A Christmas Attack On Christianity


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Actually, it's not because of Christmas...The Brooklyn Museum doesn't care what the season is to attack Christianity. I've participated in protests over prior anti-Christian exhibitions....

But this article is an interesting cry for other religions to be 'spotlighted.'

1. The Brooklyn Museum’s latest “Christ” exhibit, depicting an ant-encrusted Jesus as part of a collection of gay identity portraiture, is neither provocative nor rebellious — nor new — even though the ho-hum archive defends it as “an expression of the artist’s outrage at indifference to human suffering.”

2. "The museum and its supporters have rehashed the anti-Christian theme ad nauseam: In the late-1980s, a graduate of its art school emerged with “Piss Christ,” an image of a crucifix soaked in urine.

3. In 1999, it exhibited a painting of a dung-embossed Virgin Mary, followed by another in 2001 showing Christ as a nude woman.

4. Museums exist to tickle consciousness and wonder, and while the Jesus-ant exhibit would certainly have pushed the envelope during the Crusades, today it is more irrelevant than irreverent.

5. By its own admission, the Brooklyn Museum “is committed to making its collections accessible to the widest possible audience.” Jolly good. Then it should have no problem accommodating those of us who want to view some thought-provoking Islamic art. Its Islamic installations, to date, have been coy offerings meant to mollify than move mountains.

6. Its June 2009 exhibit, “Light of the Sufis: The Mystical Arts of Islam,” carefully omitted any mention of one of Sufism’s greatest proponents — Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini, who once declared, “If you made a referendum for all the peoples of the world and asked them what is the most savage regime in the world, I believe that the vast majority, if not all of them, would say, America.”

7. Its long-term installation, “Arts of the Islamic World,” similarly reflects “a variety of inspirations and expressions,” but none that speak to Islam’s fanaticism.

8. The Brooklyn Museum needs some fresh blood on its walls, and Iranian artist and human rights activist Ahmed Mashhouri might be among the visionaries to provide it. His 2009 portrayal of human suffering entitled, “It’s Not Forbidden to Think,” was removed by a museum in Norway, where the dissident lives in exile, after it was attacked by Muslims within hours of its installation. The dozen graphic images are accompanied by pleas and controversial Koranic quotes, including one of floating stones with the message, “Stop Islam. Islam has to stop killing people by stoning.” Another, graced by the word, “Allah,” depicts an outstretched hand wearing a bracelet of explosives.

9. The Brooklyn Museum should also lead the charge with the work of Australian revisionist Sergio Redegalli, who has received death threats for a mural he painted outside his Sydney studio of a burqa-clad woman, bearing the slogan, “Say no to burqas.” “I don’t believe bullies have the right to stand over people and deny us our freedoms,” he explains.

10. These fearless expressions by truly heroic artists chronicle the “outrage at indifference to human suffering” far better than another anachronistic exhibit hoping — beyond hope — to marginalize Christianity." Hey, Brooklyn Museum! Show Muslim art! • Brooklyn Daily
Actually, it's not because of Christmas...The Brooklyn Museum doesn't care what the season is to attack Christianity. I've participated in protests over prior anti-Christian exhibitions....

But this article is an interesting cry for other religions to be 'spotlighted.'

The Brooklyn Museum’s latest “Christ” exhibit, depicting an ant-encrusted Jesus as part of a collection of gay identity portraiture......

First, I'm astonished to learn that Brooklyn HAS A MUSEUM.

It seems so....oxymoronic.......I mean WHERE in Brooklyn would anyone PUT a Museum? Between a homeless shelter and a crack house?

WHY WOULD ANYONE GO TO BROOKLYN...PERIOD....much less to visit a museum?

Why would QUEERS visit Brooklyn!? To see a "collection of Gay Identity Portraiture??"


Yo, gimmieabreakwouldya?!
religion should never again be able to muzzle art.

That was a very dark time in mans history
Actually, it's not because of Christmas...The Brooklyn Museum doesn't care what the season is to attack Christianity. I've participated in protests over prior anti-Christian exhibitions....

But this article is an interesting cry for other religions to be 'spotlighted.'

The Brooklyn Museum’s latest “Christ” exhibit, depicting an ant-encrusted Jesus as part of a collection of gay identity portraiture......

First, I'm astonished to learn that Brooklyn HAS A MUSEUM.

