A Most Disturbing Phenomenon

Leftists are in serious cognitive decline. Sure someone can argue they offered some strong traits past, look at the music and such things as old Hollywood. That's talented stuff, but then came MTV, high tech, snowflakes, Chinese influences & 24-7 propaganda...All went out the window around the 90s.

These leftists destroyed all of it, and in fact, leftism has become an institution where everything they say & do is decay & opposite day.
Leftists are in serious cognitive decline. Sure someone can argue they offered some strong traits past, look at the music and such things as old Hollywood. That's talented stuff, but then came MTV, high tech, snowflakes, Chinese influences & 24-7 propaganda...All went out the window around the 90s.

These leftists destroyed all of it, and in fact, leftism has become an institution where everything they say & do is decay & opposite day.

Their motivation in all venues, all institutions, all values and traditions is simply this: destroy.

Destroy all that is, to create their imaginary Utopia.
They desire to destroy all tradition, values, and attitudes, beginning with morality, and the family, and build their imagined Utopia here on earth.

"In this particular idea of the Enlightenment, the need to change human nature, and to eliminate customs and traditions, to remake established institutions, to do away with all inequalities in order to bring man closer to the state, which was the expression of the general will."
Talmon, “Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” p. 3-7
Live interactive chart of West Texas Intermediate (WTI or NYMEX) crude oil prices per barrel. The current price of WTI crude oil as of October 18, 2021 is 82.14 per barrel.
Crude Oil Prices Today - Live Chart | MacroTrends

Biden oil.....$82 bucks.

Remember this?

It seems to me that this could be achieved by the US govt setting a price floor for crude oil sold in the US, at a level that is at least sustainable for most of the shale oil industry. A price floor of say $45 - $50 per barrel might do the job at the moment, and because that is about the current oil price....[2017]

Remember this moron who voted for Biden....

While this is one glaring example of the above, sadly, we have all seen numerous posts on the board with other such Democrat automatons.

One such voter wrote:
“I am often wrong and am more than willing to admit my mistakes.”

I wrote:
“Let's check: did you make a mistake voting for Biden?”

The response:

No Price Too High

Awe poor thing. Queef out some more boot licking insults to prologue your lies with and you'll get more of the same. Central to that idea is how much government aims to steal from those who earn it: What if you find that based on Federal taxes, state taxes, local taxes, sales tax...
post 58
Biden is making his last big pitch today and he's stating some very powerful facts.

It doesn't look like enough Americans will pay any heed and that will be the biggest factor on why China is set to surge ahead.

The American people know very well that some big money must be spent, but the Trump syndrome makes rational thought impossible.
Biden is making his last big pitch today and he's stating some very powerful facts.

It doesn't look like enough Americans will pay any heed and that will be the biggest factor on why China is set to surge ahead.

The American people know very well that some big money must be spent, but the Trump syndrome makes rational thought impossible.
"Biden is making his last big pitch today and he's stating some very powerful facts."

That's a fairly risible statement.....as are most of your posts, you dunce.

Let's review some of Biden's "powerful facts"....

“I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do, I suspect,” responded to question about his academic credentials during his first White House bid in 1987. “I went to law school on a full academic scholarship, the only one in my class to have a full academic scholarship. In the first year in law school I decided I didn’t want to be in law school and ended up in the bottom two-thirds in my class, then I decided I wanted to stay, went back to law school and, in fact, ended up in the top half of my class. I won the International Moot Court Competition, I was the ‘Outstanding Student’ in the Political Science department at the end of my year. I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school and 165 credits, only needed 123 credits, and I’d be delighted to sit down and compare my IQ to yours, if you’d like, frankly.”

As you can see, Joe Biden has always had the fire in his belly for politics. The only problem with the above response is none of it was true.

Aside from the face that there’s fuzzy math involved in saying you moved from the bottom two-thirds of you class to the top half (there’s a lot of overlap there for both to be true simultaneously), Joe Biden graduated 76th out of 85 people in his law school class. Unless he didn’t attend his last year, the only time he was likely near the top half of his class was the first day of his first year.

Moreover, he didn’t get an academic scholarship, he received a needs-based scholarship and grants. He only has two undergraduate degrees, not three. And he was only nominated for the “Outstanding Student” award. He didn’t win it, and that’s only allegedly because the “correction” he issued later was based on his obviously faulty memory of his own life.

How did he explain these lies back then? His excuse is one for the books. “I exaggerate when I'm angry,” Biden told the Times. Hilariously, he concluded that statement with, ''but I've never gone around telling people things that aren't true about me.”

