A National Strategic Narrative

Reads like all so much left-wing gobbledygook stressing isolationism, "investment", defense slashing and ecobabble. A prime example of why the leftwing fringe needs to be put out to pasture with the rest of the nutters and neocons.

We've just spend the last 50 years implementing policies leading to international progressivism.

How's that been working out for the nation and its people, Sog?

Whatever that is.

Hmm, how has it worked out? Defeated communism. Brought democracy to South America. Brought democracy to Asian countries. Through lowers trade barriers brought prosperity to areas that had been economic disaster zones for centuries. Reunited Germany. Countered Iraqi aggression in the Gulf.

Yup, I'd say a record to be proud of. SO why is Obama apologizing for all this?
i do not tar every muhammadan for the deeds of their fundementalist brothers and sisters... and i did ask what you believed and did not believe. you did an excellent job responding to my comments and questions.. and, i am glad to find out you are not an apologist...

the road to becoming a fundementalist muhammadan is much more subtle. you should read daveed g. ross book on his year inside radical islam. he started out as an innocent muhammadan convert and through he study of the qur'an and one day woke up to the fact that he had lost his way... interesting read... anyway, thanks for your comments and i look forward to more in depth discussions later. gotta go. r/ bosun
You cannot make chicken salad out of chicken shit no matter how much globalist progressive claptrap you put into it.

Yes you can. I have a big debt problem right now in my household. I ran up $100,000 in credit card debt, and bought a car and house that, well, the repairs are gonna cost more than they're worth.

So I went to a financial consultant. He said to fix my problems, I need to run up about $100,000 more on my credit card, and by a new car. Then he said take out a loan and use it for a tropical vacation. Apparantly, the best way to fix my debt is spend a shitload more money. Liberalism does work, yay!!!

You got some bad advice. Next time get credit cards for the kids and run them up. Free money for you. ;)
i do not tar every muhammadan for the deeds of their fundementalist brothers and sisters... and i did ask what you believed and did not believe. you did an excellent job responding to my comments and questions.. and, i am glad to find out you are not an apologist...

the road to becoming a fundementalist muhammadan is much more subtle. you should read daveed g. ross book on his year inside radical islam. he started out as an innocent muhammadan convert and through he study of the qur'an and one day woke up to the fact that he had lost his way... interesting read... anyway, thanks for your comments and i look forward to more in depth discussions later. gotta go. r/ bosun

thanks for your thoughts. and i'll look for the book.

And I know the difference between Islamic apologetics and Islamic scripture.
This is what Islam looks like when done properly. It is scriptural Islam not a perversion of Islam.

can you support that claim, please?
A National Strategic Narrative

The assumptions of the 20th century, of the U.S. as a bulwark first against fascism and then against communism, make little sense...


China has 1/5 of the world's population, is fast becoming the largest superpower and is run by an oppressive, murderous communist regime. In addition, there are fascist regimes all over the world, not to mention socialist oppression in a large part of the world. The United States should still be the beacon of freedom. I read through the article, but the above snippet basically killed it.
An interesting piece.


By Mr. Y

This Strategic Narrative is intended to frame our National policy decisions regarding investment, security, economic development, the environment, and engagement well into this century. It is built upon the premise that we must sustain our enduring national interests – prosperity and security – within a “strategic ecosystem,” at home and abroad; that in complexity and uncertainty, there are opportunities and hope, as well as challenges, risk, and threat. The primary approach this Strategic Narrative advocates to achieve sustainable prosperity and security, is through the application of credible influence and strength, the pursuit of fair competition, acknowledgement of interdependencies and converging interests, and adaptation to complex, dynamic systems – all bounded by our national values.

From Containment to Sustainment: Control to Credible Influence

For those who believe that hope is not a strategy, America must seem a strange contradiction of anachronistic values and enduring interests amidst a constantly changing global environment. America is a country conceived in liberty, founded on hope, and built upon the notion that anything is possible with enough hard work and imagination. Over time we have continued to learn and mature even as we strive to remain true to those values our founding fathers set forth in the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution

more at link:

http://www.wilsoncenter.org/events/docs/A National Strategic Narrative.pdf

thx jillian that was interesting.....however....

when I saw who wrote the preface ( Anne-Marie Slaughter) I knew what was coming. The phrase Strategic Ecosystem sure is catchy eh? ......

When I saw that obama had tapped her as a foreign policy advisory in his campaign ( and until January the State Department's director of policy planning) I did some reading up.

Looking to the future, Anne-Marie Slaughter thesis of the US and global powers going forward is an argument crafted around America's culture of openness and innovation which will be centrally [placed] in the information age when network[ing] supplement, along with 'soft' power of our 'values' if not fully replace, hierarchical power.

She penned an article in the NY Times back in feb. ala Libya, calling for exactly what we have ongoing now; a lead from behind strategery with the usual internationalist bent, via a UN resolution, the Arab league and Nato to the fore....and? Hows that working out?

This strategery is now in full cry ala;

Obama may be moving toward something resembling a doctrine. One of his advisers described the president’s actions in Libya as “leading from behind.”

