A Compton, CA city councilman and 5 others were charged with ‘conspiracy to commit election fraud’

They know there will be a dozen fraudulent votes out of every million.

It's a cost benefit analysis. Do it's just like the IRS O.K.ing thousands and thousands of fraudulent tax returns, rather than auditing each and every one.
How would they know there will be a dozen fraudulent votes out of every million?
The election commission found that voter ID and other disenfranchisement laws denied 100,000 voters in florida their right to vote in 2000.
And those are documented numbers.
You mean the made up numbers were written down?
You have, dozens of time.

Nazi talking point #2.

Next you'll claim "Well both sides do it."

You are entirely predictable - you operate from a script provided by hate sites like KOS and CNN.
Actually I just posted proof that both sides do it. The candidates in the OP, and the man in Georiga who voted his dead mothers ballot for Trump. Both of which got caught.
When you extrapolate from bullshit, all you get is more bullshit.
You just described Mike Lindell.
And his 37 terabytes of captures, that even his top data analyst just confirmed were bullshit.
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They subpoenaed the voting records, they subpoenaed witnesses, took affidavits, and they held months of hearings.
That's how they found fraudulent votes in this particular election. That says nothing about elections as a whole.

You're obviously too fucking stupid to even understand the issue.
No one said it doesn't happen. The argument is that it rarely happens and it's very hard to get away with it. As we see here.
how does this show its hard to get away with? all this shows is is a case where it was caught

this is why the audits being done are so important
Just google Mike Lindell.

His top data analyst, after the August 13th deadline for proving massive voter fraud went by without releasing any of the 37 terabytes of "proof", confessed that it was all bullshit.
Telling me to look it up is not proof.
No one said it doesn't happen. The argument is that it rarely happens and it's very hard to get away with it. As we see here.

how does this show its hard to get away with? all this shows is is a case where it was caught

this is why the audits being done are so important
And just like WMD's in Iraq, there are people searching long and hard.

In the end, their failure to find any significant quantities of either, proves the existence of both were limited to just the few examples foud.
Democrats have forced snowflakes to change their claims - It used to be 'NO Election Fraud. Now they have to feebly argue, 'Not ENOUGH election fraud.

3 bogus votes were all that were needed to tip the scales by cheating...and they got JUST enough.

Some times a LITTLE bit of cheating is all you / they need.
It's always been the same.... There was not substantial voter fraud, that could over come or change the results of the election. PERIOD. Secretary of States said it, cyber security chief said it, AG Barr said it, Board of elections said it, Court judges said it....

we knew early on there was some voter fraud, but it was rare, and it was Trumpers voting twice....

Without any doubt, Americans, by a 7 million citizen majority, chose Biden to be our president....not Trump.

There's always going to be individuals that could try to cheat.... 11780 of them in one spot, impossible....without being caught....
And just like WMD's in Iraq, there are people searching long and hard.

In the end, their failure to find any significant quantities of either, proves the existence of both were limited to just the few examples foud.
No it doesn't. Invading Iraq is what proved that.

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