Joe Biden has always had a strange, tenuous grasp on reality. He’s known for gaffes and goofs. It’s part of his “charm,” actually. When he was just the Senator from Delaware or a powerless second-fiddle and couldn’t do much harm, who cared? Now that there is even the remote possibility he could be the Democratic Party’s nominee for president it is downright terrifying.

His legislative record is from a time when Democrats supported bills that were tough on crime, opposed the legalization of drugs, opposed illegal immigration, were against reparations for slavery, and seemed to not hold the country in so much contempt. He’s going to have to run by denouncing and denying everything he’s ever been.

Joe Biden has demonstrated clearly that he has no problem doing that, it’s just a question of whether or not the “woke” crowd that demands “purity of past” is willing to accept it. Joe Biden Is In For A Rude A-WOKEning

He's a Democrat....and Democrats .......and their mindless drones, you......do so as well.
Queef out some more boot licking insults to prologue your lies with and you'll get more of the same.
That's all anybody gets from you, regardless of whether or not we make an effort to keep you straight. Most of what you have to say is toxic childish insults and hating.
Now.....if you've got the time.....Joe's got the lies:

Biden said in the September 12, 2019 debate: "We didn't lock people up in cages. We didn't separate families. We didn't do all of those things, number one. They did"
  • Not true, all those pictures you saw of the cages were taken in 2014 during his time in office.
Joe Biden has repeatedly said he was arrested with Nelson Mandela on the streets of Soweto during a trip to South Africa in the 1970s, when South Africa was under apartheid.
  • There is absolutely no truth to this, as Biden was later forced to confess
Biden said on May 22, 2020 in an interview on The Breakfast Club radio show: “The NAACP has endorsed me every time I've run.”
  • Not true. The NAACP has never endorsed any candidate
On September 3, 2019 in an NPR interview, referring to the Iraq War, "immediately, the moment it started, I came out against the war at that moment."
  • Not true. Biden fully supported the Iraq war and voted for the resolution to go to war
On August 7, 2019 – Joe Biden claimed that Donald Trump "asserted that immigrants would quote, ‘carve you up with a knife’."
  • He never said that about immigrants. He said that MS-13 Gang members were doing that
In a famous video confrontation with a critic, Joe Biden shouted: "I went to law school on a full academic scholarship, the only one in my class who had a full academic scholarship. The first year in law school, I decided I didn’t want to be in law school and ended up in the bottom two-thirds of my class. And then decided I wanted to stay, went back to law school and, in fact, ended up in the top half of my class. I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school."
  • Every single word, every one of those claims is false.
He was caught cheating in school exams, got caught cheating and plagiarizing in Law School and in his political career their was this huge plagiarism scandal:

One of his greatest lies is that on Charlottesville, President Trump said there were good people on the Nazis/White Nationalists side. He said just the opposite. Here are the actual quotes:
"you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.....I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.
Another quote from PresidentTrump's Charlottesville press conference:
“Racism is evil, and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.”
Biden continues to repeat this lie. Here is video of a reporter confronting him about it:

Biden has a long history of lying. Here are reports from the 90's by ABC News and CBS News on Biden getting caught lying over and over
That's all anybody gets from you, regardless of whether or not we make an effort to keep you straight. Most of what you have to say is toxic childish insults and hating.

Wait.....your hero has more "powerful facts"....just like you, dope.

Biden: I never said I oppose fracking…..show the tape!!!!

At 7:20 of the vid:

Bernie: I’m talking about stopping fracking…

Biden: So am I!

I guarantee we’re gonna end fossil fuel

That's all anybody gets from you, regardless of whether or not we make an effort to keep you straight. Most of what you have to say is toxic childish insults and hating.

Had enough Biden 'powerful facts' yet?

White House Suggests Republicans, Not Democrats, Tried To Defund The Police​

After last year’s summer of rage, Jen Psaki suggested that Republicans, not Democrats, were trying to defund the police.

“Part of his announcement is also ensuring their specific guidance to communities across the country to ensure that they have funding to get more community police around the country, something that was supported by the American jobs plan that was supported, that was voted into law by Democrats, just a couple of months ago. Some might say that the other party was for defunding the police,” Psaki concluded during a White House press briefing.

Psaki’s comments come after a year of leftist-led crusades to “defund the police” after the death of George Floyd.

Biden acknowledged the left’s quest to remove power from policing but warned civil rights leaders in December that it was the ‘defund the police’ push that granted Republicans victories in many down-ballot races on Nov. 3.

