A 'mass murder in the Mediterranean' leaves nearly 450 lost at sea


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Gold Supporting Member
Apr 17, 2009
Canis Latrans
I listened to this on the way to work yesterday - it's hard to believe someone could deliberately do this...:(

Out of 450 people, only 11 survivors. This man was adrift for 4 days before rescue. His wife and two little daughters drowned.

A mass murder in the Mediterranean leaves nearly 450 lost at sea including this man s family Public Radio International

They left on September 6, crowding into small motorboats. They were transferred onto different boats over the next few days, each one more crowded than the last. All the water and food that Shukri brought went missing; he thinks someone stole it.

“We were so tired. We were vomiting. We were dizzy,” Shukri said.

The passengers were then squeezed together onto another boat. The pump on that boat stopped working, according to some reports, but the passengers refused to move to yet another boat, this one even smaller. As arguments broke out, Shukri said, a ship with Egyptian men came out of nowhere and repeatedly rammed the boat. It began to sink.

Shukri fell into the ocean — he doesn’t know how to swim. His wife and his 4-year-old daughter, Ritaj, were near him, and his wife screamed out his nickname: "Shaker!"

He couldn’t do anything for them, he said, his voice overtaken by tears.


This article has more info on the overall problem of human smuggling in that area: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/21/w...eadly-journey-from-middle-east-to-europe.html
I listened to this on the way to work yesterday - it's hard to believe someone could deliberately do this...:(

Out of 450 people, only 11 survivors. This man was adrift for 4 days before rescue. His wife and two little daughters drowned.

A mass murder in the Mediterranean leaves nearly 450 lost at sea including this man s family Public Radio International

They left on September 6, crowding into small motorboats. They were transferred onto different boats over the next few days, each one more crowded than the last. All the water and food that Shukri brought went missing; he thinks someone stole it.

“We were so tired. We were vomiting. We were dizzy,” Shukri said.

The passengers were then squeezed together onto another boat. The pump on that boat stopped working, according to some reports, but the passengers refused to move to yet another boat, this one even smaller. As arguments broke out, Shukri said, a ship with Egyptian men came out of nowhere and repeatedly rammed the boat. It began to sink.

Shukri fell into the ocean — he doesn’t know how to swim. His wife and his 4-year-old daughter, Ritaj, were near him, and his wife screamed out his nickname: "Shaker!"

He couldn’t do anything for them, he said, his voice overtaken by tears.


It is unfortunate they have alienated even their closest friends and neighbors.
It is a tragic shame but the animosity against the palestinians goes deep and wide not just in the middle east but in many cases globally. As a group, many wish they would just be quiet and disappear. The trouble that goes with them is unwelcome especially in a country like egypt that is stress from the brotherhood connection with hamas.
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I don't think human traffickers care. I don't think they would treat other migrants they are scamming for money any different.

Anyone who could cold bloodedly murder innocent people doesn't deserve to be excused because folks "hate Palestinians". Blaming the Palestinians for this is really low.

That little girl certainly did not deserve to die like that.
That little girl certainly did not deserve to die like that.

Then her father shouldn't have involved her and the rest of his family in a criminal enterprise.

He was quite willing to IMPOSE his presence on the people of Italy and Sweden, an uninvited party crasher.

If he hadn't been a criminal, then his family would still be alive today.

Stay and fix your OWN society instead of RUINING the societies of others.
I don't think human traffickers care. I don't think they would treat other migrants they are scamming for money any different.

Anyone who could cold bloodedly murder innocent people doesn't deserve to be excused because folks "hate Palestinians". Blaming the Palestinians for this is really low.

That little girl certainly did not deserve to die like that.

Not an excuse just an explanation of what is.
The smugglers were likely well paid and the loss of the ship probably covered. Many egyptians would have no love of palestinians nor help them reach a new place with more resources and opportunity then they have.
Boat overloaded with refugees from war have all too often sunk and the passengers killed. This is all too common.
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I don't think human traffickers care. I don't think they would treat other migrants they are scamming for money any different.

