A message from Canada to the Palestinians

Why shouldn't the build ont he West Bank, during he Oslo accords the Palestinians were offered first 95% of wha they wanted and it was upped to 98% of wha they wanted and Arafat rejected it.

Israel should continue to build on the Judea and Samaria and Eastern Jerusalem. They should move in more and more Jewish families and move out more and more Arab families. Then when the make offers to the Palestinians, the offer should be less and less. If the Palestinians didn't liek the offer in the high 90s, then they will have to accept offers in the low 90s high 80s. Israel should not let the land remain idle! While under their control they should build it up and make use of it.
I've stated often that Netanyahu should declare WB open for unlimited settlement building. Gaza is plenty big enough fo the Pals.

I honestly am not being cynical----the "palestinians" deserve an actual country
somewhere-----why can their country not be carved out of --SINAI-----gaza plus a
chunk of sinai----it is a very very DEVELOPABLE land -----just some de-
salination plants-----and----its got OIL Lets face it----one of the big
obstacles is the fact that the proposed "palestine" comes in two
separate chunks-----with Israel between. It certainly did not work
for PAKISTAN (east and west---india between) I want the palestinians
to keep Gaza and get a nice chunk of Sinai----which nobody is using anyway
now that Israel evacuated------Israel was doing VERY WELL there with
agriculture . A good source of energy could be the SOLAR thing---besides
the oil PALESTINE WOULD BE A BIG SUCCESS Asking Israel to give
up jerusalem and hebron ----will always create intense animosity----and is
a bad precedent-----one might as well ask saudi arabia to give up medina
Sounds like a capital idea, but with all that oil and agricultural possibility, wouldn't that mean the Palis have would to invest in labor? Just yesterday a guy told me he was making more off unemployment and welfare than he did when he was employed and it would be stupid of him to look for a job. I think the Palis view it the same way.
I've stated often that Netanyahu should declare WB open for unlimited settlement building. Gaza is plenty big enough fo the Pals.

I honestly am not being cynical----the "palestinians" deserve an actual country
somewhere-----why can their country not be carved out of --SINAI-----gaza plus a
chunk of sinai----it is a very very DEVELOPABLE land -----just some de-
salination plants-----and----its got OIL Lets face it----one of the big
obstacles is the fact that the proposed "palestine" comes in two
separate chunks-----with Israel between. It certainly did not work
for PAKISTAN (east and west---india between) I want the palestinians
to keep Gaza and get a nice chunk of Sinai----which nobody is using anyway
now that Israel evacuated------Israel was doing VERY WELL there with
agriculture . A good source of energy could be the SOLAR thing---besides
the oil PALESTINE WOULD BE A BIG SUCCESS Asking Israel to give
up jerusalem and hebron ----will always create intense animosity----and is
a bad precedent-----one might as well ask saudi arabia to give up medina
Sounds like a capital idea, but with all that oil and agricultural possibility, wouldn't that mean the Palis have would to invest in labor? Just yesterday a guy told me he was making more off unemployment and welfare than he did when he was employed and it would be stupid of
him to look for a job. I think the Palis view it the same way.

getting back to serious (really----HONEST!!!!!!!) it would mean giving
up "REFUGEE" status------so its not going to happen----being a
PALI-REFUGEE is THE THING ---but even more problematic---
what would sherri do with her life?
Anyone feel like believing President Clinton? He was there.

In his own words. In the very liberal New York Times blaming Arafat for the failure.

Published: July 26, 2000


At the end of two weeks of marathon negotiations with the leaders of Israel and the Palestinians, a visibly fatigued President Clinton announced today that they were unable to reach an agreement ''at this time.''

The president and other American mediators made clear that it was Yasir Arafat, the Palestinian leader, who balked in the end, and by all accounts the issue was Jerusalem, the Holy City both Israelis and Palestinians claim as their sacred capital.

Speaking at the White House, Mr. Clinton singled out the Israeli prime minister, Ehud Barak, for his readiness to make hard compromises.

''I would be making a mistake not to praise Barak, because I think he took a big risk,'' the president said. ''The prime minister moved forward more from his initial position than Chairman Arafat, particularly surrounding the question of Jerusalem.''


Clinton is a politician, of a country that is heavily pro-Israel in it's policies. That might have a some influence on his viewpoint.

