A government that can take from the Rich


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
Can take from the poor much easier.

When we allow politicians and bureaucrats divide us because of envy and covetousness, we weaken our own rights and potential.
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Can take from the poor much easier.

When we allow politicians and bureaucrats divide us because of envy and covetousness, we weaken our own rights and potential.

You're absolutely right, a government can do that. Who would pretend otherwise? We have a government right now that supports the rich exploiting the poor.

As a twist to Mitt Romney's words... I'm not really concerned about the rich, they have their own safety net. The rich don't struggle in the ways the poor do. If they did, they wouldn't be rich.

Also what the fuck? Why are you trying to make the poor as a point of your argument? You guys have pointed out time and time again you don't rightly give a fuck about the poor. This thread is the equivalent of someone like me showing concern for the rich.
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Can take from the poor much easier.

When we allow politicians and bureaucrats divide us because of envy and covetousness, we weaken our own rights and potential.

You're absolutely right, a government can do that. Who would pretend otherwise? We have a government right now that supports the rich exploiting the poor.


Can you explain how the rich are exploiting the poor? Seems the opposite is more true. All those defaulted mortgages. Rich people provided the money. Poor people took the money. Rich people have lost their own money. Poor people lost rich people's money.
Can take from the poor much easier.

When we allow politicians and bureaucrats divide us because of envy and covetousness, we weaken our own rights and potential.

You're absolutely right, a government can do that. Who would pretend otherwise? We have a government right now that supports the rich exploiting the poor.

Can you explain how the rich are exploiting the poor?
The rich certainly have managed to convince too-many people (See: Teabaggers) their future income-potential is much-more important than.....​

Seems the opposite is more true. All those defaulted mortgages. Rich people provided the money. Poor people took the money. Rich people have lost their own money. Poor people lost rich people's money.

Yeah.....let's Hear It!! for those pooooooooor rich-people.....like Phil Gramm!!!

$ . $ . $

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKKvMJeBBSA]Q&A: Leslie & Andrew Cockburn - YouTube[/ame]

(See: 4:45 thru 12:00)
(See: 19:00 thru 27:00)
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Can take from the poor much easier.

When we allow politicians and bureaucrats divide us because of envy and covetousness, we weaken our own rights and potential.

The poor rich people, they just don't have a thing. Pretty soon, they are going to be forced to eat their polo ponies.

We had our greatest prosperity when the wealthy paid their fair share.
Can take from the poor much easier.

When we allow politicians and bureaucrats divide us because of envy and covetousness, we weaken our own rights and potential.

You're absolutely right, a government can do that. Who would pretend otherwise? We have a government right now that supports the rich exploiting the poor.


Can you explain how the rich are exploiting the poor? Seems the opposite is more true. All those defaulted mortgages. Rich people provided the money. Poor people took the money. Rich people have lost their own money. Poor people lost rich people's money.

Um. No. What happened was that Rich People manipulted the real estate market, then gave poor people loans they probably never should have gotten. They then called those loans assets, sold them to other people as securities, overstating their value.

Which all worked fine, until the whole system collapsed, and the poor folks had to bail out the rich with TARP and such.
Can take from the poor much easier.

When we allow politicians and bureaucrats divide us because of envy and covetousness, we weaken our own rights and potential.

You're absolutely right, a government can do that. Who would pretend otherwise? We have a government right now that supports the rich exploiting the poor.

As a twist to Mitt Romney's words... I'm not really concerned about the rich, they have their own safety net. The rich don't struggle in the ways the poor do. If they did, they wouldn't be rich.

Also what the fuck? Why are you trying to make the poor as a point of your argument? You guys have pointed out time and time again you don't rightly give a fuck about the poor. This thread is the equivalent of someone like me showing concern for the rich.

And that's exactly what the Dems think you'll believe. They think you're too stupid to see through their bull shit. They claim that they are going after the rich and we are trying to stop them, when in fact they're going after everyone. They lie so much how can you trust them? Only a retard would continue to.

Fact is they know that by raising taxes on the rich they will barely scratch the surface when it comes to paying down the debt. They know that once they trick you into buying into their class-warfare you'll re-elect Obama for four more and you won't have a say in what he does then. Not one thing.....because his fear of being thrown out of office will be gone.

Truth is if you tax all of the billionaires and millionaires exactly the way Obama says they will only get a fraction of what they need in revenue to pay off the debt. The best case estimates state that it will only cause an increase in revenue of only $40 billion over 10 years. Currently the annual deficit is $1.3 trillion. Do the math. What makes their mouths water is removing the Bush tax-cuts. You know......those evil tax-cuts they keep extending. They want to remove them. And really, that's just the beginning.

So what are they up to?

Are they actually intentionally trying to destroy our economy? Possibly. Are they actually just trying to institute another massive tax on wages for everyone? Most likely. Once they raise all of our taxes will they ever pay off the debt? Hell no. Are you really stupid enough to believe their intellectually lazy arguments? Appears so. :D
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You're absolutely right, a government can do that. Who would pretend otherwise? We have a government right now that supports the rich exploiting the poor.