Anyone who could cold bloodedly murder innocent people doesn't deserve to be excused because folks "hate Palestinians". Blaming the Palestinians for this is really low.

That little girl certainly did not deserve to die like that.

Not an excuse just an explanation of what is.
The smugglers were likely well paid and the loss of the ship probably covered. Many egyptians would have no love of palestinians nor help them reach a new place with more resources and opportunity then they have.
Boat overloaded with refugees from war have all too often sunk and the passengers killed. This is all too common.

Is it common to be deliberately rammed and then left to drown? There will be no justice? Probably not. But Egypt should be condemned for looking the other way.

That seems, to me to be lik shrugging off terrorism as a by product of assymetric warfare even though innocent ordinary people are killed in the process. It was a horrible interview to listen to :(
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  • #8
That little girl certainly did not deserve to die like that.

Then her father shouldn't have involved her and the rest of his family in a criminal enterprise.

He was quite willing to IMPOSE his presence on the people of Italy and Sweden, an uninvited party crasher.

If he hadn't been a criminal, then his family would still be alive today.

Stay and fix your OWN society instead of RUINING the societies of others.

Wow. Talk about hate. Big words from the armchair of a person who is not facing these choices. Immigrants have been fleeing war torn countries for ages. That's how a good many ended up in America legally and illegally. If you have a family to protect - and you reach a point where they can not be kept safe where you are - what do you do? Stay there and hope they don't get killed or finally flee and hope you can find safety? Are your children expendable pawns?

So using your logic - anyone who resides anywhere illegally is fair game for murder and violence? Really? And you consider yourself "civilized"?
I don't think human traffickers care. I don't think they would treat other migrants they are scamming for money any different.

Anyone who could cold bloodedly murder innocent people doesn't deserve to be excused because folks "hate Palestinians". Blaming the Palestinians for this is really low.

That little girl certainly did not deserve to die like that.

Not an excuse just an explanation of what is.
The smugglers were likely well paid and the loss of the ship probably covered. Many egyptians would have no love of palestinians nor help them reach a new place with more resources and opportunity then they have.
Boat overloaded with refugees from war have all too often sunk and the passengers killed. This is all too common.

Is it common to be deliberately rammed and then left to drown? There will be no justice? Probably not. But Egypt should be condemned for looking the other way.

That seems, to me to be lik shrugging off terrorism as a by product of assymetric warfare even though innocent ordinary people are killed in the process. It was a horrible interview to listen to :(

>>If the Palestinian men's account is correct, by the IOM's tally about 2,900 migrants have died this year in the Mediterranean against 700 for all of 2013. "If this story, which police are investigating, is true, it would be the worst shipwreck in years – not an accident but a mass murder, perpetrated by criminals without scruples or any respect for human life," the IOM said in a statement.

The UN High Commission for Refugees said the situation in the Mediterranean was unclear and it was trying to get confirmation of five shipwrecks. A spokeswomanfor the UN High Commission for Refugees, Carlotta Sami, described it as "without any doubt the deadliest weekend ever in the Mediterranean" and the agency said it believed at least 500 were dead or missing in the last three days.

Leonard Doyle, an IOM spokesman, said the Palestinian men recounted having boarded the people-smuggling vessel in Damietta, Egypt, on 6 September. Midway through the voyage the people-smugglers, who appeared to be travelling in a separate boat, ordered the migrants, who also came from Syria, Sudan and Egypt, to switch to a smaller, less seaworthy vessel. The migrants refused to do so.

Doyle said: "The survivors said the traffickers became so enraged after the migrants refused to board the replacement craft, there was an argument, a fight, and that the smugglers used their boat to sink the one the migrants were on. It seems they intentionally rammed the ship."<<

Sadly not the last story of refugees dying while trying to escape war or hardship that we will hear about. Life is cheap to these people and hate is nurtured and handed down through generations, even centuries.
I don't think human traffickers care. I don't think they would treat other migrants they are scamming for money any different.

