A Commentary on Mexico's Immigration Laws


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
With the furor caused by The Donald on this subject, it is always good to get another view and discussion on the subject. He refers to a WP article that says Mexicans are scared of Trump's big for president @ For Mexicans, Trump’s bid is getting scarier And then Mr Canto says this:

I guess that they fear that illegal immigrants will be deported and flood their northern states with people. In other words, they fear that the U.S. will be like Mexico and deport those in the country illegally.

He then gives an insight of what it was like to be a foreigner working in Mexico.

A very good read I hope you will enjoy – and share. Read it @ My View by Silvio Canto, Jr.: My memories of Mexico's immigration laws
I already know the Mexican laws Longknife, so I did not read the article. Point is that I am sure that the Mexican government does not look kindly on invaders, just from the way their laws are written, and from testimonials on how hard it is to own ANYTHING there if you are NOT Mexican. I find it unbelievable that any American would screw his fellow American; regardless if it was over losing a job to a foreign invader, or having to support a foreign invader through taxation.

I could be wrong, but personally, I believe that illegal immigration will be the straw that breaks the back of the Democrats hold on the Presidency, no matter what the lefties say. This is a winning proposition with fully 70% of the American public, and while it polls lower than the economy in general, it can be tied up in a neat little package by using some pointed statistics. That instantly raises this problem to number 2! This is exactly why neither Bush or Kasich can be the nominee. To fix this problem while getting our side elected, we can NOT let the America public feel that status quo will be preserved.

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