A dunk on anyone who thinks Trump getting the virus was his fault, masks only protect others from the wearer, 34.8M have it worldwide


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
All the crazy bastards on CNN, MSNBC and the usual pretend-science-to-political-A-holes. What this proves is that NO precautions, lock-downs, or even testing around you can protect you from this.

34.8M have had the virus world wide. Do we all think this is because of some carelessness? Do we think even half of these people didn't take precautions?

Also, as has been repeated over and over. The mask information is foggy at best. Does it help much? Does it prevent you from getting it, or, just prevent you from sharing it with others if you have it?

Here is the data below. Anyone who thinks Trump deserves this because he opened up the country is a complete idiot. It's hitting EVERYWHERE. And NO country is fully closed. So, what is it? Death by suicide, lack of work, poverty, no hospital help for other issues, or, risk of death by a virus that has a very low morbidity rate.

Coronavirus Update (Live): 34,817,606 Cases and 1,032,709 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer

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All the crazy bastards on CNN, MSNBC and the usual pretend-science-to-political-A-holes. What this proves is that NO precautions, lock-downs, or even testing around you can protect you from this.

34.8M have had the virus world wide. Do we all think this is because of some carelessness? Do we think even half of these people didn't take precautions?

Also, as has been repeated over and over. The mask information is foggy at best. Does it help much? Does it prevent you from getting it, or, just prevent you from sharing it with others if you have it?

Here is the data below. Anyone who thinks Trump deserves this because he opened up the country is a complete idiot. It's hitting EVERYWHERE. And NO country is fully closed. So, what is it? Death by suicide, lack of work, poverty, no hospital help for other issues, or, risk of death by a virus that has a very low morbidity rate.

Coronavirus Update (Live): 34,817,606 Cases and 1,032,709 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer

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So maybe the Shell answer man knows for sure, but the fact that Chairman Trump loves petri dish events is indisputable and at no fault of anyone else but him.
If you choose NOT to wear a seatbelt, and get in a serious accident, and suffer serious injuries or death.

Is it your fault that you got in the car wreck? NO
Is it your fault that you PROBALLY suffered a more serious injury? YES.
If you choose NOT to wear a seatbelt, and get in a serious accident, and suffer serious injuries or death.

Is it your fault that you got in the car wreck? NO
Is it your fault that you PROBALLY suffered a more serious injury? YES.

Unlike a mask, a seatbelt is there to protect you, not the other driver.
Unlike a mask, a seatbelt is there to protect you, not the other driver.

Face the FACTS, a MASK does indeed protect you too, unlike the popular talking point from the Contards that want you to believe otherwise.

So I sneeze in your face, without a mask, from 2 feet away, because I don't believe in Social Distancing.

1) You are glad you had a mask on
2) You wish you had a mask on
3) The STUPID answer, It wouldn't make ANY difference if you had a mask on or not.
Unlike a mask, a seatbelt is there to protect you, not the other driver.

Face the FACTS, a MASK does indeed protect you too, unlike the popular talking point from the Contards that want you to believe otherwise.

So I sneeze in your face, without a mask, from 2 feet away, because I don't believe in Social Distancing.

1) You are glad you had a mask on
2) You wish you had a mask on
3) The STUPID answer, It wouldn't make ANY difference if you had a mask on or not.
The stupid logic is my mask protects everyone but me
So, since my mask doesn't protect me, I wish you had a mask on
because it doesn't make a difference if I have one on or not



If you choose NOT to wear a seatbelt, and get in a serious accident, and suffer serious injuries or death.

Is it your fault that you got in the car wreck? NO
Is it your fault that you PROBALLY suffered a more serious injury? YES.

The problem is, these masks for the most part, work at best, only partially.

Our hospitals ordered masks from China. They were sent back as the head doctor said they were basically useless. These weren't the low grade ones we buy at the stores, and they were junk as he said clearly particles could get through it.

Now, we see people saying "put a scarf over your mouth if you don't have anything". Yet, we have apparent experts in Europe saying that if you sneeze it will travel much further than 6 feet. Others say the germs linger in aisles etc.

Do we really think someone putting a bra or scarf over their mouth is going to stop this virus? We are picking it up in many ways. Nobody asks about products coming from China onto our shores. Boxes being handled, transferred and such.

We find a vaccine or we can only do our best. Anyone will catch it through no fault of their own.
The mask information is foggy at best. Does it help much? Does it prevent you from getting it, or, just prevent you from sharing it with others if you have it?
And that is the point.. There is no solid science showing the masks help. Its purely conjecture at this point.

When they find patient zero its going to be one person who was asymptomatic and was not aware they were sick..
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If you choose NOT to wear a seatbelt, and get in a serious accident, and suffer serious injuries or death.

Is it your fault that you got in the car wreck? NO
Is it your fault that you PROBALLY suffered a more serious injury? YES.

The problem is, these masks for the most part, work at best, only partially.

Our hospitals ordered masks from China. They were sent back as the head doctor said they were basically useless. These weren't the low grade ones we buy at the stores, and they were junk as he said clearly particles could get through it.

Now, we see people saying "put a scarf over your mouth if you don't have anything". Yet, we have apparent experts in Europe saying that if you sneeze it will travel much further than 6 feet. Others say the germs linger in aisles etc.