— Ryan Lizza, the New Yorker, May 2 issue

Of course he is, becasue Libya and this lead from behind soft power mantra is a mess and misapplied vis a vis Libya.

The lesson they refuse to acknowledge is, no one follows an uncertain trumpet, in the absence of clear determined leadership most especially when applied to a situation using a Coalition of forces, chaos will result.

As to soft power, it worked, as applied to Gadaffi in the 2000's, he had been brought to heal not by covert, overt threats or military action but by the soft power rendered effective by Afghanistan and Iraq.( the Saddam containment argument, anyone remember that?)

This treatise is nothing but more of the same, thrashing around trying to re-reason 2500 years of historical fact vis a vis how nations interact and affect one another by finding the soft power feel good 'out', minus hard power which is like saying there is good but no evil or vice versa. Its a symbiotic relationship, one doesn't exist without the other.

I snipped out the pay off pitch of the 2 authors ( click to view);


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Anytime you see the word "sustainable" in a document you are reading the screed of the Left. Sustainable is their core word. It is their core word precisely because it sounds good while not having any meaning at all. How long is "sustainable"? Fresh fish isn't sustainable for more than a day or two. The sun will not be sustainable in a couple of billion years. Yet who could be against something that is "sustainable"??
Yes, you pegged it, Marty. It is a "let's cut out the old imperialist racist sexist America so the rest of the world loves us and we can spend the money on universal tai chi."
It is garbage and claptrap. And no wonder a simp like Jillian falls for it.
Only criticism from the right with no solutions offered.

Or is the conservative ‘solution’ only free markets and privatization? That’s dogma. And the problems of the world are far too complicated to be addressed by dogma alone.
Anytime you see the word "sustainable" in a document you are reading the screed of the Left. Sustainable is their core word. It is their core word precisely because it sounds good while not having any meaning at all. How long is "sustainable"? Fresh fish isn't sustainable for more than a day or two. The sun will not be sustainable in a couple of billion years. Yet who could be against something that is "sustainable"??
Yes, you pegged it, Marty. It is a "let's cut out the old imperialist racist sexist America so the rest of the world loves us and we can spend the money on universal tai chi."
It is garbage and claptrap. And no wonder a simp like Jillian falls for it.
Only criticism from the right with no solutions offered.

Or is the conservative ‘solution’ only free markets and privatization? That’s dogma. And the problems of the world are far too complicated to be addressed by dogma alone.

Solution? What was the problem to begin with?

To the left the problem is lack of sustainability. But as I showed, that is a non-problem because "sustainable" lacks any concrete meaning.
The solution is strong foreign policy and a military to back that up. Worked for 50+ years.
i do not tar every muhammadan for the deeds of their fundementalist brothers and sisters... and i did ask what you believed and did not believe. you did an excellent job responding to my comments and questions.. and, i am glad to find out you are not an apologist...

the road to becoming a fundementalist muhammadan is much more subtle. you should read daveed g. ross book on his year inside radical islam. he started out as an innocent muhammadan convert and through he study of the qur'an and one day woke up to the fact that he had lost his way... interesting read... anyway, thanks for your comments and i look forward to more in depth discussions later. gotta go. r/ bosun

thanks for your thoughts. and i'll look for the book.

Daveed Gartenstein-Ross

you can get daveed's book through amazon.com. if you have an ipod or kindle devise, you can get the kindle book. [ame="http://www.amazon.com/My-Year-Inside-Radical-Islam/dp/1585425516"]My Year Inside Radical Islam. Tarcher/Penguin, 2007.[/ame]
The United States needs a national strategic narrative. We have a national security strategy,
which sets forth four core national interests and outlines a number of dimensions of an
overarching strategy to advance those interests in the 21
century world. But that is a document
written by specialists for specialists. It does not answer a fundamental question that more and
more Americans are asking. Where is the United States going in the world? How can we get
there? What are the guiding stars that will illuminate the path along the way? We need a story
with a beginning, middle, and projected happy ending that will transcend our political divisions,
orient us as a nation, and give us both a common direction and the confidence and commitment
to get to our destination.

That's nation building. Or boarder-less countries.
We already have plenty of examples of this not working.

The rest of that got more nonsensical as I read it.

sorry, this one nation thing is a pure face plant. We get along fine, there is no way we are going to get the world to accept democracy, and I will accept nothing less.
And I know the difference between Islamic apologetics and Islamic scripture.
This is what Islam looks like when done properly. It is scriptural Islam not a perversion of Islam.

can you support that claim, please?
what is your claim, elvis... what are you sayin, bro?

fitnah claims that 9/11 is Islam done properly.... that it is scriptural islam. I would like him to support that claim.
The United States needs a national strategic narrative. We have a national security strategy,
which sets forth four core national interests and outlines a number of dimensions of an
overarching strategy to advance those interests in the 21
century world. But that is a document
written by specialists for specialists. It does not answer a fundamental question that more and
more Americans are asking. Where is the United States going in the world? How can we get
there? What are the guiding stars that will illuminate the path along the way? We need a story
with a beginning, middle, and projected happy ending that will transcend our political divisions,
orient us as a nation, and give us both a common direction and the confidence and commitment
to get to our destination.