It seems so....oxymoronic.......I mean WHERE in Brooklyn would anyone PUT a Museum? Between a homeless shelter and a crack house?

WHY WOULD ANYONE GO TO BROOKLYN...PERIOD....much less to visit a museum?

Why would QUEERS visit Brooklyn!? To see a "collection of Gay Identity Portraiture??"


Yo, gimmieabreakwouldya?!

You are a bad, bad boy.

2,504,700 people live in Brooklyn, New York

And when you come to Brooklyn....fuggeddaboutttitt!
meh, you act like it should be punished.

They can do it because of freedom of speech and expression.
No religion is exempt from the laws and amendments.
meh, you act like it should be punished.

They can do it because of freedom of speech and expression.
No religion is exempt from the laws and amendments.

Do you make a habit of missing the point?

Only one particular religion is attacked in this way.
religion should never again be able to muzzle art.

That was a very dark time in mans history
Yeah, big bad religion. One museum that should go broke. I can't wait till Jesus comes back and straightens this world out and everyone will see the truth. The look on peoples faces will be precious.
Its long-term installation, “Arts of the Islamic World,” similarly reflects “a variety of inspirations and expressions,” but none that speak to Islam’s fanaticism.

And why should it? ‘Fanaticism’ is a human failure, having nothing to do with any given religion’s official or sanctioned doctrine or dogma.

And the argument that the ‘remedy’ for perceived ‘anti-Christian’ art or art ‘hostile’ to Christianity is to exhibit art equally hateful or offensive to Muslims is idiotic.

As noted, this is a non-issue.
religion should never again be able to muzzle art.

That was a very dark time in mans history
Yeah, big bad religion. One museum that should go broke. I can't wait till Jesus comes back and straightens this world out and everyone will see the truth. The look on peoples faces will be precious.

Excuse me for giggling.

Actually, it's not because of Christmas...The Brooklyn Museum doesn't care what the season is to attack Christianity. I've participated in protests over prior anti-Christian exhibitions....

But this article is an interesting cry for other religions to be 'spotlighted.'

1. The Brooklyn Museum’s latest “Christ” exhibit, depicting an ant-encrusted Jesus as part of a collection of gay identity portraiture, is neither provocative nor rebellious — nor new — even though the ho-hum archive defends it as “an expression of the artist’s outrage at indifference to human suffering.”

2. "The museum and its supporters have rehashed the anti-Christian theme ad nauseam: In the late-1980s, a graduate of its art school emerged with “Piss Christ,” an image of a crucifix soaked in urine.

3. In 1999, it exhibited a painting of a dung-embossed Virgin Mary, followed by another in 2001 showing Christ as a nude woman.

4. Museums exist to tickle consciousness and wonder, and while the Jesus-ant exhibit would certainly have pushed the envelope during the Crusades, today it is more irrelevant than irreverent.

5. By its own admission, the Brooklyn Museum “is committed to making its collections accessible to the widest possible audience.” Jolly good. Then it should have no problem accommodating those of us who want to view some thought-provoking Islamic art. Its Islamic installations, to date, have been coy offerings meant to mollify than move mountains.

6. Its June 2009 exhibit, “Light of the Sufis: The Mystical Arts of Islam,” carefully omitted any mention of one of Sufism’s greatest proponents — Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini, who once declared, “If you made a referendum for all the peoples of the world and asked them what is the most savage regime in the world, I believe that the vast majority, if not all of them, would say, America.”

7. Its long-term installation, “Arts of the Islamic World,” similarly reflects “a variety of inspirations and expressions,” but none that speak to Islam’s fanaticism.

8. The Brooklyn Museum needs some fresh blood on its walls, and Iranian artist and human rights activist Ahmed Mashhouri might be among the visionaries to provide it. His 2009 portrayal of human suffering entitled, “It’s Not Forbidden to Think,” was removed by a museum in Norway, where the dissident lives in exile, after it was attacked by Muslims within hours of its installation. The dozen graphic images are accompanied by pleas and controversial Koranic quotes, including one of floating stones with the message, “Stop Islam. Islam has to stop killing people by stoning.” Another, graced by the word, “Allah,” depicts an outstretched hand wearing a bracelet of explosives.

