A Doctor texted. Gunman in the house. Call 911


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Only the phone, restricted access of his Building, and lightning fast communication did not save the two Doctors lives that night.

Doctor sent friend desperate texts for help moments before he and his fiancee were stabbed to death | Daily Mail Online

It is possible that if the Doctor had owned and carried a gun, he might be alive. His wife might be alive. It is possible that the gun would have done him no more good than the Cellphone did. The one thing the gun does, if you have it when it is needed, is give you a fighting chance at living.

Most gun owners, myself included, do not want to harm another. I don’t hunt. Not because I think it is more moral to eat meat that was bludgeoned to death by another. But because I just don’t have the time to do it. I don’t want to kill anyone. But if it is a choice between me and them, I am not going to surrender the option by default. I will fight to save my life, the lives of my family, and friends.

A gun is a tool. It can be used for good or evil. It can be used to take lives, or save them. It can only be used as the person holding it desires. A cellphone can not save your life when you are attacked. The old saying is true. When seconds matter, the police are minutes away. When it is your life, make a choice you can live or die with. But do not make that choice for me.
When it is your life, make a choice you can live or die with.
One thing that I believe should be pointed out when a person ends up having to kill another in self defense is this: The person who remains standing is also responsible for the lives that were not taken.

God bless you always!!!


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