A Commercial Adventure


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Consumerism has changed human thinking, and this comics-adapted yarn (my last one I think), which happens to be about the Indian boti, was inspired by the films Toys and Jumanji.



Snake-Eyes and Shipwreck were two trusted valiant soldiers of the secret American paramilitary organization known as 'G.I. Joe.' The leader of the G.I. Joes, Duke, ordered Snake-Eyes and Shipwreck to evaluate and investigate the sociological ramifications of the emerging commerce-based geo-political landscape (e.g., NATO, European Union, etc.). So, Snake-Eyes and Shipwreck began studying macro-patterns in consumerism trends and the archaeological significance of relic/item typecasting (e.g., Apple Macintosh, Microsoft monopoly lawsuit, etc.). The two Joes decided that they needed to broaden their study to understand the placement of commercial goods across history.


Snake-Eyes and Shipwreck travelled East, where first European explorers made contact (e.g., Marco Polo) and began trading gems, teas, and toys. The two Joes went to India and looked at various table-fans, electronic radios, children's toys, and kitchen goods in India. Snake-Eyes stumbled upon a strange rustic kitchen-tool at an Indian market called the 'boti' (a basic blade-and-board tool used to cut foods rather crudely on the floor with hand-and-foot). Shipwreck remarked that the boti resembled a snake, and Snake-Eyes commented that it could be deadly if not used with proper care. The two Joes were told by the merchant who sold it that countless women in India used it in their kitchens. Snake-Eyes compared the boti to the Ninja Blender (a popular American kitchen-tool widely-marketed now on TV).


When the two Joes returned to America, they reported to Duke on their research. Snake-Eyes and Shipwreck explained that consumerism 'consciousness' literally constructs a human view of utilitarianism and convenience and 'hoists' various relics/items such as the Indian boti and the Ninja Blender to the level of 'housewares trophies.' Duke suggested that deification of these items (as if they were 'toys') suggested that commerce was altering human consciousness, a fact that terrorist might capitalize on by targeting civilian shopping-centers such as Wal-Mart, Starbucks, and Toys 'R Us. Snake-Eyes and Shipwreck wondered if their 'encounter' with the Indian boti truly did give them a glimpse of some kind of a 'commercial serpent.' It was a new world.



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