I still go back to the original article I posted - why does that seem like such a great deal for the Palestinians? No one has refuted any of the specific points as wrong. It makes it impossible to create a sovereign nation with any security or real independence.
Why shouldn't the build ont he West Bank, during he Oslo accords the Palestinians were offered first 95% of wha they wanted and it was upped to 98% of wha they wanted and Arafat rejected it.

Israel should continue to build on the Judea and Samaria and Eastern Jerusalem. They should move in more and more Jewish families and move out more and more Arab families. Then when the make offers to the Palestinians, the offer should be less and less. If the Palestinians didn't liek the offer in the high 90s, then they will have to accept offers in the low 90s high 80s. Israel should not let the land remain idle! While under their control they should build it up and make use of it.
I've stated often that Netanyahu should declare WB open for unlimited settlement building. Gaza is plenty big enough fo the Pals.

I honestly am not being cynical----the "palestinians" deserve an actual country
somewhere-----why can their country not be carved out of --SINAI-----gaza plus a
chunk of sinai----it is a very very DEVELOPABLE land -----just some de-
salination plants-----and----its got OIL Lets face it----one of the big
obstacles is the fact that the proposed "palestine" comes in two
separate chunks-----with Israel between. It certainly did not work
for PAKISTAN (east and west---india between) I want the palestinians
to keep Gaza and get a nice chunk of Sinai----which nobody is using anyway
now that Israel evacuated------Israel was doing VERY WELL there with
agriculture . A good source of energy could be the SOLAR thing---besides
the oil PALESTINE WOULD BE A BIG SUCCESS Asking Israel to give
up jerusalem and hebron ----will always create intense animosity----and is
a bad precedent-----one might as well ask saudi arabia to give up medina

Interesting idea....what would be the pros and cons there?
I've stated often that Netanyahu should declare WB open for unlimited settlement building. Gaza is plenty big enough fo the Pals.

I honestly am not being cynical----the "palestinians" deserve an actual country
somewhere-----why can their country not be carved out of --SINAI-----gaza plus a
chunk of sinai----it is a very very DEVELOPABLE land -----just some de-
salination plants-----and----its got OIL Lets face it----one of the big
obstacles is the fact that the proposed "palestine" comes in two
separate chunks-----with Israel between. It certainly did not work
for PAKISTAN (east and west---india between) I want the palestinians
to keep Gaza and get a nice chunk of Sinai----which nobody is using anyway
now that Israel evacuated------Israel was doing VERY WELL there with
agriculture . A good source of energy could be the SOLAR thing---besides
the oil PALESTINE WOULD BE A BIG SUCCESS Asking Israel to give
up jerusalem and hebron ----will always create intense animosity----and is
a bad precedent-----one might as well ask saudi arabia to give up medina
Sounds like a capital idea, but with all that oil and agricultural possibility, wouldn't that mean the Palis have would to invest in labor? Just yesterday a guy told me he was making more off unemployment and welfare than he did when he was employed and it would be stupid of him to look for a job. I think the Palis view it the same way.

I don't think they do. They do not enjoy the cushie unemployment of western countries and they desperately need jobs. When land is confiscated for Israeli projects, when Israeli roads are built, or security easements created to divide lands - it's Palestinian farmland, not Jewish farmland that is affected that they have farmed for generations. They have over and over showed a entrepenueral willingness to start business', to farm, and to attempt to make a living despite high high unemployment and economic instability. I think your statement smacks more of anti-semitism type of feelings than reality.
....was it so generous?

The Myth of the Generous Offer

If the positions were reversed - would you have expected Israel to agree to such terms?

No sane person would.
That website is not as "fair" you one would think, here's another article on it's homepage. I wouldn't trust it at all. Especially over individuals in the US State Dept. who were sitting in at the negotiations:

In Death as in Life, Chávez Target of Media Scorn

Venezuela's left-wing populist president Hugo Chávez died on Tuesday, March 5, after a two-year battle with cancer. If world leaders were judged by the sheer volume of corporate media vitriol and misinformation about their policies, Chávez would be in a class of his own.
Shortly after Chávez won his first election in 1998, the U.S. government deemed him a threat to U.S. interests--an image U.S. media eagerly played up. When a coup engineered by Venezuelan business and media elites removed Chávez from power, many leading U.S outlets praised the move (Extra!, 6/02). The New York Times (4/13/02), calling it a "resignation," declared that "Venezuelan democracy is no longer threatened by a would-be dictator." The Chicago Tribune (4/14/02) cheered the removal of a leader who had been "praising Osama bin Laden"--an absurdly false charge.

