9th Circuit Rules In DOJ's Favor In Sanctuary Cities Case


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
9th Circuit rules in DOJ's favor in sanctuary cities case

9th Circuit rules DOJ can give preference to cities that put grant money toward combating illegal immigration - CNNPolitics
July 13, 2019 ~ By Caroline Kelly
The 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday ruled in favor of the Trump administration, saying the Department of Justice could give preference in awarding grants to cities that would use the money to focus on illegal immigration, as the federal government prepares to seek out undocumented immigrants in raids this weekend.
Community Oriented Policing Services funds are among those that can be blocked by the President without congressional approval, according to immigration law experts. The grants go toward developing innovative policing strategies and providing training and technical assistance to community members, local government leaders and law enforcement.

Good job by the administration. These law-breaking scum need to choke on it.
It appear that Trump was able to put enough good judges on the 9th Circuit Court to make it actually pass reasonable law?! wow! That’s a giant accomplishment. They are judges who are enforcing the law. Your democrats are the activists.. Activist Judges are being replaced with people who understand the law and it's intent, not crackpot democrat judges who are there to foil the enforcement of law.. Get the popcorn guys,.. this is going to be great to watch. or legislate from the bench
Aside from the supremacy clause in the Constitution, there's also executive discretion. A president, once allocated funds by Congress for a particular broad range of purposes, also has broad discretion to pick and choose how the money will be spent. If you don't like it, elect a different president.
This is a good sign, but the entire program’s budget is only about 200 million dollars. Not the biggest hammer in the world, but still, a good sign especially out of the 9th.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA left is increasingly terrified of the DOJ now that AG William Barr has replaced Jeff Sessions. AG Barr is moving fast on issues related to illegal immigration and the illegal spying carried out against the Trump campaign.

Someone once smirked and said elections have consequences.

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