A desperate need for attention!

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
I'm watching Sen. Franken's accuser, and have come to the conclusion she's not credible. She's been going on and on mostly about herself and he career, and by applying a judge's instruction to a jury, using common sense as well as my training in interviewing and interrogation, have concluded she's seeking her 15 minutes of fame.

The documentary evidenced - the photo taken and shown on national TV is much more exculpatory than enlightening of wrong doing.
I'm watching Sen. Franken's accuser, and have come to the conclusion she's not credible. She's been going on and on mostly about herself and he career, and by applying a judge's instruction to a jury, using common sense as well as my training in interviewing and interrogation, have concluded she's seeking her 15 minutes of fame.

The documentary evidenced - the photo taken and shown on national TV is much more exculpatory than enlightening of wrong doing.

At least he has the guts to apologize. When did DT or Moore (right those women are liars). This double standard sickens me. She loves attention, take a look at her pics online.
I'm watching Sen. Franken's accuser, and have come to the conclusion she's not credible. She's been going on and on mostly about herself and he career, and by applying a judge's instruction to a jury, using common sense as well as my training in interviewing and interrogation, have concluded she's seeking her 15 minutes of fame.

The documentary evidenced - the photo taken and shown on national TV is much more exculpatory than enlightening of wrong doing.

At least he has the guts to apologize. When did DT or Moore (right those women are liars). This double standard sickens me. She loves attention, take a look at her pics online.
When did DT or Moore (right those women are liars)

Or Bill or Hillary?
(oops, they didn't have anything to apologize for, did they?)

or any of hundreds of other politicians, Hollywood stars, athletes, etc

He apologized because the evidence was shoved in his face.
Will he apologize for an future accusers?
I'm watching Sen. Franken's accuser, and have come to the conclusion she's not credible. She's been going on and on mostly about herself and he career, and by applying a judge's instruction to a jury, using common sense as well as my training in interviewing and interrogation, have concluded she's seeking her 15 minutes of fame.

The documentary evidenced - the photo taken and shown on national TV is much more exculpatory than enlightening of wrong doing.

I am not saying what Franken did was ok,nor she deserved to be groped ..

Did you check out her many photo;s on twitter page OS? it is all about attention .

Media Tweets by Leeann Tweeden (@LeeannTweeden) | Twitter

I'm watching Sen. Franken's accuser, and have come to the conclusion she's not credible. She's been going on and on mostly about herself and he career, and by applying a judge's instruction to a jury, using common sense as well as my training in interviewing and interrogation, have concluded she's seeking her 15 minutes of fame.

The documentary evidenced - the photo taken and shown on national TV is much more exculpatory than enlightening of wrong doing.

Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge.

And the photograph is exponentially more proof than anything you have against Trump or Moore.
I'm watching Sen. Franken's accuser, and have come to the conclusion she's not credible. She's been going on and on mostly about herself and he career, and by applying a judge's instruction to a jury, using common sense as well as my training in interviewing and interrogation, have concluded she's seeking her 15 minutes of fame.

The documentary evidenced - the photo taken and shown on national TV is much more exculpatory than enlightening of wrong doing.

I am not saying what Franken did was ok,nor she deserved to be groped ..

Did you check out her many photo;s on twitter page OS? it is all about attention .

Media Tweets by Leeann Tweeden (@LeeannTweeden) | Twitter


Really? The "she was asking for it" proactive "defense"?
I'm watching Sen. Franken's accuser, and have come to the conclusion she's not credible. She's been going on and on mostly about herself and he career, and by applying a judge's instruction to a jury, using common sense as well as my training in interviewing and interrogation, have concluded she's seeking her 15 minutes of fame.

The documentary evidenced - the photo taken and shown on national TV is much more exculpatory than enlightening of wrong doing.

At least he has the guts to apologize. When did DT or Moore (right those women are liars). This double standard sickens me. She loves attention, take a look at her pics online.
When did DT or Moore (right those women are liars)

Or Bill or Hillary?
(oops, they didn't have anything to apologize for, did they?)

or any of hundreds of other politicians, Hollywood stars, athletes, etc

He apologized because the evidence was shoved in his face.
Will he apologize for an future accusers?

Bill apologized for Flowers and Monica. Hillary did nothing wrong. No I suspect he didn't remember it, I mean they did a sex show for the military.
I'm watching Sen. Franken's accuser, and have come to the conclusion she's not credible. She's been going on and on mostly about herself and he career, and by applying a judge's instruction to a jury, using common sense as well as my training in interviewing and interrogation, have concluded she's seeking her 15 minutes of fame.

The documentary evidenced - the photo taken and shown on national TV is much more exculpatory than enlightening of wrong doing.

At least he has the guts to apologize. When did DT or Moore (right those women are liars). This double standard sickens me. She loves attention, take a look at her pics online.
When did DT or Moore (right those women are liars)

Or Bill or Hillary?
(oops, they didn't have anything to apologize for, did they?)

or any of hundreds of other politicians, Hollywood stars, athletes, etc

He apologized because the evidence was shoved in his face.
Will he apologize for an future accusers?

Bill apologized for Flowers and Monica. Hillary did nothing wrong. No I suspect he didn't remember it, I mean they did a sex show for the military.
Hillary did nothing wrong.

You have GOT to be kidding.

She called them everything but human
I'm watching Sen. Franken's accuser, and have come to the conclusion she's not credible. She's been going on and on mostly about herself and he career, and by applying a judge's instruction to a jury, using common sense as well as my training in interviewing and interrogation, have concluded she's seeking her 15 minutes of fame.