In reporting Chávez's death, little had changed. "Venezuela Bully Chávez Is Dead," read the New York Post's front page (3/6/13); "Death of a Demogogue" was on Time's home page (3/6/13). CNN host Anderson Cooper (3/5/13) declared it was "the death of a world leader who made America see red, as in Fidel Castro red, Venezuela's socialist president, Hugo Chávez."
"The words 'Venezuelan strongman' so often preceded his name, and for good reason," declared NBC Nightly News host Brian Williams (3/5/13); on ABC World News (3/5/13), viewers were told that "many Americans viewed him as a dictator." That would be especially true if those Americans consumed corporate media.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Id--ZFtjR5c]The Revolution Will Not Be Televised - Chavez: Inside the Coup - YouTube[/ame]
But wait there's more. Chavez was a huge supporter of genocidal mass murder Hafez Assad, Ahmadinejad, North Korea, Hamas, and Hezbollah!

Notice how all the SCUM OF THE EARTH navigates to the "Pro Palestinian" side?
I've stated often that Netanyahu should declare WB open for unlimited settlement building. Gaza is plenty big enough fo the Pals.

I honestly am not being cynical----the "palestinians" deserve an actual country
somewhere-----why can their country not be carved out of --SINAI-----gaza plus a
chunk of sinai----it is a very very DEVELOPABLE land -----just some de-
salination plants-----and----its got OIL Lets face it----one of the big
obstacles is the fact that the proposed "palestine" comes in two
separate chunks-----with Israel between. It certainly did not work
for PAKISTAN (east and west---india between) I want the palestinians
to keep Gaza and get a nice chunk of Sinai----which nobody is using anyway
now that Israel evacuated------Israel was doing VERY WELL there with
agriculture . A good source of energy could be the SOLAR thing---besides
the oil PALESTINE WOULD BE A BIG SUCCESS Asking Israel to give
up jerusalem and hebron ----will always create intense animosity----and is
a bad precedent-----one might as well ask saudi arabia to give up medina
Sounds like a capital idea, but with all that oil and agricultural possibility, wouldn't that mean the Palis have would to invest in labor? Just yesterday a guy told me he was making more off unemployment and welfare than he did when he was employed and it would be stupid of him to look for a job. I think the Palis view it the same way.

Thats always been a question I had, what would happen to the Pals if all the aid and charity stopped?
I honestly am not being cynical----the "palestinians" deserve an actual country
somewhere-----why can their country not be carved out of --SINAI-----gaza plus a
chunk of sinai----it is a very very DEVELOPABLE land -----just some de-
salination plants-----and----its got OIL Lets face it----one of the big
obstacles is the fact that the proposed "palestine" comes in two
separate chunks-----with Israel between. It certainly did not work
for PAKISTAN (east and west---india between) I want the palestinians
to keep Gaza and get a nice chunk of Sinai----which nobody is using anyway
now that Israel evacuated------Israel was doing VERY WELL there with
agriculture . A good source of energy could be the SOLAR thing---besides
the oil PALESTINE WOULD BE A BIG SUCCESS Asking Israel to give
up jerusalem and hebron ----will always create intense animosity----and is
a bad precedent-----one might as well ask saudi arabia to give up medina
Sounds like a capital idea, but with all that oil and agricultural possibility, wouldn't that mean the Palis have would to invest in labor? Just yesterday a guy told me he was making more off unemployment and welfare than he did when he was employed and it would be stupid of
him to look for a job. I think the Palis view it the same way.

getting back to serious (really----HONEST!!!!!!!) it would mean giving
up "REFUGEE" status------so its not going to happen----being a
PALI-REFUGEE is THE THING ---but even more problematic---
what would sherri do with her life?

There are alot of people who get off on the suffering of the Pals and don't want it to end like Sherri and that dumb $unt mememe.
That website is not as "fair" you one would think, here's another article on it's homepage. I wouldn't trust it at all. Especially over individuals in the US State Dept. who were sitting in at the negotiations:

In Death as in Life, Chávez Target of Media Scorn

Venezuela's left-wing populist president Hugo Chávez died on Tuesday, March 5, after a two-year battle with cancer. If world leaders were judged by the sheer volume of corporate media vitriol and misinformation about their policies, Chávez would be in a class of his own.
Shortly after Chávez won his first election in 1998, the U.S. government deemed him a threat to U.S. interests--an image U.S. media eagerly played up. When a coup engineered by Venezuelan business and media elites removed Chávez from power, many leading U.S outlets praised the move (Extra!, 6/02). The New York Times (4/13/02), calling it a "resignation," declared that "Venezuelan democracy is no longer threatened by a would-be dictator." The Chicago Tribune (4/14/02) cheered the removal of a leader who had been "praising Osama bin Laden"--an absurdly false charge.