“That’s how they beat the living hell out of us across the country, saying that we’re talking about defunding the police,” Biden said in a leaked call.

Biden Says Corporate Media Reporters Are The Smartest People In The Entire Country​

President Joe Biden told reporters on Wednesday following his summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin that he thinks they’re the smartest people in the entire country.

“You all are some of the brightest people in the country,” Biden said. “I mean it, I’m not being solicitous. But it makes no sense for me to negotiate with you!”

Biden’s affirmations for his Democrat cronies in the corporate media came minutes after he told the CNN White House Correspondent she was in the wrong business, and lobbed insults at the press pool for “never” asking a positive question.

Just a few weeks ago, reporters fawned over Biden as he munched on a chocolate chocolate chip ice cream cone.

Biden Repeats Lie That Rioters Killed Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick​

During a press conference following his summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Biden once again repeated the lie that the Jan. 6 rioters killed a Capitol police officer.

“It’s one thing for literally criminals to break through [sic], go into the Capitol, kill a police officer, and be held unaccountable and than it is for people objecting, marching on the Capitol and saying ‘you are not allowing me to speak freely. You’re not allowing me to do A, B, C, or D.’ And so they’re very different criteria.”

While the White House continues to tout Officer Brian Sicknick’s death as a reason to condemn Capitol rioters, the Washington D.C. chief medical examiner revealed in April that Sicknick, who died on Jan. 7, suffered two strokes and died of natural causes later at the hospital. The report followed months of erroneous coverage promoted and propelled by corrupt corporate media institutions and Democrats.

Biden’s false claim follows a deflection from Putin who mentioned the Jan. 6 riot and Ashli Babbitt’s death in response to a reporter who asked why many of his own political opponents are are “dead, imprisoned, or jailed.” Biden called Putin’s comparison “ridiculous.”

Biden Keeps Saying That The Economy Was Tanking Before He Arrived At The White House​

Throughout his campaign for congressional Democrats to jam his expensive infrastructure proposal through both chambers, Biden has repeatedly claimed that the economy was tanking before he arrived in the White House.

“Remember, when I took office in January, our economy was in a tailspin,” Biden said last week.

As the Wall Street Journal reported, “Biden uttered these words eight days after his own Commerce Department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis reported that U.S. real gross domestic product ‘increased at an annual rate of 6.4 percent in the first quarter of 2021.'”

Biden claims his infrastructure plan will be good for the U.S. and even potentially stimulate the economy but as noted by The Tax Foundation, federal spending costs will eventually outweigh the benefits for Americans.

“We estimate the infrastructure spending would increase long-run GDP by 0.3 percent, but this positive economic effect is entirely offset by the increase in corporate taxation, resulting in less corporate investment which reduces GDP by 0.5 percent in the long run, reduces wages by 0.5 percent, and eliminates 101,000 full-time equivalent jobs,” the Tax Foundation’s analysis of The American Jobs Plan suggests.

Biden Repeats Claim Capitol Riot Days Before Inauguration Was Worst Assault On Capital Since Civil War​

While demanding a 9/11-style commission to study the Jan. 6, 2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol, President Joe Biden appeared to forget about 9/11 altogether.

Speaking to reporters outside a Cleveland-area ice cream parlor, Biden repeated his claim the riot was “the greatest assault since the Civil War on the capital.”

On Sept. 11, 2001 however, 125 people died instantly with 64 passengers on a plane flown into the Pentagon by Al-Qaeda terrorists. Only one person died at the 2021 riot at the Capitol when they were shot by security.

Psaki Claims ‘Number Of Officers’ Died On Day Of Capitol Riot. Zero Did.​

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said in a May 21 briefing that a “number of officers lost their lives” on the day of the January Capitol riot.

“Obviously, the president’s view is that a number of officers who lost their lives paid a tremendous sacrifice on a day that will be a stain on our democracy for many years to come,” Psaki said.

That number of officers, however, is zero.

While Democrats, in their second Trump impeachment, pointed to Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick’s death the day after the riot based on a debunked report in the New York Times, the D.C. medical examiner concluded in April that the officer died of natural causes.

Biden Appears to Make up Amtrak Story​

At a 50th-anniversary event for Amtrak in Philadelphia, President Joe Biden said that when he was vice president, a train conductor congratulated him for traveling 1.5 million miles on Amtrak. A Fox News report out on May 5, however, pokes holes in the president’s account.

