CDZ 71 percent of Americans support right to work

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
While 53 percent of Americans support Unions, I don't even know why we have this argument anyways, since only 10 percent of Americans are in a Union:
71% of Americans said they would "vote for" a right-to-work law if they had the opportunity to do so, while 22% said they would vote against such a law
Americans Approve of Unions but Support Right to Work
The blue states see what a success Republican policy is in the red states that they are Coping It in states like Michigan, Wisconsin and trying to do it in Illinois

America s Foreign Automaker Capitals - Forbes

Now a days you go into towns like Greenville South Carolina, they exploded with jobs since BMW moved here, why are the ultra left so against jobs?
It seems to me they would rather have no jobs, we live in a global world now, with major competition, I dont understand why the ultra left thinks we can go back to the 70s and compete Globally with $30 dollar an hour operators?
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I moved from Chicago 10 years ago, I had my taxes done I made 70 grand Last year and I own a half acre land, 4 bedroom on a lake, most I had in the Chicago area was a 2 bedroom condo, with a small patio

So there is more then a few bucks an hour to life but The Ultra left don't see it that way because they are not getting a cut of our take home pay.
While 53 percent of Americans support Unions, I don't even know why we have this argument anyways, since only 10 percent of Americans are in a Union:
71% of Americans said they would "vote for" a right-to-work law if they had the opportunity to do so, while 22% said they would vote against such a law
Americans Approve of Unions but Support Right to Work

Further proof that Americans are getting dumber.
I suspect a lot of people answer these polls not knowing what the hell the question is.
Maybe they are thinking of American Unions of the 20s ~50s ?

Or German style ones today?
53% voted for Obama and another 20% are too stupid to find their polling places. Our only hope is to legalize drugs so that more of them will be too stoned to vote. :rock:
While 53 percent of Americans support Unions, I don't even know why we have this argument anyways, since only 10 percent of Americans are in a Union:
71% of Americans said they would "vote for" a right-to-work law if they had the opportunity to do so, while 22% said they would vote against such a law
Americans Approve of Unions but Support Right to Work

Most Americans do not understand what right to work entails. The results on wages in right to work states has been a disaster.
I was born in Chicago and lived in the area for 38 years, moved to South Carolina 10 years ago, I know first hand how improved the area is, this place continues to explode with new companies, with out RTW these jobs wouldn't be here, so saying RTW laws has been a disaster is pure propaganda
I was born in Chicago and lived in the area for 38 years, moved to South Carolina 10 years ago, I know first hand how improved the area is, this place continues to explode with new companies, with out RTW these jobs wouldn't be here, so saying RTW laws has been a disaster is pure propaganda

South Carolina has a higher unemployment rate than Illinois or Ohio, the state that I live in. Illinois and Ohio are not RTW states. I would venture to say that wages are higher in Ohio and Illinois also.
While 53 percent of Americans support Unions, I don't even know why we have this argument anyways, since only 10 percent of Americans are in a Union:
71% of Americans said they would "vote for" a right-to-work law if they had the opportunity to do so, while 22% said they would vote against such a law
Americans Approve of Unions but Support Right to Work

Most Americans do not understand what right to work entails. The results on wages in right to work states has been a disaster.

I was born in Chicago and lived in the area for 38 years, moved to South Carolina 10 years ago, I know first hand how improved the area is, this place continues to explode with new companies, with out RTW these jobs wouldn't be here, so saying RTW laws has been a disaster is pure propaganda

South Carolina has a higher unemployment rate than Illinois or Ohio, the state that I live in. Illinois and Ohio are not RTW states. I would venture to say that wages are higher in Ohio and Illinois also.
Excuse me?
You should check facts and not post opinions, South Carolina unemployment rate is 5.7 % , Illinois is 6.6%
Unemployment Where does your state rank - CNNMoney
While 53 percent of Americans support Unions, I don't even know why we have this argument anyways, since only 10 percent of Americans are in a Union:
71% of Americans said they would "vote for" a right-to-work law if they had the opportunity to do so, while 22% said they would vote against such a law
Americans Approve of Unions but Support Right to Work

Most Americans do not understand what right to work entails. The results on wages in right to work states has been a disaster.

You must be one of those lazy ignorant workers I mentioned earlier.
And there are 25 right to work states so your "most" tag is total bull pucky.
Right to work states create jobs. Where you stand on the wage scale in them depends on your abilities....or lack there of.
According to this Forbes article places like Chicago area lost 11% of it's industrial jobs and Philadelphia 21%. While places like Houston gained 5% and Murfreesboro, Tennessee gained 6 %. It also goes on to state that they predict there will be a shortage of over 800,000 highly skilled manufacturing jobs, Where do you think all these jobs will Be? More jobs then workers always creates higher pay:

Our research suggests that much of this growth will be in metro areas in the South and the Great Plains that are known for friendly business climates. New industrial investment is tending to go to places that are largely non-union, and feature lower taxes and light regulation.

The Next Big Boom Towns In The U.S. - Forbes
While 53 percent of Americans support Unions, I don't even know why we have this argument anyways, since only 10 percent of Americans are in a Union:
71% of Americans said they would "vote for" a right-to-work law if they had the opportunity to do so, while 22% said they would vote against such a law
Americans Approve of Unions but Support Right to Work

I guarantee you that the majority of them don't know what it means. The term "right to work" is one of the nutter bumper stickers that Frank Luntz came up with. Designed to deceive. Those who don't pay attention have no idea what it means.
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There are probably pros and cons to right to work like any other legislation. I see no problems with private unions other than to give workers a voice which most employers want to take away and hurt their employees where it counts... in the pocketbook. The big lie is companies appreciate their best workers. Anyone one who is not a complete moron knows this fact. This is what America is now all about... sticking it to the best workers. What a sad sack country this is. Great? Not even close.
Another lie is in the phrase "Right to work". Who came up with that? Someone without a college degree for sure.
There are probably pros and cons to right to work like any other legislation. I see no problems with private unions other than to give workers a voice which most employers want to take away and hurt their employees where it counts... in the pocketbook. The big lie is companies appreciate their best workers. Anyone one who is not a complete moron knows this fact. This is what America is now all about... sticking it to the best workers. What a sad sack country this is. Great? Not even close.
I'd be careful using the word moron and in my younger days I'd agree with you. It comes down to this: If you have special skills and talents, companies will adore you. If you have generic skills.... well I'd say welcome to a lifetime of slavery.
All "right to work" means is the right for the employer to be able to fire any employee for any reason, or absolutely for no reason at all, without any consequences, or any obligation to their employee at all... in the guise of being able to break unions.*
All "right to work" means is the right for the employer to be able to fire any employee for any reason, or absolutely for no reason at all, without any consequences, or any obligation to their employee at all... in the guise of being able to break unions.*

You are confusing "right to work" with "at will employment." The former refers to whether employees can be forced to join a labor union; the latter allows employers to dismiss employees without cause (subject to legal restrictions).
All "right to work" means is the right for the employer to be able to fire any employee for any reason, or absolutely for no reason at all, without any consequences, or any obligation to their employee at all... in the guise of being able to break unions.*

You are confusing "right to work" with "at will employment." The former refers to whether employees can be forced to join a labor union; the latter allows employers to dismiss employees without cause (subject to legal restrictions).
ahhhh, thank you jwoodie, i did confuse the two.

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