9/11 Truthers are still at it


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
9/11 Truthers = people who spend an hour on the internet and think they understand physics.

Here’s our handy guide to 9/11 conspiracy theories — and how we know they’re b*llshit

So any minute now, your friend who listens to too much AM radio and bought a lot of gold over the last few years because Ron Paul told him to is going to hitch up his Dickies, spit in the dirt, set down the bong (or excessively hoppy craft beer), push his “Make America Great Again” Trump hat back on his head and say, “Ol’ Dick Cheney did 9/11. It was an inside job so they could install the Patriot Act” or something equally hare-brained and improperly verb-ed.

READ MORE: Forget his 9/11 truther tirades — Here are 7 of Alex Jones’ most unhinged conspiracy theories

And it may fall to you to try and set your friend straight. So, as a public service, we thought we would list for you some of the most prominent “Truther” conspiracy theories around the dreadful terror attacks that took place 14 years ago today and some ways that you might help your friend understand and accept that sometimes bad people do bad things that don’t have anything to do with the Illuminati, the International Cabal of Powerful Jews or even space aliens.
We need an "inconvenient truth" forum where we can post unwanted facts without implying that they are crazy or lies.
Figured it out:


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Why am I posting facts in a Conspiracy Theories forum?

About the summer of the year 2008, I had trouble putting a stem base inside a fire extinguisher. I tried for about 40 minutes and did not succeed. So I left it for the next shift on graves to fill. I tried...I really did.

About three days later on days shift, the current second shift foreman walked in the Gate One, smiling, asking me why I could not get the stem inside the fire extinguisher?

To my recollection, he was not on shift, till he come out on days = no overtime.

So how did he know I had trouble getting the stem in the fire extinguisher? The answer is simple = covert video surveillance, and surveillance unknown to me till then - inside the fire extinguisher room.

Shadow 355
9/11 Truthers = people who spend an hour on the internet and think they understand physics.

Here’s our handy guide to 9/11 conspiracy theories — and how we know they’re b*llshit

So any minute now, your friend who listens to too much AM radio and bought a lot of gold over the last few years because Ron Paul told him to is going to hitch up his Dickies, spit in the dirt, set down the bong (or excessively hoppy craft beer), push his “Make America Great Again” Trump hat back on his head and say, “Ol’ Dick Cheney did 9/11. It was an inside job so they could install the Patriot Act” or something equally hare-brained and improperly verb-ed.

READ MORE: Forget his 9/11 truther tirades — Here are 7 of Alex Jones’ most unhinged conspiracy theories

And it may fall to you to try and set your friend straight. So, as a public service, we thought we would list for you some of the most prominent “Truther” conspiracy theories around the dreadful terror attacks that took place 14 years ago today and some ways that you might help your friend understand and accept that sometimes bad people do bad things that don’t have anything to do with the Illuminati, the International Cabal of Powerful Jews or even space aliens.

you 9/11 coincidence theorists believe in this wacky conspiracy theory.

Idaho Observer: The looniest of all 9/11 conspiracy theories

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The reason 9/11 facts must be discussed in the Conspiracy Theory forum is because the the story of 19 highjackers is a conspiracy theory and all those who believe it are conspiracy theorists. The Official Conspiracy Theory has never been proven in any way. No one ever put on trial, no evidence was ever tested in court, no jury ever convicted anyone. It's just a theory of 19 hijackers and their masterminds living in caves ... But it is an obvious lie. Buildings cannot collapse at free fall speed by accident. 8 million square feet of concrete floor deck cannot disintegrate into fine dust by accidental collapse.

AE911 Truth just published a new booklet than scientifically destroys the OCT. If you still believe the Official Conspiracy Theory and have the courage of your conviction, go to the AE911 Truth site and read this scientific comparison of the OCT and the theory of controlled demolition.

Unfortunately usmessageboard has restricted discussion of the many obvious lies about 9/11 to this forum but no matter the truth will win out!
The reason 9/11 facts must be discussed in the Conspiracy Theory forum is because the the story of 19 highjackers is a conspiracy theory and all those who believe it are conspiracy theorists. The Official Conspiracy Theory has never been proven in any way. No one ever put on trial, no evidence was ever tested in court, no jury ever convicted anyone. It's just a theory of 19 hijackers and their masterminds living in caves ... But it is an obvious lie. Buildings cannot collapse at free fall speed by accident. 8 million square feet of concrete floor deck cannot disintegrate into fine dust by accidental collapse.

AE911 Truth just published a new booklet than scientifically destroys the OCT. If you still believe the Official Conspiracy Theory and have the courage of your conviction, go to the AE911 Truth site and read this scientific comparison of the OCT and the theory of controlled demolition.

Unfortunately usmessageboard has restricted discussion of the many obvious lies about 9/11 to this forum but no matter the truth will win out!
Thank you, we must have the courage to speak out on this issue in whatever forum is open to us. This is the biggest issue facing America for if we don't punish the perpetrators they I'll do it again!

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