Can you explain how the rich are exploiting the poor? Seems the opposite is more true. All those defaulted mortgages. Rich people provided the money. Poor people took the money. Rich people have lost their own money. Poor people lost rich people's money.

Um. No. What happened was that Rich People manipulted the real estate market, then gave poor people loans they probably never should have gotten. They then called those loans assets, sold them to other people as securities, overstating their value.
.....And, with all o' that "government-interference" outta-the-way, the rating$-agencie$ got to play, as WELL!!!!


December 28, 2008

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNBctwAsu48&feature=related]PBS NOW | Credit and Credibility part 1 - YouTube[/ame]​
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Can you explain how the rich are exploiting the poor? Seems the opposite is more true. All those defaulted mortgages. Rich people provided the money. Poor people took the money. Rich people have lost their own money. Poor people lost rich people's money.

Oh, shut up you fool. Nobody forced the banks to give out a loan to anyone. They did it all on their own. Nobody took their money, they gave it away freely.
Can take from the poor much easier.

When we allow politicians and bureaucrats divide us because of envy and covetousness, we weaken our own rights and potential.

You're absolutely right, a government can do that. Who would pretend otherwise? We have a government right now that supports the rich exploiting the poor.


Can you explain how the rich are exploiting the poor? Seems the opposite is more true. All those defaulted mortgages. Rich people provided the money. Poor people took the money. Rich people have lost their own money. Poor people lost rich people's money.


You have no..and I really mean no..idea what you are talking about. None.

Rich people didn't provide the money. Rich people use your money and my money to make money.

They never ever risk their own assets. That's for suckers.
Can you explain how the rich are exploiting the poor? Seems the opposite is more true. All those defaulted mortgages. Rich people provided the money. Poor people took the money. Rich people have lost their own money. Poor people lost rich people's money.

Oh, shut up you fool. Nobody forced the banks to give out a loan to anyone. They did it all on their own. Nobody took their money, they gave it away freely.

It wasn't banks that were doing this for the most part.

You're absolutely right, a government can do that. Who would pretend otherwise? We have a government right now that supports the rich exploiting the poor.


Can you explain how the rich are exploiting the poor? Seems the opposite is more true. All those defaulted mortgages. Rich people provided the money. Poor people took the money. Rich people have lost their own money. Poor people lost rich people's money.

Um. No. What happened was that Rich People manipulted the real estate market, then gave poor people loans they probably never should have gotten. They then called those loans assets, sold them to other people as securities, overstating their value.

Which all worked fine, until the whole system collapsed, and the poor folks had to bail out the rich with TARP and such.


And they didn't have any skin in the game.

You also forgot the part where they "insured" those assets.
Can take from the poor much easier.

When we allow politicians and bureaucrats divide us because of envy and covetousness, we weaken our own rights and potential.

You're absolutely right, a government can do that. Who would pretend otherwise? We have a government right now that supports the rich exploiting the poor.

As a twist to Mitt Romney's words... I'm not really concerned about the rich, they have their own safety net. The rich don't struggle in the ways the poor do. If they did, they wouldn't be rich.

Also what the fuck? Why are you trying to make the poor as a point of your argument? You guys have pointed out time and time again you don't rightly give a fuck about the poor. This thread is the equivalent of someone like me showing concern for the rich.

And that's exactly what the Dems think you'll believe. They think you're too stupid to see through their bull shit. They they claim that they are going after the rich and we are trying to stop them, when in fact they're going after everyone. They lie so much how can you trust them? Only a retard would continue to.

Fact is they know that by raising taxes on the rich they will barely scratch the surface when it comes to paying down the debt. They know that once they trick you into buying into their class-warfare you'll re-elect Obama for four more and you won't have a say in what he does then. Not one thing.....because his fear of being thrown out of office will be gone.

Truth is if you tax all of the billionaires and millionaires exactly the way Obama says they will only get a fraction of what they need in revenue to pay off the debt. The best case estimates state that it will only cause an increase in revenue of only $40 billion over 10 years. Currently the annual deficit is $1.3 trillion. Do the math. What makes their mouths water is removing the Bush tax-cuts. You know......those evil tax-cuts they keep extending. They want to remove them. And really, that's just the beginning.

So what are they up to?

Are they actually intentionally trying to destroy our economy? Possibly. Are they actually just trying to institute another massive tax on wages for everyone? Most likely. Once they raise all of our taxes will they ever pay off the debt? Hell no. Are you really stupid enough to believe their intellectually lazy arguments? Appears so. :D

4 points is not a "massive" tax increase. And what actually happens when taxes go up? A couple of things. The "rich" actually wind up investing more into their companies. Why? Because they don't want those assets "going up in smoke" via taxes. Which means they hire more. And the government can actually pay down the deficit...because real hiring takes place..and wages go up. As do tax revenues.