In reporting Chávez's death, little had changed. "Venezuela Bully Chávez Is Dead," read the New York Post's front page (3/6/13); "Death of a Demogogue" was on Time's home page (3/6/13). CNN host Anderson Cooper (3/5/13) declared it was "the death of a world leader who made America see red, as in Fidel Castro red, Venezuela's socialist president, Hugo Chávez."
"The words 'Venezuelan strongman' so often preceded his name, and for good reason," declared NBC Nightly News host Brian Williams (3/5/13); on ABC World News (3/5/13), viewers were told that "many Americans viewed him as a dictator." That would be especially true if those Americans consumed corporate media.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Id--ZFtjR5c]The Revolution Will Not Be Televised - Chavez: Inside the Coup - YouTube[/ame]
But wait there's more. Chavez was a huge supporter of genocidal mass murder Hafez Assad, Ahmadinejad, North Korea, Hamas, and Hezbollah!

Notice how all the SCUM OF THE EARTH navigates to the "Pro Palestinian" side?

Ya...look at all the "scum"....

International recognition of the State of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
But wait there's more. Chavez was a huge supporter of genocidal mass murder Hafez Assad, Ahmadinejad, North Korea, Hamas, and Hezbollah!

Notice how all the SCUM OF THE EARTH navigates to the "Pro Palestinian" side?

Ya...look at all the "scum"....

International recognition of the State of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Look at some of the countries on that list though, North Korea? Iran? Sudan? Cuba? yikes.:eek:
But wait there's more. Chavez was a huge supporter of genocidal mass murder Hafez Assad, Ahmadinejad, North Korea, Hamas, and Hezbollah!

Notice how all the SCUM OF THE EARTH navigates to the "Pro Palestinian" side?

Ya...look at all the "scum"....

International recognition of the State of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Look at some of the countries on that list though, North Korea? Iran? Sudan? Cuba? yikes.:eek:

And Iceland, Brazil, India....
But wait there's more. Chavez was a huge supporter of genocidal mass murder Hafez Assad, Ahmadinejad, North Korea, Hamas, and Hezbollah!

Notice how all the SCUM OF THE EARTH navigates to the "Pro Palestinian" side?

Ya...look at all the "scum"....

International recognition of the State of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What percentage of those are Arab countries?
Abbas and Fayyad are anti Palestine. They were cited in the Goldstone report as violators of international law.

Time is running out for the creation of a Pal State larger than a postage stamp. Instead of exhorting your comrades to "just hang in there" perhaps you should be telling 'em to make a deal ... today. :D

Not really. When Israel and its US lackeys kill the two state solution, what is left?

You were so busy trashing Abbas and Fayyad you conveniently forgot to mention also in the Gallstone Report was the news that Hamas likely committed war crimes and possible crimes against humanity during the conflict. The lack of real Pal leadership has for decades been the insurmountable hurdle to a 2 state solution.
I have to say that I'm disappointed that the best response Canada can muster to the endless construction in the West Bank is to act as Israel's PR agency.
Why shouldn't the build ont he West Bank, during he Oslo accords the Palestinians were offered first 95% of wha they wanted and it was upped to 98% of wha they wanted and Arafat rejected it.

Israel should continue to build on the Judea and Samaria and Eastern Jerusalem. They should move in more and more Jewish families and move out more and more Arab families. Then when the make offers to the Palestinians, the offer should be less and less. If the Palestinians didn't liek the offer in the high 90s, then they will have to accept offers in the low 90s high 80s. Israel should not let the land remain idle! While under their control they should build it up and make use of it.
I've stated often that Netanyahu should declare WB open for unlimited settlement building. Gaza is plenty big enough fo the Pals.

I sure hope you are being facetious. Gaza is already overcrowded and unless we are prepared to have the WB Pals transferred to Gaza or elsewhere it would only be right to make them full citizens of Israel ... not a viable option.
I've stated often that Netanyahu should declare WB open for unlimited settlement building. Gaza is plenty big enough fo the Pals.

