
Gold Member
Aug 4, 2014
Living rent free in libs heads
81% of people receiving public housing benefits vote Democratic – and that’s just the tip of the handout iceberg

not surprising..look at the rest-

A survey by the Maxwell Poll on the political affiliation of those receiving government aid showed this to be the case.

Type of Benefit Received Percent Voting Democrat Percent Voting Republican
Public Housing




Food Stamps


Unemployment Compensation


Disability (from Govt.)


Welfare/Public Assistance


Democrats are the top higher numbers in all cases.

Attributing the problem to red states is false; the problem lies in the blue parts of the red states.

Read more at 81% of people receiving public housing benefits vote Democratic – and that’s just the tip of the handout iceberg
What? According to Rderp not a single black or Mexican person south of the Mason-Dixion line.
Attributing the problem to red states is false; the problem lies in the blue parts of the red states.

Read more at 81% of people receiving public housing benefits vote Democratic – and that’s just the tip of the handout iceberg

So you're saying because people who are in poverty or who are poor are more likely to vote democrat, therefore the problem for their poverty is with the democrats?

That makes no sense.

it makes lots of sense...esp. since the DNC champions helping the poor and blacks. WTF have they done for them in the last 50 YEARS!? less than nothing- they are worse off under libs and Obama.
If democrats didnt buy votes with this kind of stuff, they wouldnt be able to win elections.
81% of people receiving public housing benefits vote Democratic – and that’s just the tip of the handout iceberg

not surprising..look at the rest-

A survey by the Maxwell Poll on the political affiliation of those receiving government aid showed this to be the case.

Type of Benefit Received Percent Voting Democrat Percent Voting Republican
Public Housing




Food Stamps


Unemployment Compensation


Disability (from Govt.)


Welfare/Public Assistance


Democrats are the top higher numbers in all cases.

Attributing the problem to red states is false; the problem lies in the blue parts of the red states.

Read more at 81% of people receiving public housing benefits vote Democratic – and that’s just the tip of the handout iceberg
I'm not surprised at all. Repubs don't do jack shit for the poor. Why would they vote republican?
Attributing the problem to red states is false; the problem lies in the blue parts of the red states.

Read more at 81% of people receiving public housing benefits vote Democratic – and that’s just the tip of the handout iceberg

So you're saying because people who are in poverty or who are poor are more likely to vote democrat, therefore the problem for their poverty is with the democrats?

That makes no sense.

it makes lots of sense...esp. since the DNC champions helping the poor and blacks. WTF have they done for them in the last 50 YEARS!? less than nothing- they are worse off under libs and Obama.
Supporting raising the minimum wage isn't help?
Attributing the problem to red states is false; the problem lies in the blue parts of the red states.

Read more at 81% of people receiving public housing benefits vote Democratic – and that’s just the tip of the handout iceberg

So you're saying because people who are in poverty or who are poor are more likely to vote democrat, therefore the problem for their poverty is with the democrats?

That makes no sense.

it makes lots of sense...esp. since the DNC champions helping the poor and blacks. WTF have they done for them in the last 50 YEARS!? less than nothing- they are worse off under libs and Obama.
Supporting raising the minimum wage isn't help?

not really because businesses will fire, lay off and raise prices or close down altogether.
Attributing the problem to red states is false; the problem lies in the blue parts of the red states.

Read more at 81% of people receiving public housing benefits vote Democratic – and that’s just the tip of the handout iceberg

So you're saying because people who are in poverty or who are poor are more likely to vote democrat, therefore the problem for their poverty is with the democrats?

That makes no sense.

it makes lots of sense...esp. since the DNC champions helping the poor and blacks. WTF have they done for them in the last 50 YEARS!? less than nothing- they are worse off under libs and Obama.
Supporting raising the minimum wage isn't help?

not really because businesses will fire, lay off and raise prices or close down altogether.
Lol history shows that raising it has only a slight negative effect on the market. In fact, 600 economists signed a letter to congress in support of Obama plan to raise it to 10.10.
Anything that improves the condition of the poor or helps them = bad to the republicans. I wouldn't vote republican if you are poor and enjoy earning enough to eat.

except poor to a lib is one car, 3 cell phones, two xboxes, lotto and beer every night, taxis to the corner store instead of groceries etc.. most poor people don't have to be poor.
The survey questions are not that specific. They ask whether the respondent or any family members of respondent have ever used these programs. It does not give any information as to whether the respondent (or family members) was at that present time using the program, or regarding what length of time the respondent (or family members) used the program. It would be nice to have that data, but it is not included in the survey questions:


Those who conducted the survey also produced a report of their findings, which (unlike the blogger who licentiously twisted the information to conform to his narrative) limited their findings to the information asked


Attributing the problem to red states is false; the problem lies in the blue parts of the red states.