“When I became vice president, one of the Capitol Hill newspapers estimated that I had taken more than 7,000 round trips on Amtrak over my career,” Biden said. “I think that’s an exaggeration. I’m going to rely on those two conductors. … One of them was a guy named Angelo Negri.”

Biden continued, telling the audience Negri estimated Biden had traveled 1.5 million miles on Amtrak trains around his fourth or fifth year as vice president, which would have been in 2013 or 2014.

“My mom was sick, and I used to try to come home almost every weekend as vice president to see her,” Biden said. “I got on the train and Angelo Negri came up and he goes, ‘Joey, baby,’ and he grabbed my cheek like he always did. … He said, ‘Joey, what’s the big deal? One-point-three million miles on Air Force Two? Do you know how many miles you traveled on Amtrak?’ I said, ‘No, Angie, I don’t know.’ He gave me the calculation and he said you traveled 1.5 million miles on Amtrak.”

As Fox News pointed out, however, an obituary for Negri says the conductor retired in 1993, decades before Biden’s supposed story took place, while he was still a senator from Delaware. Biden’s mother died in 2010.

White House Says Trump Admin Spurred Border Crisis​

Psaki said Trump created “an immigration system rooted in destructive and chaotic policies” that spurred the border crisis.

“Our administration immediately jumped into action to address the influx of migrants at the border, something that began during and was exacerbated by the Trump administration,” Psaki said.

While apprehensions under Trump’s leadership did begin increasing in fall 2020, border crossings surged during the first few months of Biden’s presidency. Not only did U.S. Customs and Border Protection take more than 172,000 illegal aliens into custody in March, but data also shows increases between February and March forced the CBP to stretch its chart to accommodate the largest numbers it has seen in at least two decades.

Biden Claims $1.8 Trillion American Families Plan Won’t Add to Deficit​

Biden claimed in Virginia on May 3 while promoting the $1.8 trillion American Families Plan that the Democrats’ latest behemoth wish-list bill “doesn’t add a single penny to our deficit.”

“It’s paid for by making sure corporate America and the wealthiest 1 percent just pay their fair share,” Biden said.

According to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, however, the plan “includes $1.5 trillion of offsets, resulting in a $300 billion net deficit impact over a decade.”

Biden Says Anyone Making Less Than $400k Doesn’t Have to Pay Taxes​

Biden said that anyone making less than $400,000 a year doesn’t have to pay taxes.

“Anybody making less than $400,000 a year will not pay a single penny in taxes,” the Democrat said. “And we will not increase the deficit either, unlike the last gigantic tax cut which increased the deficit by $2 trillion.”

PRES. BIDEN: "Anybody making less than $400,000 a year will not pay a single penny in taxes." pic.twitter.com/37GkyPeY1K

And 'that's' an example of why your childish insults make your claims of education and IQ less than believable.

In those awesomely huge posts I just provided.....you couldn't find a single error.

Now about "Biden and powerful facts".....
I hate to be the one to tell you, but it's not the weather being discussed when you hear folks refer to 'twenty below...' It's your IQ.
Gee......the dunce from post #58 seems to have learned his lesson.......

While this is one glaring example of the above, sadly, we have all seen numerous posts on the board with other such Democrat automatons.

One such voter wrote:
“I am often wrong and am more than willing to admit my mistakes.”

I wrote:
“Let's check: did you make a mistake voting for Biden?”

The response:

No Price Too High

Awe poor thing. Queef out some more boot licking insults to prologue your lies with and you'll get more of the same. Central to that idea is how much government aims to steal from those who earn it: What if you find that based on Federal taxes, state taxes, local taxes, sales tax...
post 58


He's no longer posting that he's "pleased as punch" about his Biden vote.
I hate to be the one to tell you, but it's not the weather being discussed when you hear folks refer to 'twenty below...' It's your IQ.

Actually that term refers to putting a group of twenty democrats, and twenty republicans in a room, and ranking their IQ. Take the average, and then ask where the republicans rank vs the average.
Sure. what did you get on your SAT's?

My alma mater's fight song: I love posting it.....you can sing along.

I just wanted to share this with you, because I know how excited you'd be.....

I just received a certificate from Yale for having completed the program....

It's certainly beautiful, but it's about 2 foot by 3....and I don't know if I have the wall space for any more diplomas.....

You'll never have that problem, huh?

Now....when you left Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College, did they give you a degree or just that big red nose?
I bet I scored a lot higher on my English SAT.

After all, I understood what Obama told the illegal aliens in 2016.

Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote..."When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

His exact words.

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