I honestly am not being cynical----the "palestinians" deserve an actual country
somewhere-----why can their country not be carved out of --SINAI-----gaza plus a
chunk of sinai----it is a very very DEVELOPABLE land -----just some de-
salination plants-----and----its got OIL Lets face it----one of the big
obstacles is the fact that the proposed "palestine" comes in two
separate chunks-----with Israel between. It certainly did not work
for PAKISTAN (east and west---india between) I want the palestinians
to keep Gaza and get a nice chunk of Sinai----which nobody is using anyway
now that Israel evacuated------Israel was doing VERY WELL there with
agriculture . A good source of energy could be the SOLAR thing---besides
the oil PALESTINE WOULD BE A BIG SUCCESS Asking Israel to give
up jerusalem and hebron ----will always create intense animosity----and is
a bad precedent-----one might as well ask saudi arabia to give up medina
Sounds like a capital idea, but with all that oil and agricultural possibility, wouldn't that mean the Palis have would to invest in labor? Just yesterday a guy told me he was making more off unemployment and welfare than he did when he was employed and it would be stupid of him to look for a job. I think the Palis view it the same way.

That would be the dynamic instituted by the international community through UNRWA in 1949 to "care" for the Arab "refugees." For most the standard of living was raised by the 3-hots-and-a-cot program which disincentivized Arab self-reliance.
Last edited:
I honestly am not being cynical----the "palestinians" deserve an actual country
somewhere-----why can their country not be carved out of --SINAI-----gaza plus a
chunk of sinai----it is a very very DEVELOPABLE land -----just some de-
salination plants-----and----its got OIL Lets face it----one of the big
obstacles is the fact that the proposed "palestine" comes in two
separate chunks-----with Israel between. It certainly did not work
for PAKISTAN (east and west---india between) I want the palestinians
to keep Gaza and get a nice chunk of Sinai----which nobody is using anyway
now that Israel evacuated------Israel was doing VERY WELL there with
agriculture . A good source of energy could be the SOLAR thing---besides
the oil PALESTINE WOULD BE A BIG SUCCESS Asking Israel to give
up jerusalem and hebron ----will always create intense animosity----and is
a bad precedent-----one might as well ask saudi arabia to give up medina
Sounds like a capital idea, but with all that oil and agricultural possibility, wouldn't that mean the Palis have would to invest in labor? Just yesterday a guy told me he was making more off unemployment and welfare than he did when he was employed and it would be stupid of him to look for a job. I think the Palis view it the same way.

Thats always been a question I had, what would happen to the Pals if all the aid and charity stopped?

Mass suffering and a breakdown of Pal society (such as it is). Instead I suggest weaning as their institutions and economy take root.
Time is running out for the creation of a Pal State larger than a postage stamp. Instead of exhorting your comrades to "just hang in there" perhaps you should be telling 'em to make a deal ... today. :D

Not really. When Israel and its US lackeys kill the two state solution, what is left?

Abbas is the one who is killing the two-state solution. What was his counter offer to Olmert's proposal ? In other words, what was his offer for peace ?

Toastman, I asked you what the remainder of the 7% not offered was? Guess you don't want to answer...just as I thought.
I honestly am not being cynical----the "palestinians" deserve an actual country
somewhere-----why can their country not be carved out of --SINAI-----gaza plus a
chunk of sinai----it is a very very DEVELOPABLE land -----just some de-
salination plants-----and----its got OIL Lets face it----one of the big
obstacles is the fact that the proposed "palestine" comes in two
separate chunks-----with Israel between. It certainly did not work
for PAKISTAN (east and west---india between) I want the palestinians
to keep Gaza and get a nice chunk of Sinai----which nobody is using anyway
now that Israel evacuated------Israel was doing VERY WELL there with
agriculture . A good source of energy could be the SOLAR thing---besides
the oil PALESTINE WOULD BE A BIG SUCCESS Asking Israel to give
up jerusalem and hebron ----will always create intense animosity----and is
a bad precedent-----one might as well ask saudi arabia to give up medina
Sounds like a capital idea, but with all that oil and agricultural possibility, wouldn't that mean the Palis have would to invest in labor? Just yesterday a guy told me he was making more off unemployment and welfare than he did when he was employed and it would be stupid of him to look for a job. I think the Palis view it the same way.

Thats always been a question I had, what would happen to the Pals if all the aid and charity stopped?

The Palestinians needed no aid before Israel stole their stuff.

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