Read more at 81% of people receiving public housing benefits vote Democratic – and that’s just the tip of the handout iceberg

So you're saying because people who are in poverty or who are poor are more likely to vote democrat, therefore the problem for their poverty is with the democrats?

That makes no sense.

it makes lots of sense...esp. since the DNC champions helping the poor and blacks. WTF have they done for them in the last 50 YEARS!? less than nothing- they are worse off under libs and Obama.
Supporting raising the minimum wage isn't help?

not really because businesses toll fire, lay off and raise prices or close down altogether.
Lol history shows that raising it has only a slight negative effect on the market. In fact, 600 economists signed a letter to congress in support of Obama plan to raise it to 10.10.

They raised it 2005,2006,2007

Guess what they still poor...and it would hurt my operators down here in South Carolina, they start off at $13 an hour now, they won't get a raise to offset the New cost of prices going up.
Attributing the problem to red states is false; the problem lies in the blue parts of the red states.

Read more at 81% of people receiving public housing benefits vote Democratic – and that’s just the tip of the handout iceberg

So you're saying because people who are in poverty or who are poor are more likely to vote democrat, therefore the problem for their poverty is with the democrats?

That makes no sense.

it makes lots of sense...esp. since the DNC champions helping the poor and blacks. WTF have they done for them in the last 50 YEARS!? less than nothing- they are worse off under libs and Obama.
Supporting raising the minimum wage isn't help?

not really because businesses will fire, lay off and raise prices or close down altogether.

A complete myth

Myth: Increasing the minimum wage will cause people to lose their jobs.

Not true: In a letter to President Obama and congressional leaders urging a minimum wage increase, more than 600 economists, including 7 Nobel Prize winners wrote, "In recent years there have been important developments in the academic literature on the effect of increases in the minimum wage on employment, with the weight of evidence now showing that increases in the minimum wage have had little or no negative effect on the employment of minimum-wage workers, even during times of weakness in the labor market. Research suggests that a minimum-wage increase could have a small stimulative effect on the economy as low-wage workers spend their additional earnings, raising demand and job growth, and providing some help on the jobs front."

Minimum Wage Mythbusters - U.S. Department of Labor
Attributing the problem to red states is false; the problem lies in the blue parts of the red states.

Read more at 81% of people receiving public housing benefits vote Democratic – and that’s just the tip of the handout iceberg

So you're saying because people who are in poverty or who are poor are more likely to vote democrat, therefore the problem for their poverty is with the democrats?

That makes no sense.

it makes lots of sense...esp. since the DNC champions helping the poor and blacks. WTF have they done for them in the last 50 YEARS!? less than nothing- they are worse off under libs and Obama.

No, it makes no sense.

Sure, the Democrats have done nothing. But they do actually champion the poor and blacks.

Whereas the Republicans who have done LESS THAN NOTHING and simply don't give a fly F about the poor and blacks.

Who would you vote for? Bad or extremely bad? You'd vote bad.

You seem to be trying to say that Republicans have no responsibility for the poor because the don't give a damn. I was under the impression elected people were supposed to represent all those in their area. But then again this is American politics. Mostly they represent the money that comes in for their campaigns.

Ever wondered whether whatever the Democrats try, the Republicans just ruin?
Attributing the problem to red states is false; the problem lies in the blue parts of the red states.

Read more at 81% of people receiving public housing benefits vote Democratic – and that’s just the tip of the handout iceberg

So you're saying because people who are in poverty or who are poor are more likely to vote democrat, therefore the problem for their poverty is with the democrats?

That makes no sense.

it makes lots of sense...esp. since the DNC champions helping the poor and blacks. WTF have they done for them in the last 50 YEARS!? less than nothing- they are worse off under libs and Obama.
Supporting raising the minimum wage isn't help?

not really because businesses will fire, lay off and raise prices or close down altogether.

They'll do this with or without minimum wage anyway.

In fact minimum wage in the UK was implemented by Labour in 1998 and it took effect in April 1999.


Here's how much it's risen since then. A steady rise.


Unemployment went DOWN for the next two years, stayed steady until 2008 hit, and it hit the US as hard as it hit the UK.

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