70% of trump's endorsee's think the 2020 election was fraudulent

You know, we used to shy away from and even criticize liars. Now with the trump Big Lie, many are accepting them as possible representatives in our federal government. That is sad....
I don't vote for serial liars, like trump.
70% of trump's endorsee's think the 2020 election was fraudulent
It's more like "70% of Trumpy candidates know that he will become hysterical and add them to his vendetta list if they acknowledge the empirical reality."

They need the votes of the Weird Worshipers, and are willing to be publicly shtupped by the Cry Baby Loser to get them.
The fear of the Donald continues. Truth must scare the shit out of these clowns.
Truth is Biden cleaned trump's clock in 2020 and over 60 courts have confirmed it. This is a country of law and courts of law, not a country where alternative facts by a demented egomaniac are true.

So, just settle in for 2 1/2 year more of the Biden administration, while all you MAGA faithful wring your hands and dream of a trump reinstatement. Back to your Fetal Position!
Truth is Biden cleaned trump's clock in 2020 and over 60 courts have confirmed it. This is a country of law and courts of law, not a country where alternative facts by a demented egomaniac are true.

So, just settle in for 2 1/2 year more of the Biden administration, while all you MAGA faithful wring your hands and dream of a trump reinstatement. Back to your Fetal Position!
Courts refused to review the proof, that confirms nothing liar.
Did he lie about 500 Miles of Wall , or The Embassy to Jerusalem or Deporting Criminal Illegals
The Cry Baby Loser either lied about or failed to do enough things he promised to do that over seven million more Americans voted to dump him at their first opportunity. He then threw a hissyfit, lied about the election, and incited his goons to attack Congress.

In areas where no barricades existed before, they have built 15 miles of new, primary barrier or "border wall system"

ICE: More illegals were deported under Obama than Trump

Criminal illegals were already being deported before Trump, and his 15 miles of new wall construction was not paid for by Mexico as he repeatedly insisted would be the case.

Trump goons were fleeced by scammers pretending to finance the wall:

Inside the ‘lavish’ life of alleged ‘We Build the Wall Scammers

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The Cry Baby Loser either lied about or failed to do enough things he promised to do that over seven million more Americans voted to dump him at their first opportunity. He then threw a hissyfit, lied about the election, and incited his goons to attack Congress.

In areas where no barricades existed before, they have built 15 miles of new, primary barrier or "border wall system"

ICE: More illegals were deported under Obama than Trump

Criminal illegals were already being deported before Trump, and his 15 miles of new wall construction was not paid for by Mexico as he repeatedly insisted would be the case.
Let's face it: The orange cult is just more intelligent and far better informed than the rest of the planet.

For example, take this guy. Which USMB poster would you guess this is?

Let's face it: The orange cult is just more intelligent and far better informed than the rest of the planet.

For example, take this guy. Which USMB poster would you guess this is?

The thought of Trump metastasizing like cancer cells is too horrible to contemplate.
The Cry Baby Loser either lied about or failed to do enough things he promised to do that over seven million more Americans voted to dump him at their first opportunity. He then threw a hissyfit, lied about the election, and incited his goons to attack Congress.

In areas where no barricades existed before, they have built 15 miles of new, primary barrier or "border wall system"

ICE: More illegals were deported under Obama than Trump

Criminal illegals were already being deported before Trump, and his 15 miles of new wall construction was not paid for by Mexico as he repeatedly insisted would be the case.

Trump goons were fleeced by scammers pretending to finance the wall:

Inside the ‘lavish’ life of alleged ‘We Build the Wall Scammers

What has the repub party come to? Their leader is demeaning and dismissing anyone in that party that tells the truth about the 2020 election. Basically, the repub party has now been reduced to a party where the Big Lie is sacred, even to the point of being called a RINO. I guess we can redefine the Grand Old Party to the Party Of Lies.
You know, we used to shy away from and even criticize liars. Now with the trump Big Lie, many are accepting them as possible representatives in our federal government. That is sad....

. . . Just waiting for the proof, ANY proof, that the stolen election is just a lie!

Still waiting . . .
Trumpism itself already has, and the cancer cells (MTG, etc.) are even worse than the original. And there's more on the way.

Lots more. Let's hope so. And remember, YOU created it.

The thought of Trump metastasizing like cancer cells is too horrible to contemplate.

Trumpism itself already has, and the cancer cells (MTG, etc.) are even worse than the original. And there's more on the way.
Look at Florida, where little trump is busy disenfranchising black voters and banning math books because he says they teach CRT. He is lining himself up for a WH run in 2024. He and TFG may need to flip a corn to see which is America's first dictator.

You know, we used to shy away from and even criticize liars. Now with the trump Big Lie, many are accepting them as possible representatives in our federal government. That is sad....
It was a sham election.


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