The documentary evidenced - the photo taken and shown on national TV is much more exculpatory than enlightening of wrong doing.

Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge.

And the photograph is exponentially more proof than anything you have against Trump or Moore.
I'm watching Sen. Franken's accuser, and have come to the conclusion she's not credible. She's been going on and on mostly about herself and he career, and by applying a judge's instruction to a jury, using common sense as well as my training in interviewing and interrogation, have concluded she's seeking her 15 minutes of fame.

The documentary evidenced - the photo taken and shown on national TV is much more exculpatory than enlightening of wrong doing.

I am not saying what Franken did was ok,nor she deserved to be groped ..

Did you check out her many photo;s on twitter page OS? it is all about attention .

Media Tweets by Leeann Tweeden (@LeeannTweeden) | Twitter


Really? The "she was asking for it" proactive "defense"?

Looks like she is groping some men in some of her pictures on twitter...

He has to say something. There's a picture of him with his hands on the sleeping girl's tits. Bill Clinton finally had to give in when the blue dress really did have his cum stains.

The complaints against Moore are just accusations with no real proof of anything.

The aged sex complaints are getting crazier and crazier. Sylvester Stallone is the latest victim of female hysteria.

Periodically women especially become gripped in a nonsense of female hysteria. In ancient times this was treated by removing the female reproductive organs in a hysterectomy and therefore removing such hysteria. We had the Salem Witch Trials, the McMartin Preschool molestation case, the alar apple poisoning cases.

In 1938 the Halifax slasher resulted in mass hysteria before the authorities determined that none of the slasher attacks actually happened. In 2006 and 2016 hysterical women reported attacks by wild clowns. There were no clowns.

Over and over, it is crazy women making crazy complaints whether it's mysterious fainting, laughing, crying, meowing, dizzyness, poisoning by strawberries with sugar. Rarely will men become victims of mass hysteria. Mostly it's women. Many times young women.

Now we seem to be in the grip of inappropriate conduct hysteria. Kevin Spacey gave a man a "hostile look". A 20 something sales girl claims that 40 years ago Roy Moore flirted with her. She is now outraged and creeped out by the memory of a man asking her out 40 years ago.

I hope women can overcome this mental disability. It is one of the reasons why women have been successfully denied progress.
I'm watching Sen. Franken's accuser, and have come to the conclusion she's not credible. She's been going on and on mostly about herself and he career, and by applying a judge's instruction to a jury, using common sense as well as my training in interviewing and interrogation, have concluded she's seeking her 15 minutes of fame.

The documentary evidenced - the photo taken and shown on national TV is much more exculpatory than enlightening of wrong doing.

Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge.

And the photograph is exponentially more proof than anything you have against Trump or Moore.
I'm watching Sen. Franken's accuser, and have come to the conclusion she's not credible. She's been going on and on mostly about herself and he career, and by applying a judge's instruction to a jury, using common sense as well as my training in interviewing and interrogation, have concluded she's seeking her 15 minutes of fame.

The documentary evidenced - the photo taken and shown on national TV is much more exculpatory than enlightening of wrong doing.

I am not saying what Franken did was ok,nor she deserved to be groped ..

Did you check out her many photo;s on twitter page OS? it is all about attention .

Media Tweets by Leeann Tweeden (@LeeannTweeden) | Twitter


Really? The "she was asking for it" proactive "defense"?

Looks like she is groping some men in some of her pictures on twitter...


Were they asleep?
I have the same problem with this woman that I have with Roy Moore accusers. Until there is irrefutable proof it isn't right to make public accusations like this. They are reputation destroyers, career destroyers. Once it is out there, the damage is done. She could be correct, she could be a lying attention whore. Who knows? Until you do, DON'T FUCKIN PUT THE STORY OUT.
I have the same problem with this woman that I have with Roy Moore accusers. Until there is irrefutable proof it isn't right to make public accusations like this. They are reputation destroyers, career destroyers. Once it is out there, the damage is done. She could be correct, she could be a lying attention whore. Who knows? Until you do, DON'T FUCKIN PUT THE STORY OUT.
He as much as admitted it. His hands ARE on her boobs.
I'm watching Sen. Franken's accuser, and have come to the conclusion she's not credible. She's been going on and on mostly about herself and he career, and by applying a judge's instruction to a jury, using common sense as well as my training in interviewing and interrogation, have concluded she's seeking her 15 minutes of fame.

The documentary evidenced - the photo taken and shown on national TV is much more exculpatory than enlightening of wrong doing.

Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge.

And the photograph is exponentially more proof than anything you have against Trump or Moore.
I'm watching Sen. Franken's accuser, and have come to the conclusion she's not credible. She's been going on and on mostly about herself and he career, and by applying a judge's instruction to a jury, using common sense as well as my training in interviewing and interrogation, have concluded she's seeking her 15 minutes of fame.

The documentary evidenced - the photo taken and shown on national TV is much more exculpatory than enlightening of wrong doing.

I am not saying what Franken did was ok,nor she deserved to be groped ..

Did you check out her many photo;s on twitter page OS? it is all about attention .

Media Tweets by Leeann Tweeden (@LeeannTweeden) | Twitter


Really? The "she was asking for it" proactive "defense"?


Were they asleep?

If she was asleep how would she have so much recall? Considering what I've observed, methinks this person is ambitious and sees herself as the next press secretary for trump.

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