9/11: Lessons of Dianetics [American Photography?]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
What has 9/11 taught us about the reach of capitalism-rhetoric and the power of pro-globalization concepts (e.g., religious pluralism, media networks, commerce ads, etc.)?


"After 9/11, when terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center in NYC, the world became 'on edge' about the frailty of globalization-oriented politics rhetoric, since it was made known that capitalism-gauged peace pacts were not considered universally desirable, especially by fundamentalist terrorists who despised Wall Street. These terrorists blamed American/Western capitalism for the problems of OPEC. This required Lord Shiva, mighty god of destruction/meditation to come up with a commerce oriented solution to this modern problem of anti-capitalism cynicism."


"Shiva thought that Americans and world leaders should consider how/why the devastation of the World Trade Center reminds capitalists that modern infrastructure reflects civilization investments in traffic rhetoric. Shiva wanted capitalism-baron Donald Trump to meditate on the social value of commerce-oriented pro-globalization pacts. Shiva wanted National Geographic to explore how urban sociology could inform humanity about the problems of traffic terrorism. Shiva was a real imagineer(!)."


"To challenge Shiva, a terrible and seductive witch arose from the underworld to promote more anti-capitalism terrorism. This witch, Black Michelle, wanted Americans to continue to feel extremely jaded about pro-globalization politics. She even wanted to seduce Shiva into thinking that anti-social behaviors were more 'symbolic' of modern era capitalism-oriented troubles such as corporate corruption related cynicism. Black Michelle also despised those trying to espouse generic optimism towards 'TrumpUSA'."


SHIVA: I won't let you destroy American patriotism!
BLACK MICHELLE: TrumpUSA is for naïve idealists...
SHIVA: There is real value in social ideals!
BLACK MICHELLE: Where's the pragmatism in capitalism?
SHIVA: Capitalists are not merely profiteers!
BLACK MICHELLE: Really; it seems piracy is desirable in capitalism.
SHIVA: No; Wall Street is about networking, not just sharking!
BLACK MICHELLE: Well, I doubt Yale economics profs care about Facebook.
SHIVA: Untrue; today's educators appreciate networking resources!
BLACK MICHELLE: So TrumpUSA is Facebook-idealistic, eh?
SHIVA: Many businesses advertise on Facebook; it's respected!
BLACK MICHELLE: Anti-capitalism terrorists don't trust TrumpUSA.
SHIVA: Donald Trump has what it takes to make capitalism mighty.
BLACK MICHELLE: TrumpUSA is as much about scandal as it is about democracy!
SHIVA: We can't fight cynicism with jaded talk about human frailty...
BLACK MICHELLE: How do you propose we fight human frailty?
SHIVA: We need more talk about social activity (e.g., World Bank)!
BLACK MICHELLE: We'll see if President Trump can cure capitalism's woes.
SHIVA: Never stop trying...


"After Shiva concluded his discussion/debate with Black Michelle, he decided that he'd continue to espouse ideals of patriotism so TrumpUSA could truly become a beacon or tower of pro-globalization capitalism. He commissioned an artist to make paintings of Joan of Arc reincarnated as a modern American woman wielding a sword symbolizing humanity's optimism towards the World Bank and why it could bring peace to humanity. Shiva effectively became a 'democracy photographer'."


"Fortunately, America's favorite two movie-stars Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise were planning a pro-media campaign involving the marketing of religious pluralism in American photojournalism. They worked with National Geographic and Archangel Comics to market a series of images in the media praising the modern social value of pluralism-dialogue in this era of networking-oriented customs/etiquette (e.g., Facebook!). Hanks/Cruise believed that media had the potential to restore doses of optimism towards American commerce (e.g., Planet Hollywood). Were they right?"


"I will not rest until capitalism (e.g., 'TrumpUSA') becomes a foundation for great modern journalism." -Lord Shiva (Diary Entry, 2020)




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