Low taxes and low regulation is what encourages bad economies. There's no incentive to keep from engaging in bad behavior.
Can you explain how the rich are exploiting the poor? Seems the opposite is more true. All those defaulted mortgages. Rich people provided the money. Poor people took the money. Rich people have lost their own money. Poor people lost rich people's money.

Oh, shut up you fool. Nobody forced the banks to give out a loan to anyone. They did it all on their own. Nobody took their money, they gave it away freely.

Community Reinvestment Act ring a bell for you?
Can you explain how the rich are exploiting the poor? Seems the opposite is more true. All those defaulted mortgages. Rich people provided the money. Poor people took the money. Rich people have lost their own money. Poor people lost rich people's money.

Oh, shut up you fool. Nobody forced the banks to give out a loan to anyone. They did it all on their own. Nobody took their money, they gave it away freely.

Well, if they didn't you wouldn't own a car much less a house.

How many middle-class folks can afford ether without a loan?
Can take from the poor much easier.

When we allow politicians and bureaucrats divide us because of envy and covetousness, we weaken our own rights and potential.

You're absolutely right, a government can do that. Who would pretend otherwise? We have a government right now that supports the rich exploiting the poor.

As a twist to Mitt Romney's words... I'm not really concerned about the rich, they have their own safety net. The rich don't struggle in the ways the poor do. If they did, they wouldn't be rich.

Also what the fuck? Why are you trying to make the poor as a point of your argument? You guys have pointed out time and time again you don't rightly give a fuck about the poor. This thread is the equivalent of someone like me showing concern for the rich.

And that's exactly what the Dems think you'll believe. They think you're too stupid to see through their bull shit. They they claim that they are going after the rich and we are trying to stop them, when in fact they're going after everyone. They lie so much how can you trust them? Only a retard would continue to.

Fact is they know that by raising taxes on the rich they will barely scratch the surface when it comes to paying down the debt. They know that once they trick you into buying into their class-warfare you'll re-elect Obama for four more and you won't have a say in what he does then. Not one thing.....because his fear of being thrown out of office will be gone.
.....At least, that's what The DICK; Armey.....​

"Another weekend, another grass-roots demonstration starring Real Americans who are mad as hell and want to take back their country from you-know-who. Last Sunday the site was Lower Manhattan, where they jeered the “ground zero mosque.” This weekend, the scene shifted to Washington, where the avatars of oppressed white Tea Party America, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, were slated to “reclaim the civil rights movement” (Beck’s words) on the same spot where the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. had his dream exactly 47 years earlier.

Vive la révolution!

There’s just one element missing from these snapshots of America’s ostensibly spontaneous and leaderless populist uprising: the $ugar daddie$ who are bankrolling it, and have been doing so since well before the “death panel” warm-up acts of last summer. Three heavy hitters rule. You’ve heard of one of them, Rupert Murdoch. The other two, the brothers David and Charles Koch, are even richer, with a combined wealth exceeded only by that of Bill Gates and Warren Buffett among Americans. But even those carrying the Kochs’ banner may not know who these brothers are.

Their self-interested and at times radical agendas, like Murdoch’s, go well beyond, and sometimes counter to, the interests of those who serve as spear carriers in the political pageants hawked on Fox News. The country will be in for quite a ride should these potentates gain power, and given the recession-battered electorate’s unchecked anger and the Obama White House’s unfocused political strategy, they might.

The other major sponsor of the Tea Party movement is Dick Armey’s FreedomWorks, which, like Americans for Prosperity, is promoting events in Washington this weekend. Under its original name, Citizens for a Sound Economy, FreedomWorks received $12 million of its own from Koch family foundations."

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Can you explain how the rich are exploiting the poor? Seems the opposite is more true. All those defaulted mortgages. Rich people provided the money. Poor people took the money. Rich people have lost their own money. Poor people lost rich people's money.

Oh, shut up you fool. Nobody forced the banks to give out a loan to anyone. They did it all on their own. Nobody took their money, they gave it away freely.

Community Reinvestment Act ring a bell for you?

What about it?
Can take from the poor much easier.

When we allow politicians and bureaucrats divide us because of envy and covetousness, we weaken our own rights and potential.

You're absolutely right, a government can do that. Who would pretend otherwise? We have a government right now that supports the rich exploiting the poor.

As a twist to Mitt Romney's words... I'm not really concerned about the rich, they have their own safety net. The rich don't struggle in the ways the poor do. If they did, they wouldn't be rich.

Also what the fuck? Why are you trying to make the poor as a point of your argument? You guys have pointed out time and time again you don't rightly give a fuck about the poor. This thread is the equivalent of someone like me showing concern for the rich.

The poor as you say is just another amorphous poorly defined pigeonhole you people like to use. It's just another version of "fair share"
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