80% of America wants Socialist Programs


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
Well, well, seems the cons were trying one more time to lie to you about socialists. This also proves that Americans do not reject socialism, instead 80% embrace it like huggy bear. So stop lying about why voters down the Dems. It surely wasn't over socialism. LOL!

8 in 10 Strongly Opposed to Social Security Cuts Recommended By Deficit Commission Proposal

Lake Research Partners released a new poll Thursday with dire implications for Democrats should Social Security cuts happen on their watch. And once again, the economy and jobs combined whomped the deficit as the primary concern of voters, 42 to 6.

Overall, of the 1,200 likely voters surveyed, 82% of respondents oppose Social Security cuts to reduce the deficit, including 83% of Dems, 78% of Independents, 82% of Republicans, and 74% of Tea Party supporters.

Hot News & Views | AlterNet
I say fine, stop all social security,just return to me all the money I paid into the "Trust Fund" since I started working in 1962. Everyone talks like S.S. is the same as welfare but it was supposed to be a trust fund we paid into until the politicians stole it to balance a budget. I paid into it my whole working life, I had no choice, so the gubberment can figure out how to pay me back. One lump sum or monthly S.S. check. Their choice.
If you really believe this, you are off your rocker.

The poll is in front of you. Do you deny the poll was taken, or what is your problem? You would be off your shitter if you think otherwise.
If you really believe this, you are off your rocker.

The poll is in front of you. Do you deny the poll was taken, or what is your problem? You would be off your shitter if you think otherwise.

The Shitter is where the socialists ended up after the 2010 November Poll, the only one that matters. Its the Tea Party at bat, please stand-by...for 2012....
Well, well, seems the cons were trying one more time to lie to you about socialists. This also proves that Americans do not reject socialism, instead 80% embrace it like huggy bear. So stop lying about why voters down the Dems. It surely wasn't over socialism. LOL!

8 in 10 Strongly Opposed to Social Security Cuts Recommended By Deficit Commission Proposal

Lake Research Partners released a new poll Thursday with dire implications for Democrats should Social Security cuts happen on their watch. And once again, the economy and jobs combined whomped the deficit as the primary concern of voters, 42 to 6.

Overall, of the 1,200 likely voters surveyed, 82% of respondents oppose Social Security cuts to reduce the deficit, including 83% of Dems, 78% of Independents, 82% of Republicans, and 74% of Tea Party supporters.

Hot News & Views | AlterNet




Indeed son...........two weeks ago, the far left in America took a gigantic kick to the balls. All over the internet, they are desperately trying to..........in fact, falling all over themselves.......to make it appear like their views are relevant in American politics. But as you can see from the map up there son........America is and always has been a center-right nation. Modern liberalism has always been rejected by the American people..........its just that our president pawned himself off as a moderate and it fooled enough independents and he get himself elected. The last two years, he proved who he really is........an America hating far left ideologue. Nobody goes for this far left agenda shit and they never will son........because unlike these k00ks, most Americans love their country. These people hate it and would burn our Constitution if they had a chance to.
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I say fine, stop all social security,just return to me all the money I paid into the "Trust Fund" since I started working in 1962. Everyone talks like S.S. is the same as welfare but it was supposed to be a trust fund we paid into until the politicians stole it to balance a budget. I paid into it my whole working life, I had no choice, so the gubberment can figure out how to pay me back. One lump sum or monthly S.S. check. Their choice.

If you spend a trillion dollars on a war....you are Patriotic

If you spend a trillion dollars helping the American people..........you are a Socialist
Hey T.......check out the lefties playing pumpkin baseball.................


I saw this and siad, "Shit........its like the threads they post up for conservatives in here!!!!"
Polls mean what the respondents say. Saying 8/10 love socialism because they don't want to loose out on the taxes they were obliged to put into it not very honest.

One of the big rules in business life is you don't count sunk costs in your decision making process. But that is what people do. They have had to forgo 15% of their wages for their entire working lives, and you ask the question, Do you want to move on to something else and let go of your sunk cost? The answer is no, of course not. That does not mean that people like it. It just means they don't want to give it up.

The same could be said of the guy with the oxygen bottle and his camels.
Well, well, seems the cons were trying one more time to lie to you about socialists. This also proves that Americans do not reject socialism, instead 80% embrace it like huggy bear. So stop lying about why voters down the Dems. It surely wasn't over socialism. LOL!

8 in 10 Strongly Opposed to Social Security Cuts Recommended By Deficit Commission Proposal

Lake Research Partners released a new poll Thursday with dire implications for Democrats should Social Security cuts happen on their watch. And once again, the economy and jobs combined whomped the deficit as the primary concern of voters, 42 to 6.

Overall, of the 1,200 likely voters surveyed, 82% of respondents oppose Social Security cuts to reduce the deficit, including 83% of Dems, 78% of Independents, 82% of Republicans, and 74% of Tea Party supporters.

Hot News & Views | AlterNet

Who employed them to undertake the poll?
Alternet is a fake website so.............its the #1 link reference for people on the DailyKos........real hardcore k00k stuff.............
Its the lefty version of Alex Jones' stie..........
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Well, well, seems the cons were trying one more time to lie to you about socialists. This also proves that Americans do not reject socialism, instead 80% embrace it like huggy bear. So stop lying about why voters down the Dems. It surely wasn't over socialism. LOL!

8 in 10 Strongly Opposed to Social Security Cuts Recommended By Deficit Commission Proposal

Lake Research Partners released a new poll Thursday with dire implications for Democrats should Social Security cuts happen on their watch. And once again, the economy and jobs combined whomped the deficit as the primary concern of voters, 42 to 6.

Overall, of the 1,200 likely voters surveyed, 82% of respondents oppose Social Security cuts to reduce the deficit, including 83% of Dems, 78% of Independents, 82% of Republicans, and 74% of Tea Party supporters.

Hot News & Views | AlterNet
Pure straw, ass-hat.

The only thing "socialist" about Social Security is the first word of the name.

The government isn't providing anything to anyone.

These are monies that we pay in and get returned to us.

If there are to be cuts in the amounts paid out there must be equal cuts in the amount taken in by the Fed.

There are any number of ways to reduced the deficit without reaching into what is supposed to be a lock-box account.

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