A national reckoning for abused women=politics as usual.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Try not to let your faith in show business, the political establishment, the media and our modern culture waver as the “Weinstein Effect” winds its way through society like dysentery in a third world country. Abused victims are parading out of the historical woodwork like locusts marching through a field of wheat and not even a seed is spared. Beginning in October a new paradigm of “national reckoning” regarding sexual abuse has become all the rage since Harvey Weinstein, a film producer, has been accused of abusing just about every female in Hollywood.

National reckoning seems like a serious issue and some wonder where it was when Juanita Broaddrick accused former President Bill Clinton of raping her in 1978 when he was Arkansas Attorney General. You see national reckoning today is recognition that some abused women are too afraid to confront their powerful abusers. Evidently the concept of a national reckoning of sexual abuse in 1978 would have been ahead of its time so any females suffering abuse were expected to just shut up and many did. If they didn’t they were essentially ignored.

No one argues that there was and is a problem but today’s complex world presents a picture that’s clouded with the fog of all kinds of special interests so no one is getting a clear view of anything. Roy Moore, a former Alabama state judge and a contestant for the vacated senate seat of Jeff Sessions is a case in point. Moore is accused of inappropriate sexual contact with several underage girls when he was in his 30’s. One of his accusers, Beverly Nelson, has a high school yearbook signed by Moore naming the restaurant where he allegedly tried to rape her. Moore has repeatedly stated that he has never been to that restaurant.

A question not asked is why would a woman so traumatized by an abusive event keep Moore’s signature for forty years in a cherished possession like a high school yearbook? Seems like an awfully convenient piece of damning evidence for some reporter to find after all these years. But Moore could be guilty as hell. Who knows?

This is all like a weird Shakespearean play where none of the actors are believable or sympathetic. Everyone has an axe to grind and the play is not to entertain or enlighten us but to make fools of us-especially the women.
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And that same woman was a Clinton campaign worker! Oh what are the odds?

This doesn't exonerate Moore. He's likely as sleazy as the women claim. But where were they over the last four decades?
Shades of Anita Hill, with out uncontested proof a mans word will usually be taken over a woman. and more women will stay quiet than speak out, rather than be dragged through the mud. even if the man is not fit for the job.
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Shades of Anita Hill, with out uncontested proof a mans word will usually be taken over a woman. and more women will stay quiet than speak out, rather than be dragged through the mud. even if the man is not fit for the job.

Hill followed Thomas to her next job. If she was so offended she could have parted company with him long before confirmation hearings came up.-Politics
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We must be careful not to ignore the fact that female abuse is being used as a convenient vehicle to achieve a means to an end. Actual concern for the welfare of alleged victims is eclipsed by political motivation. The women are being abused again only this time as time as partisan prostitutes for an ideology that pimps them out to score political points. So the abuse continues as they have been traded to new abusers. All of this has a dark side for our civilization. Any suicides resulting from this debacle can be attributed to the new users (politicians and media) as it is they who parade the victims before the public for their own selfish purposes at the expense of the victims.

This is likely to spur a backlash against Moore's opposition and he will probably win the seat comfortably. If he does then the victims will be trotted out again in future elections as fodder for Moore's opponents. No one cares a lick for the victims of abuse. It's all just politics.
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Women in our society have made significant progress over the decades and those of us who have wives, daughters and sisters are thankful for that progress. But years of abuse of women by Bill and Hillary Clinton cannot be easily washed away. Women dodged a bullet When Clinton lost but the hypocrisy continues as the “Weinstein Effect” has delivered a new “national reckoning” of abused women. People fed up with hypocrisy saw no option but to elect a leader from outside the political establishment to deal with this issue among others.

National reckoning seems like a serious issue and some wonder where it was when Juanita Broaddrick accused former President Bill Clinton of raping her in 1978 when he was Arkansas Attorney General. You see national reckoning today is recognition that some abused women are too afraid to confront their powerful abusers. National reckoning in 1978 did not fit the narrative of the Democratic Party so any females suffering abuse were expected to just shut up and many did. If they didn’t they were essentially ignored.

Now that the white House is occupied by unfriendly forces the Washington Post has suddenly got religion about the abused women it was silent about while a sexual predator with an enabling wife lived at Pennsylvania Avenue. Roy Moore, a state judge from Alabama running for the vacated seat of Jeff Sessions, is the subject of a concocted political hit piece disguised as a legitimate investigation into Moore’s past as a possible pedophile and an abuser of women.

Mounting evidence suggests that Moore is guilty as hell but the larger point is that abused women are being used as tools by the Post to achieve a political outcome. So the women are still being used and abused, the only thing that has changed is the ownership that abuses them.

There’s little doubt that Moore is finished and even if he wins the election he will removed by the Senate and replaced with an appointed republican. The sanctimonious fraud that the Post and the democrats care even a lick about abused women fools no one. The defeated Democrat in the presidential election is living proof that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely with powerless women mercilessly sacrificed at the altar of political ambition.

Any woman who has ever been abused likely finds little solace in the sad fact the Democratic Party now finds them useful.
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Hillary Clinton ran on empowerment of women yet she enabled her husband to abuse and even rape women. She then intimidated and defamed those women to scare them into silence. She is no better than a wife with a drunk driving husband while she looks the other way and hands him the keys and then preaches about safe driving. She nearly became president. Think about it. What the hell were people thinking when they voted for her?

This is how Democrats treat women. No wonder she lost
You almost have to gasp in disbelief that the left would be concerned about "abused women" after they threatened the state of North Carolina with financial ruin unless they turned over the "ladies room" to hairy confused men and forced public school girls to share locker rooms and showers with confused boys.

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