A History that the Progressives always seem to forget when they say that Democrats never leave the Republicans a mess on exit.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Dotcom Bubble Definition (investopedia.com)

So here was George Bush 43 who just inherited a mini recession from William Jefferson(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) Clinton,(but enacted actions that brought the US out of it, instead of bitching who caused it) who not only caused the Dot Com debacle but set up George Bush 43 to fail in 2007 by allowing certain people who never should be getting mortgages, to get subprime mortgages. The progs are such evil people in how they fuck over the middle class so they can increase their poverty stricken base, by such things as bubbling up the economy.....

Ah, the fake story that it was those darn coloreds who caused the mortgage bubble. It's reality-defying bullshit, of course, contradicted by all the facts and data. Thus, the Trump cult takes it as gospel.

How do we know it's nonsense?

Look at business properties, which weren't being bought by minorities. They bubbled up just as hard as residential properties.

Look at the stats. The government backed loans defaulted less often than private sector loans.

Look at who was flipping McMansions. It wasn't minorities. The speculators that drove the housing bubble were rich white folks.

It was the banks, stupid. When banks were allowed to securitize their loans and sell them off to someone else, that removed any incentive for banks to make good loans. It was much more profitable for banks to grab the quick buck and then leave someone else holding the bag, so that's what they did.
Why is this in the Stock Market subforum?
Maybe he knows deep down that the dotcom bubble was caused by the banks?
So, during the 8 years of the brown turd, 1/2 white faggot Obammy saying it was George Bush who gave him such a crappy economy that all he could do is make college kids work at Starbucks for minimum wage, calling it the new norm, but you like a fucking dumbass when pointed out how Clinton's policies caused not only the dot.com bubble to burst but set up the housing crash in 2007, you shove your head even farther up your ass. Come on man, it must suck to be you....
Why is this in the Stock Market subforum?
Maybe he knows deep down that the dotcom bubble was caused by the banks?
So, during the 8 years of the brown turd, 1/2 white faggot Obammy saying it was George Bush who gave him such a crappy economy that all he could do is make college kids work at Starbucks for minimum wage, calling it the new norm, but you like a fucking dumbass when pointed out how Clinton's policies caused not only the dot.com bubble to burst but set up the housing crash in 2007, you shove your head even farther up your ass. Come on man, it must suck to be you....
Even if you ever had a good point the way you write is practically unreadable. The dotcom bubble was an anomalous financial learning curve for a brand new industry. The blame lies squarely on institutional investors indiscriminately throwing money at everything to do with the internet.
Why is this in the Stock Market subforum?
Maybe he knows deep down that the dotcom bubble was caused by the banks?
So, during the 8 years of the brown turd, 1/2 white faggot Obammy saying it was George Bush who gave him such a crappy economy that all he could do is make college kids work at Starbucks for minimum wage, calling it the new norm, but you like a fucking dumbass when pointed out how Clinton's policies caused not only the dot.com bubble to burst but set up the housing crash in 2007, you shove your head even farther up your ass. Come on man, it must suck to be you....
Even if you ever had a good point the way you write is practically unreadable. The dotcom bubble was an anomalous financial learning curve for a brand new industry. The blame lies squarely on institutional investors indiscriminately throwing money at everything to do with the internet.
So when Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac were in dire need of regulatory oversight and reigned in on their outrageous covering of subprime mortgages, that Clinton allowed into law, why did you blame Bush?
Why is this in the Stock Market subforum?
Maybe he knows deep down that the dotcom bubble was caused by the banks?
So, during the 8 years of the brown turd, 1/2 white faggot Obammy saying it was George Bush who gave him such a crappy economy that all he could do is make college kids work at Starbucks for minimum wage, calling it the new norm, but you like a fucking dumbass when pointed out how Clinton's policies caused not only the dot.com bubble to burst but set up the housing crash in 2007, you shove your head even farther up your ass. Come on man, it must suck to be you....
Even if you ever had a good point the way you write is practically unreadable. The dotcom bubble was an anomalous financial learning curve for a brand new industry. The blame lies squarely on institutional investors indiscriminately throwing money at everything to do with the internet.
So when Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac were in dire need of regulatory oversight and reigned in on their outrageous covering of subprime mortgages, that Clinton allowed into law, why did you blame Bush?
I suppose you are talking about the 2008 mortgage meltdown. That started with institutional investors heating up the mortgage market and ended with speculators walking away from their bad debt. All these things start with bankers getting greedy, not because of some president. The story of the Covid recession has not been written yet because the big banks have not reacted to the upcoming avalanche of bad consumer debt yet.

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