9/11 Families Slam Hearings


Aug 28, 2003
New York
** Let's see how much of this hits the mainstream media **

Forty relatives of 9/11 victims are slamming the so-called independent investigation into the Sept. 11 attacks, saying that too many on the panel are using the probe to "grandstand for political gain" in a bid to damage President Bush in an election year.

In an open letter released to the New York Post on Tuesday, the 9/11 relatives blamed the commission for fostering "the incredible notion" that President Bush knew 9/11 was coming and did nothing.

"I see the commission going partisan and that's not the way it's supposed to be. If it does that, it will be nothing but a political disgrace," former United Firefighters Association chief Jimmy Boyle, whose firefighter son Michael died on 9/11, told the paper.

Instead, said Boyle, Bush deserved praise for the way he's conducted the war on terror since 9/11, saying, "It's a whole new world as of Sept. 12 and I believe President Bush is the right man."

The letter also praised National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, saying: "We believe Dr. Rice when she says that the president 'would have moved heaven and earth' to prevent a terrorist attack had he known such an attack on our homeland was imminent. Any suggestion otherwise is incredible and inflammatory."

Originally posted by jimnyc
** Let's see how much of this hits the mainstream media **

I watched the news today, listened to the radio and visited at least 50 news sites throughout the day. Funny that this appears to be a non-existent story.

Remember when the 9/11 families supposedly lashed out at Bush over the ads that included a quick scene of the trade center? That was on the cover of many papers, all over every news station, and every major website ate it up.

Odd that they won't give this coverage.
People hate President Bush for the same reasons people hated Ronald Reagan and Winston Churchill. And as long as Budh doesn't back down to his critics, he should know, that history will be kind to him.

Last night, when someone asked him if his policies would cost him the election, what would he do, he said, "I don't plan on losing," which was a good answer, but if I were him right there I would have been more blunt and said, "The outcome in Iraq is more important than the outcome of the election. Churchill got voted out after WWII, didn't he..."

When asked if he made any mistakes, he should have bluntly said, "No." That would have driven liberals crazy.
Originally posted by Palestinian Jew
I think what a poll of the families needs to happen to know for sure whether a majority supports the comission or not.

I'm not so sure a poll will make the commission any more/less credible at this point. Their tactics have been less than admirable and the whole thing is in question now.
I know it wouldn't make it any more credible, but the whole reason this started was b/c of the widows, so if a majority of the families say the commission isn't worth it, I say we put a lid on it.
It seems to me a poll wouldn't matter. The point is that the 9-11 commission is leaning big time one way and it ain't to the right. There would be nothing wrong with it if they could be objective. I still cringe thinking about the disrespect Condaleeza Rice got. The media is only talking to the ones that don't like Bush as well. Another thing that bothers me,why in thee hell are those wives of 9-11 victims being treated like they know something about terror and U.S. intelligence? They are being treated like they are some kind of experts on terror. Some of these wives are obnoxious-sorry. they are far too worried about political gain.
Even with the partisan posturing leading up to yesterday, I still thought for a historical perspective the commission could have done good things. Now that it has come out that Jamie Gorelick should be a witness and not a board member, in my eyes the whole commission is a total waste of time. No matter what they report, it will always be tainted.....

More of my tax dollars at work:rolleyes:

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