74% Of Voters Back EPA Power Plant Emissions Regulation


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
74% Of Voters Back EPA Power Plant Emissions Regulation

Fighting emissions regulations by the Environmental Protection Agency must be a winning national electoral issue, right? Otherwise why would so many politicians fight so hard to allow power plants to keep spewing pollution into the air?

Um, not so much. An overwhelming majority of voters in swing states across the country support EPA action to limit the amount of carbon power plants can emit, according to a new survey from the League of Conservation Voters (LCV).

By wide margins, voters in 11 states considered in play for 2014 Senate elections not only support emissions regulation, but trust EPA to administer the policy and say they’re less likely to vote for candidates who either oppose EPA’s proposal or deny climate change.

Read more at 74% Of US Voters Back EPA Power Plant Emissions Regulation
What were the questions?

If the question was "Do you support the unfettered right to pollute the atmosphere?" It will get a much different response than the question "Do you support paying triple your energy bill for a .5% reduction in emissions?"
Does not matter, coal is out and natural gas is in as the energy sector production driver of the future and present.
Natural gas is "in" until the liberal establishment gets their anti fracking movement going.
We already know that a majority of voters are imbeciles, so what does it matter?
What were the questions?

If the question was "Do you support the unfettered right to pollute the atmosphere?" It will get a much different response than the question "Do you support paying triple your energy bill for a .5% reduction in emissions?"

This poll just shows the propaganda machine has been effective.. The AGW high priests have associated CO2 emissions with CARBON. And of course -- carbon is bad. But it is NOT a valid question.

What was asked was about limiting "CARBON emissions".. NOT pollution in general. And in particular they were asking about CO2 emissions --- but elected not to explain that.

So since 90% of America has no idea that "Carbon emissions" is largely a Global Warming battle --- this deception and the worthless poll results don't matter.

Ask them if they want to INCREASE THE COST of electricity to reduce CO2 emissions for Global Warming --- and you'd get entirely different results.

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