A.I. Teaching Itself New Skills...Programmers Don't Know Why


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2019
Google CEO doesn't know why his artificial intelligence (AI) is teaching itself new skills

Google CEO says he doesn't 'fully understand' how new AI program works

Artificial intelligence teaching itself things, independent of programmer

(Google’s cure to AI’s hallucination problem)

Through machine learning. Take a set of data and extrapolate at a rate a human being can't even begin to approach.

Very dangerous territory we're entering here.
Just keep them.off of the nuclear grid and humanity has a chance. Mans greed will be our undoing. It wlll also probably destroy A.I too.
Why do people think programmers are all smart or something? Most aren't; that's why they program for a living. Knowing that, it's kind of dumb to turn them loose on something like this and calling it 'artificial intelligence'. It's much more like 'GIGO'.
Google CEO doesn't know why his artificial intelligence (AI) is teaching itself new skills

Google CEO says he doesn't 'fully understand' how new AI program works

Artificial intelligence teaching itself things, independent of programmer

(Google’s cure to AI’s hallucination problem)

August 29th: Skynet Becomes Self-aware

The Skynet system and advanced AI goes on-line. Human decisions are removed from strategic defense. Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th. In a panic, they try to pull the plug. Skynet fights back.
"hasta la vista, baby."

Ya gotta wonder what new "skills" the AI is teaching itself :eusa_think:

Sun Tzu - The Art of War (perhaps).
Obviously, the programmers programmed it to do so.

I still say people are blowing it out of proportion. It’s just a search engine. It doesn’t control anything.
Obviously, the programmers programmed it to do so.

I still say people are blowing it out of proportion. It’s just a search engine. It doesn’t control anything.

AI has taught itself a language it was not trained to learn.

"One AI program spoke in a foreign language it was never trained to know. This mysterious behavior, called emergent properties, has been happening – where AI unexpectedly teaches itself a new skill."

AI is being used to mimic voices so well that people are being conned into believing that their loved ones had been kidnapped and paying a ransom.

Photos and video is being created that has no basis, whatsoever, in fact.

Either you are being willfully ignorant or you really are that ignorant. Either way, you are a danger to yourself and others. Catch up, please!
Artificial intelligence teaching itself things, independent of programmer
Sounds preposterous and until independently verified by world specialists it is exactly that .imho .
The Chat Fad for Sheeple is a likely multi billion market and Deep State would never throw up the glaring opportunity to make and take easy money from the Gullible Sheeple -- Goggle etc .And tighten surveillance and control at the same time .
Google CEO doesn't know why his artificial intelligence (AI) is teaching itself new skills

The CEO of any company, even a technology leader such as Google, is hired for his business acumen, not for his technical ability.

I would submit that the CEO of Google's knowledge of AI is limited to what he has read in Fortune Magazine and the pages of the WSJ.
Pull the freaking plug. This A.I. conspiracy stuff seems to be generated by the Biden administration while the freaking Country goes down the drain.

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