$716 billion not enough; US military has lost advantage


Gold Member
Apr 22, 2014
Despite spending more per year than the next eleven countries combined on defense for as long as I can remember, the U.S. military’s advantage has eroded. In part because we’ve spent almost 2 decades fighting impoverished sand people in desert caves for little reason, according to findings by the National Defense Strategy Commission. Their recommendation is to uncap the defense budget, and gut everything else.

US military advantage has eroded, study says

In other news, the $400 billion (so far) F-35 program saw its first action a month and a half ago, wonderfully exploding a handful of desert caves in the middle of nowhere on the other side of the world.


Obviously, the answer is to spend more. Don’t stop until we outspend the ENTIRE WORLD combined!!! Which actually wouldn’t be much more... so let’s double that!
Despite spending more per year than the next eleven countries combined on defense for as long as I can remember, the U.S. military’s advantage has eroded. In part because we’ve spent almost 2 decades fighting impoverished sand people in desert caves for little reason, according to findings by the National Defense Strategy Commission. Their recommendation is to uncap the defense budget, and gut everything else.

US military advantage has eroded, study says

In other news, the $400 billion (so far) F-35 program saw its first action a month and a half ago, wonderfully exploding a handful of desert caves in the middle of nowhere on the other side of the world.


Obviously, the answer is to spend more. Don’t stop until we outspend the ENTIRE WORLD combined!!! Which actually wouldn’t be much more... so let’s double that!
This article is from 2013 so a little small for the cost of the Disaster "War on Poverty Costs". Latest was 22 Trillion dollars, which is far more than all the wars combined that the US has been in. Problem is there is NO time table to pull out of this War as we continue to reckless spend on worthless things like keeping lazy liberal fuckers alive who dont produce shit. Want to make the military more efficient, stop spending on the War on Poverty, take the 1 trillion dollars per year for the poor, pay down the debt, and more lazy assholes might volunteer for the military and no longer get paid to do nothing.

The War on Poverty Has Cost $18 Trillion

All liberals do is bitch and moan about people who actually do something. Yet never complain about the fuckers who do nothing, like them....

Despite spending more per year than the next eleven countries combined on defense for as long as I can remember, the U.S. military’s advantage has eroded. In part because we’ve spent almost 2 decades fighting impoverished sand people in desert caves for little reason, according to findings by the National Defense Strategy Commission. Their recommendation is to uncap the defense budget, and gut everything else.

US military advantage has eroded, study says

In other news, the $400 billion (so far) F-35 program saw its first action a month and a half ago, wonderfully exploding a handful of desert caves in the middle of nowhere on the other side of the world.


Obviously, the answer is to spend more. Don’t stop until we outspend the ENTIRE WORLD combined!!! Which actually wouldn’t be much more... so let’s double that!

1. Other rich nations pay less because we ensure their safety.

2. Your inability to remember that we were attacked and thousands of our people killed is noted and held against you.

3. It is insane that we are treaty bound to fight WWIII, over Estonia. We need to pull of out NATO, and let the Europeans take responsibility for their own defense.
Despite spending more per year than the next eleven countries combined on defense for as long as I can remember, the U.S. military’s advantage has eroded. In part because we’ve spent almost 2 decades fighting impoverished sand people in desert caves for little reason, according to findings by the National Defense Strategy Commission. Their recommendation is to uncap the defense budget, and gut everything else.

US military advantage has eroded, study says

In other news, the $400 billion (so far) F-35 program saw its first action a month and a half ago, wonderfully exploding a handful of desert caves in the middle of nowhere on the other side of the world.


Obviously, the answer is to spend more. Don’t stop until we outspend the ENTIRE WORLD combined!!! Which actually wouldn’t be much more... so let’s double that!

1. Other rich nations pay less because we ensure their safety.

2. Your inability to remember that we were attacked and thousands of our people killed is noted and held against you.

3. It is insane that we are treaty bound to fight WWIII, over Estonia. We need to pull of out NATO, and let the Europeans take responsibility for their own defense.
We could bring all our troops home from all over the world and do what they need to, and stop the invasion at the border. Put up our whole force and give orders to repel the invaders, soon there wouldn't be a diseased horde trying to get INTO our country.....

