8 DNC reps fibbing it up... AGAIN!


The Magnificent!
Jun 24, 2011
Spokane area
Eight co-sponsors of

Our states 7th district congressional rep, Jim 'flip flop' McDermott, better known as 'fibber McDermott', is leading the flip flop charge... as usual. The Paul sponsored fed transparency bill is doomed to the circular file as senator Harry 'in the feds pocket' Reid said he will not allow the bill to be voted on in the senate.

This begs the question WHY the lower house 'DNC 8' would fib to begin with??? I guess an old adage is true... "THEY'D LIE WHEN THE TRUTH FITS BETTER!" With 80% of the American constituency in favor of fed transparency, the action of the 'fibbing 8' is simply mind boggling to say the least!
Eight co-sponsors of

Our states 7th district congressional rep, Jim 'flip flop' McDermott, better known as 'fibber McDermott', is leading the flip flop charge... as usual. The Paul sponsored fed transparency bill is doomed to the circular file as senator Harry 'in the feds pocket' Reid said he will not allow the bill to be voted on in the senate.

This begs the question WHY the lower house 'DNC 8' would fib to begin with??? I guess an old adage is true... "THEY'D LIE WHEN THE TRUTH FITS BETTER!" With 80% of the American constituency in favor of fed transparency, the action of the 'fibbing 8' is simply mind boggling to say the least!

Which really begs a larger question of trust.

I have become convinced that the right (not always correct on everything) simply does not trust the left when it comes to things like raising taxes.

People will howl and say......look at all the GOP (including Reagan) who raised taxes.


And they did it as part of a deal which they were then knifed in the back on.

This isn't the same right. They have the advantage of seeing the political corpses on the slab and know who put them there.

Trust === 0.00000

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