7 ways America is doing better under Obama than Bush

Republicans Say America Is Doing Terrible - 7 Reasons They Are Wrong!

In February of 2009, right after Obama took office, the uninsured rate was at 16.1%. It was no secret that our health care system was broken. And then came Obamacare. Now, it is true that Obamacare is not perfect….far from it actually. But many of the problems with Obamacare are a direct result of compromises made to appease the Republicans in an effort to make it a bipartisan bill. As we now know, Obamacare is nowhere near the single payer system that Liberals originally wanted. But even with all of the flaws that still need to be addressed, it is definitely better than the broken system that we had before. According to Forbes, for the first time EVER the rate of uninsured Americans is now below 10% (it’s currently at 9.0%).

The Unemployment Rate
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the unemployment rate was 8.3% in February of 2009. But as you can see in this graph there has been a steady decline under President Obama. Last month the unemployment rate was down to 5.0%.


Beyond the official unemployment rate we have other rates which factor in things like discouraged workers and part time workers. One of those other rates is know as the U6 ratewhich adds on the workers who are working part-time purely for economic reasons. That figure the righties love to quote of nearly 10% is using the U6 numbers. But here’s the thing…even when you use the U6 figures there has been a vast improvement. In February of ’09 the U6 unemployment rate was 15.1%. It is now at 9.8%.

The economy was in the tank when Obama took over.

My mother could have taken over and things would have gotten better.

The American people don't need Bush or Obama...they just need them out of the way.
The economy was in the tank when Obama took over thanks to 2 years of Congress & spending controlled by Democrats, who were 3 seats shy of having a Super Majority! The poor economy Obines cries about inheriting....was inherited from HIS OWN PARTY!

YOU JUST CAN'T FIX 'STUPID' (Democrats)...but it's a good idea to do it cause stupid people shouldn't BREED! :p
This is so stupid. The recession began 4 months before Obama became president and 6 months into his presidency, the recession ended and we have had JOB GROWTH EVER SINCE. 12 million private jobs. 3 million of the jobs are directly attributed to his stimulus package that reversed the recession.

when will you get it? mean household income down, food stamps up, unemployment up, costs higher, people giving up looking for work higher, blacks worse off in every category....etc etc...
Lol unemployment is not up. Even the part time employment figure you cons love to tout is lower than it was under Bush.
Billy, BOTTOM LINE, when an administration costs tax payers OVER $742,000 to create 1 job (PER JOB) - according to the GAO - THAT is not only a FAIL, but when you take into account the # of self/party-serving pieces of pork (over 7,000) - and what that pork consisted of, that is CRIMINAL FISCAL IRRESPONSIBILITY!

Nearly $1 trillion & NO money for infrastructure, NO money for the VA, NO money for homeless vets, NO money so a US Ambassador could keep 16 members of his security detail (not even to get the additional security he asked for) to prevent his assassination (...but thank goodness tax payers bailed out millionaire Democrat Feinstein's husband's company out of bankruptcy)!

Nothing else need be said about the PO$ Stimulus bill!
Do you honestly think that any form of government spending is free? That includes tax cuts.

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