Despite spending more per year than the next eleven countries combined on defense for as long as I can remember, the U.S. military’s advantage has eroded. In part because we’ve spent almost 2 decades fighting impoverished sand people in desert caves for little reason, according to findings by the National Defense Strategy Commission. Their recommendation is to uncap the defense budget, and gut everything else.

US military advantage has eroded, study says

In other news, the $400 billion (so far) F-35 program saw its first action a month and a half ago, wonderfully exploding a handful of desert caves in the middle of nowhere on the other side of the world.


Obviously, the answer is to spend more. Don’t stop until we outspend the ENTIRE WORLD combined!!! Which actually wouldn’t be much more... so let’s double that!
Gagh! I could talk for hours about the massive waste of taxpayer dollars I saw on active duty. It was enough to make me puke and to give the finger to all the military contractors who wanted to hire me when I retired.

It was a real pleasure to tell each and every one of them to fuck off.
I worked in defense contracting for several years.

It’s amazing what the DOD will piss away money on.
I worked in defense contracting for several years.

It’s amazing what the DOD will piss away money on.

Nobody wants to talk about the waste within the DOD. They just want to keep throwing more and more and more money at it.
Despite spending more per year than the next eleven countries combined on defense for as long as I can remember, the U.S. military’s advantage has eroded. In part because we’ve spent almost 2 decades fighting impoverished sand people in desert caves for little reason, according to findings by the National Defense Strategy Commission. Their recommendation is to uncap the defense budget, and gut everything else.

US military advantage has eroded, study says

In other news, the $400 billion (so far) F-35 program saw its first action a month and a half ago, wonderfully exploding a handful of desert caves in the middle of nowhere on the other side of the world.


Obviously, the answer is to spend more. Don’t stop until we outspend the ENTIRE WORLD combined!!! Which actually wouldn’t be much more... so let’s double that!

1. Other rich nations pay less because we ensure their safety.

2. Your inability to remember that we were attacked and thousands of our people killed is noted and held against you.

3. It is insane that we are treaty bound to fight WWIII, over Estonia. We need to pull of out NATO, and let the Europeans take responsibility for their own defense.
We could bring all our troops home from all over the world and do what they need to, and stop the invasion at the border. Put up our whole force and give orders to repel the invaders, soon there wouldn't be a diseased horde trying to get INTO our country.....


Now you are talking. No need for a stupid wall that just cost money we do not have. Save money by bringing home the troops and put them on the southern border.
I worked in defense contracting for several years.

It’s amazing what the DOD will piss away money on.

Nobody wants to talk about the waste within the DOD. They just want to keep throwing more and more and more money at it.

If we are treaty bound to defend all of Europe and South Korean and Japan, and Australia, and Latin America, and Saudi Arabia, and ect ect ect.

we are going to be spending a ton on the military.

Any savings from cutting "Waste" will be relatively minor, and temporary.

We need to cut COMMITMENTS.
Despite spending more per year than the next eleven countries combined on defense for as long as I can remember, the U.S. military’s advantage has eroded. In part because we’ve spent almost 2 decades fighting impoverished sand people in desert caves for little reason, according to findings by the National Defense Strategy Commission. Their recommendation is to uncap the defense budget, and gut everything else.

US military advantage has eroded, study says

In other news, the $400 billion (so far) F-35 program saw its first action a month and a half ago, wonderfully exploding a handful of desert caves in the middle of nowhere on the other side of the world.


Obviously, the answer is to spend more. Don’t stop until we outspend the ENTIRE WORLD combined!!! Which actually wouldn’t be much more... so let’s double that!
This article is from 2013 so a little small for the cost of the Disaster "War on Poverty Costs". Latest was 22 Trillion dollars, which is far more than all the wars combined that the US has been in. Problem is there is NO time table to pull out of this War as we continue to reckless spend on worthless things like keeping lazy liberal fuckers alive who dont produce shit. Want to make the military more efficient, stop spending on the War on Poverty, take the 1 trillion dollars per year for the poor, pay down the debt, and more lazy assholes might volunteer for the military and no longer get paid to do nothing.