Anyone who could cold bloodedly murder innocent people doesn't deserve to be excused because folks "hate Palestinians". Blaming the Palestinians for this is really low.

That little girl certainly did not deserve to die like that.

True, they weren't Palestinians, just bodies. Slavery's alive and prospering around the world, even right here in the US. Until we decide to end it it will continue. But because we function on a capitalist system, if cheap labor or slave labor is available, some will opt for that option to be competetive. So long as US companies outsource to cheap labor markets which sometimes use slaves, demand for slaves will remain.

Apple's a good example of our hypocrisy. American company, arguably one that's integral to our lifestyle, yet they build the iPods in facotories with such horrific conditions they literally had to place a net around the building to catch workers trying to commit suicide leaping out windows.

Reason human trafficking goes on is we enjoy the fruits of slave labor. If it comes down to paying substantially more for our goods by eliminating slavery, or paying less by turning a blind eye to it, we turn a blind eye. Sad but true.
That little girl certainly did not deserve to die like that.

Then her father shouldn't have involved her and the rest of his family in a criminal enterprise.

He was quite willing to IMPOSE his presence on the people of Italy and Sweden, an uninvited party crasher.

If he hadn't been a criminal, then his family would still be alive today.

Stay and fix your OWN society instead of RUINING the societies of others.

Wow. Talk about hate. Big words from the armchair of a person who is not facing these choices. Immigrants have been fleeing war torn countries for ages. That's how a good many ended up in America legally and illegally. If you have a family to protect - and you reach a point where they can not be kept safe where you are - what do you do? Stay there and hope they don't get killed or finally flee and hope you can find safety? Are your children expendable pawns?

So using your logic - anyone who resides anywhere illegally is fair game for murder and violence? Really? And you consider yourself "civilized"?

If it makes you feel better you can think of it as an invading force being sunk by pirates. The pirates did both Italy and Sweden a favor. Every single person there would have cost Italy money, meaning that Italians would be ROBBED in order to support these strangers. Each of us is entitled to defend ourselves with deadly force in order to prevent violence being done to us. Being robbed is violence. Italians were saved from having violence committed against them.

Those people should have stayed and fought for a better country in their own homeland.
great thread-----everyone stayed in character. Aris described it accurately, coyote pontificated self righteously,
deltass UNIVERSALIZED IT, and Rikurzit lauded the
Syrian Baathist murderers as the heroic victims of-----the rest of the world
great thread-----everyone stayed in character. Aris described it accurately, coyote pontificated self righteously,
deltass UNIVERSALIZED IT, and Rikurzit lauded the
Syrian Baathist murderers as the heroic victims of-----the rest of the world

And irosie stayed mum about it.

It's just Palestinians after all.

staying "mum" is that meaningful to you? I already knew that the Egyptians hate the Palestinians and have remarked on that fact many times when people like you insisted that the poor Palestinians are prevented from going to Egypt to obtain succor from their muslim bretheren BY DA JOOOOOS. You still imagine that the Egyptians keep
"Palestinians" out to PLEASE DA JOOOOOS?
I listened to this on the way to work yesterday - it's hard to believe someone could deliberately do this...:(

Out of 450 people, only 11 survivors. This man was adrift for 4 days before rescue. His wife and two little daughters drowned.

A mass murder in the Mediterranean leaves nearly 450 lost at sea including this man s family Public Radio International

They left on September 6, crowding into small motorboats. They were transferred onto different boats over the next few days, each one more crowded than the last. All the water and food that Shukri brought went missing; he thinks someone stole it.

“We were so tired. We were vomiting. We were dizzy,” Shukri said.

The passengers were then squeezed together onto another boat. The pump on that boat stopped working, according to some reports, but the passengers refused to move to yet another boat, this one even smaller. As arguments broke out, Shukri said, a ship with Egyptian men came out of nowhere and repeatedly rammed the boat. It began to sink.

Shukri fell into the ocean — he doesn’t know how to swim. His wife and his 4-year-old daughter, Ritaj, were near him, and his wife screamed out his nickname: "Shaker!"

