A challenge for all partisans

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Let's try an effort in futility.

Most of us are set in our ways, our beliefs. We argue daily, sometimes about mundane shit and sometimes about heartfelt issues. Often what we forget which is often most important is that were all Americans. We can have deep divides but at the end of the day were all in this together. I often have liberal clients and their life ambitions are no different than mine were at their age. Get kids through school, put some money away for later in life and most importantly enjoy life.

We all talk shit to each other on here but truth be told I would love to sit down face to face over a drink and shoot the shit with about any of you. While I may have more in common with say, Full Auto , my conversation with Jillian would be far more exciting if for no other reason than our differences.

I've really enjoyed the interaction with most of you cept for the haters. So can you all commit to repping at least 6 out of your next 10 to someone with a different view than you? After all what makes us unique is our differences and our ability to discuss said differences without throwing shoes at each other or wearing suicide vests to each others birthday parties.

Can you do it or are you too partisan......
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It is hard to rep someone who hits and run with neg rep without them actually bringing their opinion to the table.

I would like to see a debate, but this is too much to ask for.
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It is hard to rep someone who hits and run with neg rep without them actually bringing their opinion to the table.

I would like to see a debate, but this is too much to ask for.

I had a good debate earlier with someone else. Usually its just talking points.
It is hard to rep someone who hits and run with neg rep without them actually bringing their opinion to the table.

I would like to see a debate, but this is too much to ask for.

I had a good debate earlier with someone else. Usually its just talking points.

I will come clean. I think you are an ok person, but was really turned off when you try validate the numerous lose of life over our stupid wars during the years.

I get pissed off when people try to claim that soldiers are patriotic heroes, when they are not. They are pawns in a political game of an out of control federal government. I can't stand warmongering asshole who justify more death and destruction over stupid policy in the name of patriotism.

However, tips hat to you. I will lay down my grudge.
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I am not too partisan to consider any well presented view but I also know that most of these people are here to vent their frustrations rather than any interest in an opposing view. It's an exercise in futility to expect anything out of this other than to waste away a few hours in our all too tense and aggravating lives. I rarely take even the most vile comments personally, happy to help if a few nasty comments towards me keeps some rage filled guy from punching his wife. As to the rep system on this board I didn't really like it from the start and do everything I can to ignore it although it does give me an accurate guide of who to put on ignore.
I think most people can agree that they should be in the rock n roll hall of fame.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SeUqDjPeP0]Steppenwolf - The Ostrich - YouTube[/ame]
They should just do away with rep- it's a con obsession...that means nothing.

I agree with you, I'll drink with anyone, and be friends with anyone, but I have no respect for GOP arguments- their FACTS are all messed up....
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Let's try an effort in futility.

Most of us are set in our ways, our beliefs. We argue daily, sometimes about mundane shit and sometimes about heartfelt issues. Often what we forget which is often most important is that were all Americans. We can have deep divides but at the end of the day were all in this together. I often have liberal clients and their life ambitions are no different than mine were at their age. Get kids through school, put some money away for later in life and most importantly enjoy life.

We all talk shit to each other on here but truth be told I would love to sit down face to face over a drink and shoot the shit with about any of you. While I may have more in common with say, Full Auto , my conversation with Jillian would be far more exciting if for no other reason than our differences.

I've really enjoyed the interaction with most of you cept for the haters. So can you all commit to repping at least 6 out of your next 10 to someone with a different view than you? After all what makes us unique is our differences and our ability to discuss said differences without throwing shoes at each other or wearing suicide vests to each others birthday parties.

Can you do it or are you too partisan......

dayum, I tried, but they system says I gave out too much in the last 24 hours. I do try to rep those I respect and who I don't usually agree with. Usually in a funny thread, but sometimes in the same thread we're arguing in, if they make what I think is a good point.
They should just do away with rep- it's a con obsession...that means nothing.

I agree with you, I'll drink with anyone, and be friends with anyone, but I have no respect for GOP arguments- their FACTS are all messed up....

Hey lookie.... you gotz a star!!!

Let's try an effort in futility.

Most of us are set in our ways, our beliefs. We argue daily, sometimes about mundane shit and sometimes about heartfelt issues. Often what we forget which is often most important is that were all Americans. We can have deep divides but at the end of the day were all in this together. I often have liberal clients and their life ambitions are no different than mine were at their age. Get kids through school, put some money away for later in life and most importantly enjoy life.

We all talk shit to each other on here but truth be told I would love to sit down face to face over a drink and shoot the shit with about any of you. While I may have more in common with say, Full Auto , my conversation with Jillian would be far more exciting if for no other reason than our differences.

I've really enjoyed the interaction with most of you cept for the haters. So can you all commit to repping at least 6 out of your next 10 to someone with a different view than you? After all what makes us unique is our differences and our ability to discuss said differences without throwing shoes at each other or wearing suicide vests to each others birthday parties.

Can you do it or are you too partisan......

Lead with your f'ing challenge. Don't make me go through a bunch of garble looking for it.
Let's try an effort in futility.

Most of us are set in our ways, our beliefs. We argue daily, sometimes about mundane shit and sometimes about heartfelt issues. Often what we forget which is often most important is that were all Americans. We can have deep divides but at the end of the day were all in this together. I often have liberal clients and their life ambitions are no different than mine were at their age. Get kids through school, put some money away for later in life and most importantly enjoy life.

We all talk shit to each other on here but truth be told I would love to sit down face to face over a drink and shoot the shit with about any of you. While I may have more in common with say, Full Auto , my conversation with Jillian would be far more exciting if for no other reason than our differences.

I've really enjoyed the interaction with most of you cept for the haters. So can you all commit to repping at least 6 out of your next 10 to someone with a different view than you? After all what makes us unique is our differences and our ability to discuss said differences without throwing shoes at each other or wearing suicide vests to each others birthday parties.

Can you do it or are you too partisan......

Well, I've argued with both liberals and conservatives, when I think they are wrong.

without apology. I've also had some interesting conversations with people I disagree with. And some people- on both sides, are kind of stupid and shouldn't be running with the big dogs.

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