The War on Poverty Has Cost $18 Trillion

All liberals do is bitch and moan about people who actually do something. Yet never complain about the fuckers who do nothing, like them....


Damn ..

Despite spending more per year than the next eleven countries combined on defense for as long as I can remember, the U.S. military’s advantage has eroded. In part because we’ve spent almost 2 decades fighting impoverished sand people in desert caves for little reason, according to findings by the National Defense Strategy Commission. Their recommendation is to uncap the defense budget, and gut everything else.

US military advantage has eroded, study says

In other news, the $400 billion (so far) F-35 program saw its first action a month and a half ago, wonderfully exploding a handful of desert caves in the middle of nowhere on the other side of the world.


Obviously, the answer is to spend more. Don’t stop until we outspend the ENTIRE WORLD combined!!! Which actually wouldn’t be much more... so let’s double that!
When has anyone from your team ever closed a military base and/or brought the troops home, from places where the wars have been over for decades?...Under which prez did more troops come home in bags from Afghanistan?...In fact, wasn't it your bois who bragged about intervening in Egypt and Lybia?..."We came, we saw, he's dead" is how I believe it went?

Y'know, guys like me could get on board with guys like you on things like this, if it weren't for your team's rank sanctimony...IOW, get the plank out of your eye, Corky.
Despite spending more per year than the next eleven countries combined on defense for as long as I can remember, the U.S. military’s advantage has eroded. In part because we’ve spent almost 2 decades fighting impoverished sand people in desert caves for little reason, according to findings by the National Defense Strategy Commission. Their recommendation is to uncap the defense budget, and gut everything else.

US military advantage has eroded, study says

In other news, the $400 billion (so far) F-35 program saw its first action a month and a half ago, wonderfully exploding a handful of desert caves in the middle of nowhere on the other side of the world.


Obviously, the answer is to spend more. Don’t stop until we outspend the ENTIRE WORLD combined!!! Which actually wouldn’t be much more... so let’s double that!

1. Other rich nations pay less because we ensure their safety.

2. Your inability to remember that we were attacked and thousands of our people killed is noted and held against you.

3. It is insane that we are treaty bound to fight WWIII, over Estonia. We need to pull of out NATO, and let the Europeans take responsibility for their own defense.
We could bring all our troops home from all over the world and do what they need to, and stop the invasion at the border. Put up our whole force and give orders to repel the invaders, soon there wouldn't be a diseased horde trying to get INTO our country.....

Better than completely wasting lives and dollars in Middle Eastern quagmires
Despite spending more per year than the next eleven countries combined on defense for as long as I can remember, the U.S. military’s advantage has eroded. In part because we’ve spent almost 2 decades fighting impoverished sand people in desert caves for little reason, according to findings by the National Defense Strategy Commission. Their recommendation is to uncap the defense budget, and gut everything else.

US military advantage has eroded, study says

In other news, the $400 billion (so far) F-35 program saw its first action a month and a half ago, wonderfully exploding a handful of desert caves in the middle of nowhere on the other side of the world.


Obviously, the answer is to spend more. Don’t stop until we outspend the ENTIRE WORLD combined!!! Which actually wouldn’t be much more... so let’s double that!
When has anyone from your team ever closed a military base and/or brought the troops home, from places where the wars have been over for decades?...Under which prez did more troops come home in bags from Afghanistan?...In fact, wasn't it your bois who bragged about intervening in Egypt and Lybia?..."We came, we saw, he's dead" is how I believe it went?