That's nation building. Or boarder-less countries.
We already have plenty of examples of this not working.

The rest of that got more nonsensical as I read it.

sorry, this one nation thing is a pure face plant. We get along fine, there is no way we are going to get the world to accept democracy, and I will accept nothing less.

no one is talking about a borderless world. but there does have to be an acknowledgement that we can't keep thumping our way through the world blowing up stuff. one, it's irrational; two, we can't afford to. the neocon wars of choice are bankrupting us.
An interesting piece.


By Mr. Y

This Strategic Narrative is intended to frame our National policy decisions regarding investment, security, economic development, the environment, and engagement well into this century. It is built upon the premise that we must sustain our enduring national interests – prosperity and security – within a “strategic ecosystem,” at home and abroad; that in complexity and uncertainty, there are opportunities and hope, as well as challenges, risk, and threat. The primary approach this Strategic Narrative advocates to achieve sustainable prosperity and security, is through the application of credible influence and strength, the pursuit of fair competition, acknowledgement of interdependencies and converging interests, and adaptation to complex, dynamic systems – all bounded by our national values.

From Containment to Sustainment: Control to Credible Influence

For those who believe that hope is not a strategy, America must seem a strange contradiction of anachronistic values and enduring interests amidst a constantly changing global environment. America is a country conceived in liberty, founded on hope, and built upon the notion that anything is possible with enough hard work and imagination. Over time we have continued to learn and mature even as we strive to remain true to those values our founding fathers set forth in the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution
more at link:

http://www.wilsoncenter.org/events/docs/A National Strategic Narrative.pdf

Because central planning works so well.
The United States needs a national strategic narrative. We have a national security strategy,
which sets forth four core national interests and outlines a number of dimensions of an
overarching strategy to advance those interests in the 21
century world. But that is a document
written by specialists for specialists. It does not answer a fundamental question that more and
more Americans are asking. Where is the United States going in the world? How can we get
there? What are the guiding stars that will illuminate the path along the way? We need a story
with a beginning, middle, and projected happy ending that will transcend our political divisions,
orient us as a nation, and give us both a common direction and the confidence and commitment
to get to our destination.

That's nation building. Or boarder-less countries.
We already have plenty of examples of this not working.

The rest of that got more nonsensical as I read it.

sorry, this one nation thing is a pure face plant. We get along fine, there is no way we are going to get the world to accept democracy, and I will accept nothing less.

no one is talking about a borderless world. but there does have to be an acknowledgement that we can't keep thumping our way through the world blowing up stuff. one, it's irrational; two, we can't afford to. the neocon wars of choice are bankrupting us.

What neo-con wars of choice?

The war on terror is in response to 9/11.
The Iraq war is over, but was started on very bad intel

Both were supported by dems as well as reps. unless dems can be neo-cons....

Lybia showed who's off thier rocker and who is closest to the constitution.

Syria is all obama

I have heard more than a little talk about a border-less world.

the best way to handle the world is let it take care of itself. Every time we help, someone resents it. Time to not have entangling alliances.
The United States needs a national strategic narrative. We have a national security strategy,
which sets forth four core national interests and outlines a number of dimensions of an
overarching strategy to advance those interests in the 21
century world. But that is a document
written by specialists for specialists. It does not answer a fundamental question that more and
more Americans are asking. Where is the United States going in the world? How can we get
there? What are the guiding stars that will illuminate the path along the way? We need a story
with a beginning, middle, and projected happy ending that will transcend our political divisions,
orient us as a nation, and give us both a common direction and the confidence and commitment
to get to our destination.

That's nation building. Or boarder-less countries.
We already have plenty of examples of this not working.

The rest of that got more nonsensical as I read it.

sorry, this one nation thing is a pure face plant. We get along fine, there is no way we are going to get the world to accept democracy, and I will accept nothing less.

no one is talking about a borderless world. but there does have to be an acknowledgement that we can't keep thumping our way through the world blowing up stuff. one, it's irrational; two, we can't afford to. the neocon wars of choice are bankrupting us.

You understand that "neo-con" is typically code for "Jew", right?
No wonder you adopt the language of the oppressor.
terrorists blow things up. regular everyday muslims do not.

How do you tell the difference between a terrorist who has not blown things up and an ordinary, everyday Muslim?

Yes, I have an answer to that question that makes sense.
can you support that claim, please?
what is your claim, elvis... what are you sayin, bro?

fitnah claims that 9/11 is Islam done properly.... that it is scriptural islam. I would like him to support that claim.
fitnah has already supported his position regarding the matter... jihad and striking at infidels is scripturely correct for a fundamentalist muhammadan islamist..... my question to you is what do you know about fundamental islam? don't get offended by this, but, are you an apologist (one who says that islam is justified because the chickens have come home to roost), or a bleeding heart appeaser? Are you an internationalist? or what?

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