He couldn’t do anything for them, he said, his voice overtaken by tears.


This article has more info on the overall problem of human smuggling in that area: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/21/w...eadly-journey-from-middle-east-to-europe.html

That's terrible, but who is responsible? Is anyone searching for the responsible party/parties?
great thread-----everyone stayed in character. Aris described it accurately, coyote pontificated self righteously,
deltass UNIVERSALIZED IT, and Rikurzit lauded the
Syrian Baathist murderers as the heroic victims of-----the rest of the world

I said something about Syrians? Do tell.
That little girl certainly did not deserve to die like that.

Then her father shouldn't have involved her and the rest of his family in a criminal enterprise.

He was quite willing to IMPOSE his presence on the people of Italy and Sweden, an uninvited party crasher.

If he hadn't been a criminal, then his family would still be alive today.

Stay and fix your OWN society instead of RUINING the societies of others.

Wow. Talk about hate. Big words from the armchair of a person who is not facing these choices. Immigrants have been fleeing war torn countries for ages. That's how a good many ended up in America legally and illegally. If you have a family to protect - and you reach a point where they can not be kept safe where you are - what do you do? Stay there and hope they don't get killed or finally flee and hope you can find safety? Are your children expendable pawns?

So using your logic - anyone who resides anywhere illegally is fair game for murder and violence? Really? And you consider yourself "civilized"?

If it makes you feel better you can think of it as an invading force being sunk by pirates. The pirates did both Italy and Sweden a favor. Every single person there would have cost Italy money, meaning that Italians would be ROBBED in order to support these strangers. Each of us is entitled to defend ourselves with deadly force in order to prevent violence being done to us. Being robbed is violence. Italians were saved from having violence committed against them.

Those people should have stayed and fought for a better country in their own homeland.

It's true. That is what they should do. I sometimes see foreigners with their home country flags on display. When you ask them why, they will tell you it's because they are still so proud of their home country and love their country and the people. One has to wonder, why they don't stay in their countries and try to improve things. Fleeing and illegally residing in other countries is not the answer and is not helping the people in their respective countries, whether it be Palestine, Mexico, etc.
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That little girl certainly did not deserve to die like that.

Then her father shouldn't have involved her and the rest of his family in a criminal enterprise.

He was quite willing to IMPOSE his presence on the people of Italy and Sweden, an uninvited party crasher.

If he hadn't been a criminal, then his family would still be alive today.

Stay and fix your OWN society instead of RUINING the societies of others.

Wow. Talk about hate. Big words from the armchair of a person who is not facing these choices. Immigrants have been fleeing war torn countries for ages. That's how a good many ended up in America legally and illegally. If you have a family to protect - and you reach a point where they can not be kept safe where you are - what do you do? Stay there and hope they don't get killed or finally flee and hope you can find safety? Are your children expendable pawns?

So using your logic - anyone who resides anywhere illegally is fair game for murder and violence? Really? And you consider yourself "civilized"?

If it makes you feel better you can think of it as an invading force being sunk by pirates. The pirates did both Italy and Sweden a favor. Every single person there would have cost Italy money, meaning that Italians would be ROBBED in order to support these strangers. Each of us is entitled to defend ourselves with deadly force in order to prevent violence being done to us. Being robbed is violence. Italians were saved from having violence committed against them.

Those people should have stayed and fought for a better country in their own homeland.

It's true. That is what they should do. I sometimes see foreigners with their home country flags on display. When you ask them why, they will tell you it's because they are still so proud of their home country and love their country and the people. One has to wonder, why they don't stay in their countries and try to improve things. Fleeing and illegally residing in other countries is not the answer and is not helping the people in their respective countries, whether it be Palestine, Mexico, etc.

They are proud of their heritage...there is nothing wrong with that. Where I live we have a huge Italian-American population. We celebrate every hear with an Italian heritage festival. They are still every bit as American as you and I.

Why didn't our ancestors stay in their countries and improve things?

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