70% Of The Vaccinated Catch Delta Variant

Figures will go down and go up without people doing anything at all. Not sure what your point is.
Some. unless they can claim an advance caused by their own approved action, will never see that progress as anything but chance, regardless of the reasons.
Oh lookee, Him's panties are in a wad again.

Sonny, I'm not the one lying to encourage people to die. THAT would be you.

Now tell us my Tiny Minded Querdeken, why do you want people who think and act like you to die?
Is it some kind of self-hate thing?
Perhaps, you're too stupid to understand the risk?
Like the GOP politicians you love, it doesn't matter how many people die as long as you get to own the libs.

Now go wipe the bitchslap off and try again.
Typial of any post by this person, egotistical, boring, incorrect and coming from a proven liar.

For instance, you claim that people will die without the vaccine. You mean if they get the shot they will become immortal? Then why have those who remain unvaxxed not died already? Why do those who got the jab continue to die?

Your stance, like you, is a stupid presented by a liar with his little feelings hurt when presented with facts. Go change your diaper.

Then why respond.
Seems you can't ignore me.
Know why?
Because, my Tiny Minded Querdeken, I own you.
And what's really funny?

YOU are too stupid to realize it.


Why don't you tell me again how you don't want me in your life.

Time to change your diapers again, little leftist moron.
Lol, imagine if courts were set up this way where people have to disprove allegations made against them instead of being considered innocent until proven guilty...
I'm not making allegations against anyone. The experts who you don't trust say the vast majority of people dying are unvaccinated. But you take horse pills because someone else told you about them. Why are you believing the sources that tell you to take horse pills but not the experts?

Imagine if the forensic evidence proved someone was a murderer but a person on the jury was like you and just didn't believe the science because you were conditioned to.
I’m saying exactly what I stated. The second vaccine is not effective for a full 28/30 days after injection ( which it states right on the paperwork you are given at time of jab). And that vax’d individuals still get ,pass around and die from COVID.

Sorry..we don’t live in a black and white world. Variables matter.
So you are saying people who get the second shot still need to social distance and wear masks for 30 days after they get the second shot. After that 30 days, they are virtually and statistically very slim chance of dying from Covid. The unvaccinated however are still at a much higher risk. In fact virtually all the people dying are unvaccinated.
Again, proving how you are owned.
This is always the response from the Querdeken when their getting bitch slapped.
"Ohhh, you must be using more than one ID, no way one person ...bla bla bla"

You're a bitch because you are owned by me apparently, in your mind, with some ID called faun.
Isn't it hilarious, bitch, that when you speak to me you can't get him out of your mind and when you speak to him you're thinking of me.
What next, accuse me or Faun of being government plants?

Personally, I'd ignore you but slapping your bitch face is just too much fun.
You can't ignore anyone who constantly proves you to be what you are, a petty egotistical lying moron.

BTW, it is becoming more and more apparent that it is you who are owned since you follow me around and make your asinine claims while panting for more and more abuse. What's the matter, your mommy reject you out of good taste?
I’m saying exactly what I stated. The second vaccine is not effective for a full 28/30 days after injection ( which it states right on the paperwork you are given at time of jab). And that vax’d individuals still get ,pass around and die from COVID.

Sorry..we don’t live in a black and white world. Variables matter.
If I die from Covid I won't regret getting the shot.

Can you show us someone who was vaccinated and died and said they regretted getting the shot? Nope.
I didn't say it, assclown bitch.

I said look up the thread.
You said look up to see the Dado.

BOW Before the Dado!
Since all you are capable of, witness all of your moronic postings, is to lie and get pissed off when called on it, you seem to think that you are something special. I wipe things ore special than you off my shoes after a visit to the dog park.

Time for you to grow up and attempt to converse on an intelligent level. Oh! That's right! You are incapable of that.
Because the virus mutates and learns to slip through the spike proteins. Which is why the vaccinated are more likely to catch the variants. They are resistant to the vax.
In other words, the government and the CDC lies to us about the vax and it is basically useless.
So you are saying people who get the second shot still need to social distance and wear masks for 30 days after they get the second shot. After that 30 days, they are virtually and statistically very slim chance of dying from Covid. The unvaccinated however are still at a much higher risk. In fact virtually all the people dying are unvaccinated.
Again…variables matter. For instance ..a fully vax’d individual that is elderly or diabetic,with some form of hypertension,lung disorders such as asthma ,COPD etc …is still more at risk than an unvaccinated younger or healthy individual.

And no virtually all deaths are not unvaccinated.

Add to that vax related illness and deaths.

