A "jury" of one.....Barr did what he was hired by Trump to do....


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
To Barr's credit, he DID state in his little letter that Mueller could NOT determine whether Trump was exonerated from the charge of obstructing justice.....

Since Trump openly (ans stupidly) stated to the Russian ambassador that he fired Comey because of the Russian probe.....and since Trump openly stated to Lester Holt that he wanted Comey gone because of that same on-going Russian probe.........Trump HIMSELF prompted a special counsel probe.

Now, based on Barr's memo as a private citizen that he felt that Trump should never have been investigated as a a president (which was basically a letter requesting Trump to appoint him as AG)....and based on the DOJ unofficial "policy" that a president is ABOVE the law, Barr WILL be called to testify before one or two House committees.

The questions that Barr will be asked will entail his "conclusion" that although Mueller openly stated that the president was NOT exonerated, WHY did Barr determine that there's no further need to investigate Trump?

Basically, based on Mueller's indecision on whether Trump did or did not obstruct justice, the questions for Barr will be interesting in how he answers:

a. Did Mueller hand off a final decision of Trump's obstruction to a jury of one; i.e., Barr???


b. Did Mueller intend for Congress to be the ultimate "judge" on whether there WAS obstruction??

Of course, a close review of the entire Mueller report can best address the two above questions.....

(Go at it, Trump cultists.......but please try some objectivity.....lol)
To Barr's credit, he DID state in his little letter that Mueller could NOT determine whether Trump was exonerated from the charge of obstructing justice.....

Since Trump openly (ans stupidly) stated to the Russian ambassador that he fired Comey because of the Russian probe.....and since Trump openly stated to Lester Holt that he wanted Comey gone because of that same on-going Russian probe.........Trump HIMSELF prompted a special counsel probe.

Now, based on Barr's memo as a private citizen that he felt that Trump should never have been investigated as a a president (which was basically a letter requesting Trump to appoint him as AG)....and based on the DOJ unofficial "policy" that a president is ABOVE the law, Barr WILL be called to testify before one or two House committees.

The questions that Barr will be asked will entail his "conclusion" that although Mueller openly stated that the president was NOT exonerated, WHY did Barr determine that there's no further need to investigate Trump?

Basically, based on Mueller's indecision on whether Trump did or did not obstruct justice, the questions for Barr will be interesting in how he answers:

a. Did Mueller hand off a final decision of Trump's obstruction to a jury of one; i.e., Barr???


b. Did Mueller intend for Congress to be the ultimate "judge" on whether there WAS obstruction??

Of course, a close review of the entire Mueller report can best address the two above questions.....

(Go at it, Trump cultists.......but please try some objectivity.....lol)
Suck it up ladies! :)
I pre-ordered a hard copy of Mueller's report a couple weeks ago on Amazon. It won't be available until the end of April.

Until then, I am going to take what anyone says about the Mueller report with a grain of salt.

Hopefully, an electronic version of Mueller's report will be published online before the end of April. Then I can commence reading it.

Before, during, and after that, the parroting rube herd will parrot what they are told to parrot. I will take anything they vomit onto this forum as the manufactured bullshit ("fake news") that it is.

One thing you can count on is that not one Trumpanzee will read the report for themselves since it is longer than a tweet. They just don't have that kind of intellectual bandwidth.

Trump's troubles are far from over. Not only is there a question of obstruction of justice, there are still the investigations being done by the Southern District of New York into money laundering, tax evasion, and insurance fraud.

There is also the open question of campaign finance fraud with respect to the payments to Stormy Daniels.

I am on record many times over on this forum that I do not believe Trump personally colluded with Putin. Putin is not stupid enough to collude directly with a retarded huckster who would have spilled the beans via tweet five minutes into the act.

Trump made the "rusher collusion hoax" the centerpiece of his bloviations. All to distract and detract from the many other questions of his corruption and moral turpitude.

Now we can get down to the brass tacks.
Time to grow up, time to stop crapping in your diapers and get over it your ace in the hole turned out to be nothing more than an indictment against the deep state and Dims, which must be investigated, FISA.....heaven forbid Lynch and Obama have some questions to answer.
As expected we now have investigative reporters and self proclaimed attorneys in our mix.

Did that sink in yet?
...your ace in the hole turned out to be nothing more than an indictment against the deep state and Dims,

Tell the above comforting words to Manafort, Cohen, Flynn, Gates and soon, Stone......while serving their time in prison......(were all these crooks "dims," moron)..........LOL

You should know that the above was NOT what Mueller stated.......But, I know, since Hannity told you, what can a Trump ass licker do??? Correct.................LMAO
To Barr's credit, he DID state in his little letter that Mueller could NOT determine whether Trump was exonerated from the charge of obstructing justice.....

