A challenge to libs and a slightly different one to conservatives.


Locked Account.
Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head

Them's fightin' words to lotsa libs.

I propose a more modest discussion.

Submitted: America is a great country, not just in terms of wealth or military might, but in all variety of ways. However, to recognize the greatness of America is NOT the same as being compelled to deny that it has some faults and significant room for improvement and growth.

In my experience, libs seem to focus on the negative side of the ledger and are foaming at the mouth angry with conservatives for focusing (unduly, in the opinion of lots of libs) on the positive side of the ledger.

Conservatives DO tend to focus more on the positive side of the ledger, but in my estimation this is not inconsistent with also acknowledging room for growth.

So, to the libs I pose the following question: can you -- without any qualifications -- list the top FIVE things about the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA you like, respect and cherish the most?

For you conservatives
out there, go ahead and list the top FIVE things about the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA you think need to be fixed -- but do so without qualifying your answers. And try to avoid just mouthing anti-liberal rhetoric.

Once we have that addressed, I have an idea for the next step in the conversation.

(I am curious if this can be accomplished without flames?)
1. The right to burn flags.
2. The right to make fun of Christians
3. The right to point out the stupidity of the right
4. Abortions!
5. Freedom from religion.
1. The right to burn flags.
2. The right to make fun of Christians
3. The right to point out the stupidity of the right
4. Abortions!
5. Freedom from religion.

Ok. So that's one vote for, "it can't be done without flames [or trolling]."

You expected better? :lol: Consider the source... ;)
Would you prefer to live in a country where those freedoms weren't in place?
I appreciate what you're trying to do with this thread but lez be honest, it ain't gonna work out.
Five things I think need to be fixed:

1. Education
2. Education
3. Education
4. Education
5. Education

(fix that, and everything else follows.)
I appreciate what you're trying to do with this thread but lez be honest, it ain't gonna work out.

I know at least one other person here agrees with your prediction.

My attitude is "wait and see."

There are plenty of flame-oriented threads. I am curious to see if anybody is interested in "rising to the bait" of a thread designed to avoid it. And if so, how many? And will it last?
As a libertarian, who will probably find things that need fixing from a right AND a left perspective, I'm not sure where I fit in with this thread.

Some of the things that I think need fixing from a conservative standpoint, most of the other conservatives here wouldn't agree with.
As I posed the first question [i.e., "can you"], so far the answer appears to be "no"
I believe I did. As a person who finds that we have too many laws as it is, I truly believe all we need is one fix for the moment - education - and the rest will follow.

Without fixing parenting, I'm afraid education is useless.
Okay, top five things I would fix:

1. TAXES - Needs to be a flat tax and everyone needs to pay something, unless you make UNDER a certain amount. Companies should NEVER pay nothing. That includes GE, IBM, and those that regularly pay NOTHING.
2. SPENDING - Needs to be a balanced budget amendment to the US Constitution.
3. ENERGY - We need to have American energy solutions for American energy needs. Open up drilling.
4. MILITARY - We need to revamp our military and upgrade those systems that need upgrading. Revamp our procurement system so that payment is based upon delivery.
5. ENTITLEMENTS - You get welfare, then you need to work for it, unless you can't. You can't go on forever giving everything to everyone who wants it.

There ya go...
As I posed the first question [i.e., "can you"], so far the answer appears to be "no"
I believe I did. As a person who finds that we have too many laws as it is, I truly believe all we need is one fix for the moment - education - and the rest will follow.

Actually, Si, it appeared to me that you were answering the second question.

Maybe I misread it.

You focused on what thing(s) need to be fixed. Right?
As I posed the first question [i.e., "can you"], so far the answer appears to be "no"
I believe I did. As a person who finds that we have too many laws as it is, I truly believe all we need is one fix for the moment - education - and the rest will follow.

Without fixing parenting, I'm afraid education is useless.
I totally envision a lag time of a generation, though.

I look at lives of nations as an equilibrium - don't fuck with it too much otherwise one delays the equilibrium or kills the nation. So, laws to fix what broke the equilibrium in the first place are just beyond stupid, IMO.

It's never going to be peachy for everyone - the bell curve/distribution - messes that up.

Life isn't fair, but our governing can be - as it relates to freedom. It just seems simple to me.
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As I posed the first question [i.e., "can you"], so far the answer appears to be "no"
I believe I did. As a person who finds that we have too many laws as it is, I truly believe all we need is one fix for the moment - education - and the rest will follow.

Actually, Si, it appeared to me that you were answering the second question.

Maybe I misread it.

You focused on what thing(s) need to be fixed. Right?
Yes, I did.

See, I want to accept that we will have warts, because we always will. I don't want to legislate the nice, any utopia, make everyone have the same thing, etc.

We can never do that AND value diversity at the same time.

We fix education so that we all can have the opportunity to think competently for ourselves within each persons' intellectual abilities, and I believe acceptance of reality will follow, along with the ability to find ways to make living life as FAIR for everyone as it can be.

ETA: We are a nation of The People. The People are the raw materials going into the product of a nation. Get higher quality raw materials. Dunno, maybe too simplistic or idealistic.
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