Y'know, guys like me could get on board with guys like you on things like this, if it weren't for your team's rank sanctimony...IOW, get the plank out of your eye, Corky.
Obama at least pulled our soldiers out of Iraq and didn’t invade anybody, though he was absolutely brutalized by conservatives for both those things. I’ll come together to end middle eastern adventures anytime. Preferably sooner than later
Despite spending more per year than the next eleven countries combined on defense for as long as I can remember, the U.S. military’s advantage has eroded. In part because we’ve spent almost 2 decades fighting impoverished sand people in desert caves for little reason, according to findings by the National Defense Strategy Commission. Their recommendation is to uncap the defense budget, and gut everything else.

US military advantage has eroded, study says

In other news, the $400 billion (so far) F-35 program saw its first action a month and a half ago, wonderfully exploding a handful of desert caves in the middle of nowhere on the other side of the world.


Obviously, the answer is to spend more. Don’t stop until we outspend the ENTIRE WORLD combined!!! Which actually wouldn’t be much more... so let’s double that!

1. Other rich nations pay less because we ensure their safety.

2. Your inability to remember that we were attacked and thousands of our people killed is noted and held against you.

3. It is insane that we are treaty bound to fight WWIII, over Estonia. We need to pull of out NATO, and let the Europeans take responsibility for their own defense.
We could bring all our troops home from all over the world and do what they need to, and stop the invasion at the border. Put up our whole force and give orders to repel the invaders, soon there wouldn't be a diseased horde trying to get INTO our country.....


That diseased hoard should all be made into citizens if they can work and stay out of jail for a decade. Heck, I'll even give them city owned houses in the ghetto's of Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago or St Louis to live in and be theirs after the 10 years as kind of a modern Homestead Act. We need more people and more hungry people if we are going to keep up with the Chinese who already buy more new cars than us.
Despite spending more per year than the next eleven countries combined on defense for as long as I can remember, the U.S. military’s advantage has eroded. In part because we’ve spent almost 2 decades fighting impoverished sand people in desert caves for little reason, according to findings by the National Defense Strategy Commission. Their recommendation is to uncap the defense budget, and gut everything else.

US military advantage has eroded, study says

In other news, the $400 billion (so far) F-35 program saw its first action a month and a half ago, wonderfully exploding a handful of desert caves in the middle of nowhere on the other side of the world.


Obviously, the answer is to spend more. Don’t stop until we outspend the ENTIRE WORLD combined!!! Which actually wouldn’t be much more... so let’s double that!
When has anyone from your team ever closed a military base and/or brought the troops home, from places where the wars have been over for decades?...Under which prez did more troops come home in bags from Afghanistan?...In fact, wasn't it your bois who bragged about intervening in Egypt and Lybia?..."We came, we saw, he's dead" is how I believe it went?

Y'know, guys like me could get on board with guys like you on things like this, if it weren't for your team's rank sanctimony...IOW, get the plank out of your eye, Corky.
Obama at least pulled our soldiers out of Iraq and didn’t invade anybody, though he was absolutely brutalized by conservatives for both those things. I’ll come together to end middle eastern adventures anytime. Preferably sooner than later
Obama at least pulled our soldiers out of Iraq and didn’t invade anybody,
He put more troops into Afghanistan that Bush, did, also he droned the shit out of any Muslim dumb enough to poke his head out, along with US citizens that just happened to be near by and WITHOUT due process.. Yeah, Obama was a real Nobel Peace Prize winner, for turning the middle east into the junior varsity of ISIS.... you are such a dumbass... I cant stand your dumbass posts anymore, time for you to go with all the other stupid liberals(I know redundant statement) into the ignore zone...Buh bye..

We need to get out of the Middle East, we also need to leave many other areas such as Japan and Germany. We are not the world police.
Despite spending more per year than the next eleven countries combined on defense for as long as I can remember, the U.S. military’s advantage has eroded. In part because we’ve spent almost 2 decades fighting impoverished sand people in desert caves for little reason, according to findings by the National Defense Strategy Commission. Their recommendation is to uncap the defense budget, and gut everything else.

US military advantage has eroded, study says

In other news, the $400 billion (so far) F-35 program saw its first action a month and a half ago, wonderfully exploding a handful of desert caves in the middle of nowhere on the other side of the world.


