolatry. This atheism was all-embracing and uncritical in its belief that science is competent to dispose of all religious questions, finally and comprehensively. In Solzhenitsyn’s view, the intelligentsia had yielded to the temptation of Dostoevsky’s Grand Inquisitor—may the truth rot, if people are the happier for it."
Intelligentsia Elegy

He's speaking of the Soviet Bolsheviks.....but it fits the Democrats like a glove.

It's a checklist for the Democrats and Liberals!...an obsession with egalitarian social justice paralyzes the love of and interest in truth hypnotic faith in its own ideology and intolerance for any other; and the adoption of “hatred as a passionate ethical impulse fervent rejection of Christianity."

What did Santayana say?
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
And those are government school grads.
9. One cannot help but be astounded at the mirror image of the Soviet Union and the Democrat secular culture.

" In the Soviet intelligentsia of his own day, Solzhenitsyn saw only a spiritually spent shadow of its pre-revolutionary predecessor—
subverted by the Soviet state and stripped of the few virtues that the old class possessed.

Where before the intelligentsia felt a sense of obligation to and repentance before “the people,”
now there was only a sense that it was the people who were guilty and stubbornly refused to repent.
[Obama: they cling to their guns and religion...Hillary’s description: deplorables.]

The Soviet intelligentsia felt little empathy or connection with its own history and possessed no principles that differed significantly from the principles put into practice by the Soviet regime.
[Have you seen the the posts from Liberals stating we have no rights except those given us by government?]

The contemporary intelligentsia, by contrast, had sold out to the state for a few crumbs of privilege. Its main flaw, according to Solzhenitsyn, was moral cowardice. Indeed, it was itself complicit in the regime’s crimes and its system of lies." [ the cult of race and gender victimology, otherwise known as “diversity.”]
Intelligentsia Elegy

One cannot but be amazed at the joined-at-the-hip sameness of the above,
the Soviet Russian 'intelligentia,' and the leaders and followers we call Democrats and Liberals.

And for the very same reason: "...
Decades of exposure to constant propaganda..."

10. “A social-justice agenda, therefore, is a political commitment, and politics is not disinterested. Indeed, it is often tribal. Such tribalism caricatures political opponents and whitewashes political leaders, ignoring facts along the way…”
The Cost of America’s Cultural Revolution

"In Last Exit to Utopia, Jean-François Revel, who died at 82 in 2006, systematically contrasted the indisputable realities with the stubborn leftist commitment to dubious social experiments. Revel hated all utopias, and always put reality first. For him, the plain facts showed that capitalism worked better than socialism. Yet self-proclaimed intellectuals stuck to socialism even after it had clearly failed.
.... Revel would attack, with vivacity and much humor, the blindness of these leftist thinkers. In Last Exit to Utopia, Revel systematically contrasted the indisputable realities with the stubborn leftist commitment to dubious social experiments.

[e.g. Transgender movement: forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.]

He wondered why educated scholars would elevate utopian fantasy above reality? The failures of the Soviet Union, its mass cruelties, had been known in the West since the 1930s: André Gide had denounced them in his book, Return from the USSR. Scholars and journalists in the West did not need to wait for Solzhenitsyn to learn about the existence of the Gulag. Yet these truths had little consequence. Leftist intellectuals rationalized any bad news by explaining that the Soviet Union did not practice “real socialism.”

Revel’s books are thus deeply relevant to the current American debate on the future role of government: should good intentions (like “health care for all”) take precedence over the predictable bad results of such measures? Should political myths (the benevolent state) be fought with facts, or by promoting counter-myths (like the libertarian utopia)?"
Bad Ideas Never Die

Or.....shouldn't citizens be educated to the point where they recognize what is a myth, and what is a fact?????
11. And…..to the point that less education and more indoctrination takes place in government school….

Liberal ownership of government school hides the evil of their predecessors:

…. why don't folks know about the Communist concentration camps that "preceded the Nazis in creating such camps and killed an even larger number"??
Government schooling.

Government school provides this great benefit to the descendants of the Bolsheviks, that would be today’s Democrat Party, in that students are ignorant of the fact that the communists under Stalin were worse by every metric, than the Nazis that they taught to build concentration camps.

"While many Westerners recall Nazi-run death camps like Auschwitz and Buchenwald, few remember Soviet death camps named Kolyma and Magadan. True, Alexander Solzhenitsyn mentioned them in "The Gulag Archipelago" as did Varlam Sjalamov in "Tales from Kolyma," but as the late Swedish journalist Andres Kung wrote, "There are people who have still not heard of these communist extermination camps -- even though the communists preceded the Nazis in creating such camps and killed an even larger number of people in their camps."
Cal Thomas Archives - Monument to murder

It is a certainty that government school grads are unaware that Franklin Roosevelt demanded that a communist, Henry Wallace, be named his vice-president or he would not run again for the presidency.

Instead, these students are taught that Republicans are Nazis, when the political doctrines of Communists, Nazis, and Democrats are all of the Left, the collectives.
12. No one understood the collective, totalitarianism, and worship of the state, better than Solzhenitsyn, born on this day in 1918 .

In the commencement address, Solzhenitsyn denounced the silence and inertia of Western collusion with Communism, the moral poverty of materialism, the spiritual wasteland of freedom without purpose.

“When the modern Western States were created, the following principle was proclaimed: governments are meant to serve man, and man lives to be free to pursue happiness. (See, for example, the American Declaration). Now at last during past decades technical and social progress has permitted the realization of such aspirations: the welfare state. Every citizen has been granted the desired freedom and material goods in such quantity and of such quality as to guarantee in theory the achievement of happiness, in the morally inferior sense which has come into being during those same decades. In the process, however, one psychological detail has been overlooked: the constant desire to have still more things…”

Solzhenitsyn's Commencement Address
Harvard University
June 8, 1978

Exactly what Solzhenitsyn described in the Soviet Union, we find in academia in our nation today:
"....reminiscent of the old Soviet Union, where Joseph Stalin persecuted those who he thought had the “wrong” scientific views on everything from linguistics to physics....Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s book, “In the First Circle,” in which he outlined the Soviet government’s suppression of dissenting scientists and engineers."
California to Persecute Scientific Dissent on Climate Change

Try denying climate change, or stating that one cannot change their gender, or that Russia didn't direct the 2016 election, and see what happens.

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