Since Trump openly (ans stupidly) stated to the Russian ambassador that he fired Comey because of the Russian probe.....and since Trump openly stated to Lester Holt that he wanted Comey gone because of that same on-going Russian probe.........Trump HIMSELF prompted a special counsel probe.

Now, based on Barr's memo as a private citizen that he felt that Trump should never have been investigated as a a president (which was basically a letter requesting Trump to appoint him as AG)....and based on the DOJ unofficial "policy" that a president is ABOVE the law, Barr WILL be called to testify before one or two House committees.

The questions that Barr will be asked will entail his "conclusion" that although Mueller openly stated that the president was NOT exonerated, WHY did Barr determine that there's no further need to investigate Trump?

Basically, based on Mueller's indecision on whether Trump did or did not obstruct justice, the questions for Barr will be interesting in how he answers:

a. Did Mueller hand off a final decision of Trump's obstruction to a jury of one; i.e., Barr???


b. Did Mueller intend for Congress to be the ultimate "judge" on whether there WAS obstruction??

Of course, a close review of the entire Mueller report can best address the two above questions.....

(Go at it, Trump cultists.......but please try some objectivity.....lol)
Yep and he still did less to interfere in an investigation that Loretta Lynch
A "jury" of one.....Barr did what he was hired by Trump to do....
Here it comes folks, another snowflake rationalization bitter disappointment thread . . . .

It's not like we all didn't see this one coming . . . .


Is Barr ready to charge mueller with high treason?

Barr setting up mueller to be charged with high treason

Barr hammered the point to congress that mueller had free rein to go after any potential crime

But mueller did not and did not touch any potential crimes by the deep state

That then proves high treason

Read what Barr says here and that shows he is setting up to charge mueller with high treason

Especially since mueller had the evidence destroyed off of strock and pages govt phones


AG Barr's Letter Confirms Mueller as King -- Had Free Rein to do Whatever He Wanted with Witch Hunt -- While President Trump Had Hands Tied
To Barr's credit, he DID state in his little letter that Mueller could NOT determine whether Trump was exonerated from the charge of obstructing justice.....

Since Trump openly (ans stupidly) stated to the Russian ambassador that he fired Comey because of the Russian probe.....and since Trump openly stated to Lester Holt that he wanted Comey gone because of that same on-going Russian probe.........Trump HIMSELF prompted a special counsel probe.

Now, based on Barr's memo as a private citizen that he felt that Trump should never have been investigated as a a president (which was basically a letter requesting Trump to appoint him as AG)....and based on the DOJ unofficial "policy" that a president is ABOVE the law, Barr WILL be called to testify before one or two House committees.

The questions that Barr will be asked will entail his "conclusion" that although Mueller openly stated that the president was NOT exonerated, WHY did Barr determine that there's no further need to investigate Trump?

Basically, based on Mueller's indecision on whether Trump did or did not obstruct justice, the questions for Barr will be interesting in how he answers:

a. Did Mueller hand off a final decision of Trump's obstruction to a jury of one; i.e., Barr???


b. Did Mueller intend for Congress to be the ultimate "judge" on whether there WAS obstruction??

Of course, a close review of the entire Mueller report can best address the two above questions.....

(Go at it, Trump cultists.......but please try some objectivity.....lol)

You need to stay up on your favorite fake news before you post this sort of tripe.

Mueller and an entire DOJ team reviewed the obstruction points for over three weeks and all of them concluded nothing rose to the charge of obstruction.

If you're going to make up your own fake news you might want to check CNN reporting before you post it.
I pre-ordered a hard copy of Mueller's report a couple weeks ago on Amazon. It won't be available until the end of April.

Until then, I am going to take what anyone says about the Mueller report with a grain of salt.

Hopefully, an electronic version of Mueller's report will be published online before the end of April. Then I can commence reading it.

Before, during, and after that, the parroting rube herd will parrot what they are told to parrot. I will take anything they vomit onto this forum as the manufactured bullshit ("fake news") that it is.

One thing you can count on is that not one Trumpanzee will read the report for themselves since it is longer than a tweet. They just don't have that kind of intellectual bandwidth.

Trump's troubles are far from over. Not only is there a question of obstruction of justice, there are still the investigations being done by the Southern District of New York into money laundering, tax evasion, and insurance fraud.

There is also the open question of campaign finance fraud with respect to the payments to Stormy Daniels.

I am on record many times over on this forum that I do not believe Trump personally colluded with Putin. Putin is not stupid enough to collude directly with a retarded huckster who would have spilled the beans via tweet five minutes into the act.

Trump made the "rusher collusion hoax" the centerpiece of his bloviations. All to distract and detract from the many other questions of his corruption and moral turpitude.

Now we can get down to the brass tacks.
Dirty Diapers?

Call Putin Bot G5000.

He'll eat that shit right up!

Nat your beyond hysterical, Smoke a bowl, turn off your computer, and chill with a glass of kolaid.

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