Obviously, the answer is to spend more. Don’t stop until we outspend the ENTIRE WORLD combined!!! Which actually wouldn’t be much more... so let’s double that!
But, you forgot the most important reason why WORLD POLICE military spending should be eighty-gazillion dollars a day.





Fuck Yeah!

Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day, Yeah


Fuck Yeah!

Freedom is the only way, Yeah

Terrorists, you're game is through
cause now you have ta answer to


Fuck Yeah!

So lick my butt and suck on my balls


Fuck Yeah!

Whatcha' gonna do when we come for you now

It's the dream that we all share
It's the hope for tomorrow
(Fuck Yeah!)



(Fuck Yeah!)


(Fuck Yeah!)

The Gap

(Fuck Yeah!)


(Fuck Yeah!)


(Fuck Yeah!)

Rock N' Roll

(Fuck Yeah!)

The Internet

(Fuck Yeah!)


(Fuck Yeah!)


Fuck Yeah!




(Fuck Yeah!)


(Fuck Yeah!)


(Fuck Yeah!)


(Fuck Yeah!)


(Fuck Yeah!)

Fake Tits

(Fuck Yeah!)


(Fuck Yeah!)

Taco Bell

(Fuck Yeah!)


(Fuck Yeah!)

Bed, Bath and Beyond

(??Fuck yeah.??Fuck Yeah??)







Fuck Yeah!)

Wax Slips

(Fuck Yeah!)

The Alamo

(Fuck Yeah!)


(Fuck Yeah!)

Las Vegas

(Fuck Yeah!)


(Fuck Yeah!)


(Fuck Yeah!)


(Fuck Yeah!)


(Fuck Yeah!)


(??Fuck Yeah.??Fuck Yeah??)




(What??? )

Despite spending more per year than the next eleven countries combined on defense for as long as I can remember, the U.S. military’s advantage has eroded. In part because we’ve spent almost 2 decades fighting impoverished sand people in desert caves for little reason, according to findings by the National Defense Strategy Commission. Their recommendation is to uncap the defense budget, and gut everything else.

US military advantage has eroded, study says

In other news, the $400 billion (so far) F-35 program saw its first action a month and a half ago, wonderfully exploding a handful of desert caves in the middle of nowhere on the other side of the world.


Obviously, the answer is to spend more. Don’t stop until we outspend the ENTIRE WORLD combined!!! Which actually wouldn’t be much more... so let’s double that!
But, you forgot the most important reason why WORLD POLICE military spending should be eighty-gazillion dollars a day.





Fuck Yeah!

Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day, Yeah


Fuck Yeah!

Freedom is the only way, Yeah

Terrorists, you're game is through
cause now you have ta answer to


Fuck Yeah!

So lick my butt and suck on my balls


Fuck Yeah!

Whatcha' gonna do when we come for you now

It's the dream that we all share
It's the hope for tomorrow
(Fuck Yeah!)



(Fuck Yeah!)


(Fuck Yeah!)

The Gap

(Fuck Yeah!)


(Fuck Yeah!)


(Fuck Yeah!)

Rock N' Roll

(Fuck Yeah!)

The Internet

(Fuck Yeah!)


(Fuck Yeah!)


Fuck Yeah!




(Fuck Yeah!)


(Fuck Yeah!)


(Fuck Yeah!)


(Fuck Yeah!)


(Fuck Yeah!)

Fake Tits

(Fuck Yeah!)


(Fuck Yeah!)

Taco Bell

(Fuck Yeah!)


(Fuck Yeah!)

Bed, Bath and Beyond

(??Fuck yeah.??Fuck Yeah??)







Fuck Yeah!)

Wax Slips

(Fuck Yeah!)

The Alamo

(Fuck Yeah!)


(Fuck Yeah!)

Las Vegas

(Fuck Yeah!)


(Fuck Yeah!)


(Fuck Yeah!)


(Fuck Yeah!)


(Fuck Yeah!)


(??Fuck Yeah.??Fuck Yeah??)




(What??? )

Christ, how the hell could I forget?!


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