One of the many examples is Gullian Barre which men in the 50+ age bracket are more at risk of contracting. Can be a fatal neurological disorder. ( also stated on the jab paperwork handed out at time of poke).

There have been weeks where more Vax related deaths occurred than COVID deaths.

again we don’t live in a black and white world. The Vax is not healthy and it is ( and should be ) a personal choice.
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If I die from Covid I won't regret getting the shot.

Can you show us someone who was vaccinated and died and said they regretted getting the shot? Nope.
Probably the lady that lost all her limbs due to the vax or the families that lost young boys to vax related heart issues.
Again…variables matter. For instance ..a fully vax’d individual that is elderly or diabetic,with some form of hypertension,lung disorders such as asthma ,COPD etc …is still more at risk than an unvaccinated younger or healthy individual.

And no virtually all deaths are not unvaccinated.

Add to that vax related illness and deaths.

One of the many examples is Gullian Barre which men in the 50+ age bracket are more at risk of contracting. Can be a fatal neurological disorder. ( also stated on the jab paperwork handed out at time of poke).

There have been weeks where more Vax related deaths occurred than COVID deaths.

again we don’t live in a black and white world. The Vax is not healthy and it is ( and should be ) a personal choice.
Who cares if an old person who is high risk is more likely to die than a young healthy unvaccinated person? Compare a young fully vaccinated young healthy person to a young healthy unvaccinated person and the unvaccinated is at higher risk of dying. And more people who are unvaccinated are dying in all catagories.

Which leads me to call bs on this: There have been weeks where more Vax related deaths occurred than COVID deaths? Link?
Who cares if an old person who is high risk is more likely to die than a young healthy unvaccinated person? Compare a young fully vaccinated young healthy person to a young healthy unvaccinated person and the unvaccinated is at higher risk of dying. And more people who are unvaccinated are dying in all catagories.

Which leads me to call bs on this: There have been weeks where more Vax related deaths occurred than COVID deaths? Link?
Who cares if an old person who is high risk is more likely to die than a young healthy unvaccinated person? Compare a young fully vaccinated young healthy person to a young healthy unvaccinated person and the unvaccinated is at higher risk of dying. And more people who are unvaccinated are dying in all catagories.

Which leads me to call bs on this: There have been weeks where more Vax related deaths occurred than COVID deaths? Link?
Over 51% of the population suffers from at least one or more of the health issues I mentioned…all of which are more vulnerable to COVID after being vax’d than the healthy population.

And since over 51 % of the population is vax’d. Why is the left freaking out?
Again…variables matter. For instance ..a fully vax’d individual that is elderly or diabetic,with some form of hypertension,lung disorders such as asthma ,COPD etc …is still more at risk than an unvaccinated younger or healthy individual.

And no virtually all deaths are not unvaccinated.

Add to that vax related illness and deaths.

One of the many examples is Gullian Barre which men in the 50+ age bracket are more at risk of contracting. Can be a fatal neurological disorder. ( also stated on the jab paperwork handed out at time of poke).

There have been weeks where more Vax related deaths occurred than COVID deaths.

again we don’t live in a black and white world. The Vax is not healthy and it is ( and should be ) a personal choice.

Firehose of linkless LIES ^ And you people have absolutely ZERO shame about spreading them. Sad. :5_1_12024:
Who cares if an old person who is high risk is more likely to die than a young healthy unvaccinated person? Compare a young fully vaccinated young healthy person to a young healthy unvaccinated person and the unvaccinated is at higher risk of dying. And more people who are unvaccinated are dying in all catagories.

Which leads me to call bs on this: There have been weeks where more Vax related deaths occurred than COVID deaths? Link?

She read it on Facebook - GOTTA be true! ;)

WorldNutDaily - REALLY? :laughing0301:


  • Overall, we rate WND Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracy theories, and numerous failed fact checks.
I don't know if I believe that

Posts claiming that the number of deaths related to vaccines may soon rival the number of deaths from COVID-19 are false. The large number wrongly described as “vaccine-related deaths” in a series of online posts is the total number of reports that people have made to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). It covers all reports of all adverse effects, not just deaths. The reports cover all vaccines, not just COVID vaccines. Anyone can make these reports and they do not prove any causality.

Examples of the misleading online posts can be seen here and here .

The claim stems from an InfoWars video (archived here ) which shows a page from the independent website OpenVAERS (here ) where the number 1,136,615 is visible. However, OpenVAERS states that this is the number of reports of all adverse effects from all vaccines, not just deaths and not just COVID-19 vaccines.

Seems like this is a spin off of a lie that's been floating around the net.


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