9. The Brooklyn Museum should also lead the charge with the work of Australian revisionist Sergio Redegalli, who has received death threats for a mural he painted outside his Sydney studio of a burqa-clad woman, bearing the slogan, “Say no to burqas.” “I don’t believe bullies have the right to stand over people and deny us our freedoms,” he explains.

10. These fearless expressions by truly heroic artists chronicle the “outrage at indifference to human suffering” far better than another anachronistic exhibit hoping — beyond hope — to marginalize Christianity." Hey, Brooklyn Museum! Show Muslim art! • Brooklyn Daily

A simple explanation and as usual found in scriptures. Rather uncanny for those who do not know better:

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." 2 Timothy 4:3-4
pure idiocy...

i've never seen a bunch of whining self-professed victims like you in my life.

there is no "attack on christianity"... there is only a push back against self-righteous morons who think they're superior and want to make moral judgments for others.

no one cares what you believe.... people care about the stupidity you try to force on them.

i've never seen anyone more fit to make my moral judgments than i am.

so keep to yourself and there won't be any problem.
Actually, it's not because of Christmas...The Brooklyn Museum doesn't care what the season is to attack Christianity. I've participated in protests over prior anti-Christian exhibitions....

But this article is an interesting cry for other religions to be 'spotlighted.'


Frankly, I wonder why Christians spend so much time being upset about this sort of thing.

When you are a tacky artist who has no real talent to move with your images, I guess it's easy to do something "controversial" to make people mad and get people upset....

But in the cosmic scheme of things, does it matter?

Is your faith so weak that "Piss Christ" is going to diminish it in any way? I mean, I think it's tacky, and the government bureaucrat who thought to write this guy a check needs to be fired for sheer incompetence, but it's not something to get worked up about or upset about... unless you think your own arguments are weak.
pure idiocy...

i've never seen a bunch of whining self-professed victims like you in my life.

there is no "attack on christianity"... there is only a push back against self-righteous morons who think they're superior and want to make moral judgments for others.

no one cares what you believe.... people care about the stupidity you try to force on them.

i've never seen anyone more fit to make my moral judgments than i am.

so keep to yourself and there won't be any problem.

"no one cares what you believe.... people care about the stupidity you try to force on them.

i've never seen anyone more fit to make my moral judgments than i am.

so keep to yourself and there won't be any problem"

OMG...I was just about to say that about your political views!
Coincidence, huh?

Happy Hanukah!
Actually, it's not because of Christmas...The Brooklyn Museum doesn't care what the season is to attack Christianity. I've participated in protests over prior anti-Christian exhibitions....

But this article is an interesting cry for other religions to be 'spotlighted.'


Frankly, I wonder why Christians spend so much time being upset about this sort of thing.

When you are a tacky artist who has no real talent to move with your images, I guess it's easy to do something "controversial" to make people mad and get people upset....

But in the cosmic scheme of things, does it matter?

Is your faith so weak that "Piss Christ" is going to diminish it in any way? I mean, I think it's tacky, and the government bureaucrat who thought to write this guy a check needs to be fired for sheer incompetence, but it's not something to get worked up about or upset about... unless you think your own arguments are weak.


We clamor for fairness...

....you know, like community organizers.
Actually, it's not because of Christmas...The Brooklyn Museum doesn't care what the season is to attack Christianity. I've participated in protests over prior anti-Christian exhibitions....

But this article is an interesting cry for other religions to be 'spotlighted.'

The Brooklyn Museum’s latest “Christ” exhibit, depicting an ant-encrusted Jesus as part of a collection of gay identity portraiture......

First, I'm astonished to learn that Brooklyn HAS A MUSEUM.

It seems so....oxymoronic.......I mean WHERE in Brooklyn would anyone PUT a Museum? Between a homeless shelter and a crack house?

WHY WOULD ANYONE GO TO BROOKLYN...PERIOD....much less to visit a museum?

Why would QUEERS visit Brooklyn!? To see a "collection of Gay Identity Portraiture??"


Yo, gimmieabreakwouldya?!

You are a bad, bad boy.

2,504,700 people live in Brooklyn, New York

And when you come to Brooklyn....fuggeddaboutttitt!

I accidently took the "R-ah" Train from lower Manhattan to the Court Street Station...Once.

And, of course, I've been privilaged to take in all the beauty Brooklyn has to offer during taxi trips to JFK.

I'm not sure if I would define a large proportion of 2,504,700 as "people."

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