Do we really think someone putting a bra or scarf over their mouth is going to stop this virus? We are picking it up in many ways. Nobody asks about products coming from China onto our shores. Boxes being handled, transferred and such.

We find a vaccine or we can only do our best. Anyone will catch it through no fault of their own.
Most people do not understand how this virus propogates or what it takes to filter it out of the air. Masks are a placebo at best and at worst keep your hands up by your face where everything you have touched can get into your mucus membranes from touching your eyes, nose, or mouth (by putting on or removing your mask improperly). Over 90% of infections from viruses like the COVID virus are from surface to hand and then hand to face transfer. This is why the flu spreads so rapidly...
34.8M have had the virus world wide. Do we all think this is because of some carelessness? Do we think even half of these people didn't take precautions?
Exactly right....

A quick lesson on transmission of viruses is in order here...

Lets say a mail carrier delivers a letter, that was handled by someone infected somewhere in the chain who sneezed or otherwise expelled virus onto the paper. We know, by experiment, that this virus can survive for 8-24 hours on paper surfaces. Now this mail is delivered to you at home or somewhere you feel safe. You pick it up and out of repetition or unconscious habit you then touch your face, rub your nose or eye. You just became infected...

Now you hand this piece of paper of to a colleague and they do the same, they are now infected..

This is how quickly a viral infection can become a bon fire..
Unlike a mask, a seatbelt is there to protect you, not the other driver.

Face the FACTS, a MASK does indeed protect you too, unlike the popular talking point from the Contards that want you to believe otherwise.

So I sneeze in your face, without a mask, from 2 feet away, because I don't believe in Social Distancing.

1) You are glad you had a mask on
2) You wish you had a mask on
3) The STUPID answer, It wouldn't make ANY difference if you had a mask on or not.
The stupid logic is my mask protects everyone but me
So, since my mask doesn't protect me, I wish you had a mask on
because it doesn't make a difference if I have one on or not



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Viruses and how they penetrate masks is why we use positive pressure suits when working with contagions.. Even if you rip a small hole in your suit the positive flow keeps you from becoming infected. And these people think they are protected by a mask that does not stop the virus and is open around the sides.... The simple physics of it is undeniable.
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Unlike a mask, a seatbelt is there to protect you, not the other driver.

Face the FACTS, a MASK does indeed protect you too, unlike the popular talking point from the Contards that want you to believe otherwise.

So I sneeze in your face, without a mask, from 2 feet away, because I don't believe in Social Distancing.

1) You are glad you had a mask on
2) You wish you had a mask on
3) The STUPID answer, It wouldn't make ANY difference if you had a mask on or not.
You are hyper sensitive to JUST ONE MODE OF TRANSMISSION. What about the virus you get from touching your face after touching a contaminated surface or object? Do you receive mail? Food from the store? Gifts? a News paper?

Trumps contraction can be from something as simple as a single piece of mail that had the contagion on it and then sharing that piece of mail with other staff around him... Why is the senior staff the only ones primarily affected? Is it because of their close proximity or was it from a shared object?

Do you know? Can you prove it?

For all we know, this could have been an attempted assassination of the president being covered up by our current dealing with COIVD-19. Can you prove otherwise? I would bet money that the Secret Service is exploring this possibility today...
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All the crazy bastards on CNN, MSNBC and the usual pretend-science-to-political-A-holes. What this proves is that NO precautions, lock-downs, or even testing around you can protect you from this.

34.8M have had the virus world wide. Do we all think this is because of some carelessness? Do we think even half of these people didn't take precautions?

Also, as has been repeated over and over. The mask information is foggy at best. Does it help much? Does it prevent you from getting it, or, just prevent you from sharing it with others if you have it?

Here is the data below. Anyone who thinks Trump deserves this because he opened up the country is a complete idiot. It's hitting EVERYWHERE. And NO country is fully closed. So, what is it? Death by suicide, lack of work, poverty, no hospital help for other issues, or, risk of death by a virus that has a very low morbidity rate.

Coronavirus Update (Live): 34,817,606 Cases and 1,032,709 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer

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I might have just found the smoking gun to the source spreader and it's plot planner that happened to magically occur at the exact introduction of the Judge ceremony on the white house lawn.
In 2 other threads I mention a possible patient zero, but now I have his connection to the woman who threatened to do whatever she could to stop this nomination. The spreader patient zero had to be at various events, thus a journalist fits that access.
It's someone who bragged on CNN that they were at every event in question and is the New York Times correspondent Michael D. Shear who did a close interview with Trump, making it suspicious that there is motive and lies in their story told on CNN, perhaps not a by chance viral spread after all.
Now here's where it get's interesting: if he is the super spreader the investigators must find it convenient that
1)he grew up in San Francisco
2)he has ties to Pelosi and has done interviews on her hate of the President, but lied & helped her spin it.
3)she threatened to do anything she could to stop this nomination placement of this conservative Supreme court Justice.

According to Dems own standards, enough smoke to investigate if there is a fire.
Her erratic behavior and rantic jibberish is not normal human behavior, and her repeated abuse of power to over throw a democrarically elected president is enough grounds for the OCE to start procedures for removal and criminal investigation.

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