A Consumer-Conscious Moon-Base!


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's an moon exploration tale representative of modern-age consumerism values.

Is consumerism 'changing' human imagination?



The three American superheroes Green Arrow, Hawkgirl, and Green Lantern were charged by President Trump to visit a discovered underground moon colony harboring an alien intelligence trying to contact Earth with an eerie distress signal. Arrow, Hawkgirl, and Lantern flew to the moon and met the diplomat of the alien specie hiding there, a humanoid female named Borg Queen (BQ). BQ told the three heroes ('The Triad') that her species ('Borg') had colonized the moon and travelled to Earth's solar system from a faraway galaxy when they discovered rich energy signals stemming from Earth. BQ explained that when the Borg arrived on the moon and established its underground base to monitor humanity for peaceful anthropological study, they were invaded by two 'monsters.'


BQ: "The first monster is a giant insectisoid man-like creature we've nicknamed the 'Deformer' (since it seems to stalk living beings' sense of body coordination with its imposing scale and menacing limbs) and is a lot like the Godzilla monster you human film-makers present on Earth! The second monster is a shape-shifting 'blob-like' creature we've nicknamed the 'Deranger' (since it intends to confuse a living being's sense of foreign intelligence detection by constantly changing between deranged blob-like forms)! The two monsters skulk around near the moon's core, and we believe they intend to invade Earth this summer!"

ARROW: "We can help you deal with Deformer and Deranger, since your intentions towards humanity seem very peaceful. We'll dig our way underground and make contact with them and engage them in a discussion, since they obviously seem conscious of perception scales and presentation impact. After all, if a being does not communicate, why would it want to present itself as a dictating presence?"

BQ liked Arrow's plan, so The Triad went furrowing underground on the moon from the Borg base and finally stumbled upon Deformer and Deranger hiding deep near the moon's core (as BQ guessed!). The Triad discovered that Deformer and Deranger had already kidnapped a small human child from Earth and kept it near them in the moon's core as a hostage and to groom him as their official 'ambassador.' The Triad decided to engage the two creatures in a discussion and motivate them to return the human boy to their custody.

ARROW: Why are you keeping this small boy with you?
DEFORMER: He is our ambassador...
LANTERN: So you can speak! You seem hostile.
DERANGER: We will invade Earth.

HAWKGIRL: Return us the boy and we can talk about 'Earth-contact.'

LANTERN: The boy is of no consequence. We'll be your 'ambassadors.'
DEFORMER: Alright, but we demand you present us as 'gods.'

ARROW: What makes you gods and not simple sentient aliens?
DERANGER: We are extra-perceptive of pure ambition.

HAWKGIRL: We assure you --- humans are cognizant of ambition (i.e., Wall Street)!
DERANGER: Are you aware of the planetary impact of industrialization-related eco-pollution?

ARROW: The Environmental Protection Agency works to minimize the destruction of corporations.
DEFORMER: We require proof that humanity is invested in 'naturalism.'

LANTERN: We'll make you this promise --- do not harm humanity, and we'll teach you to play chess!
DERANGER: That sounds like a bargain, but do not betray us, or we'll become 'anti-capitalism musicians.'




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