6th grader admits to making ancient symbol in mulch at school

Symbols & slurs need to be run ragged rather than forbidding them. Let people use them! Let people express them! The sting will wear off quickly.
........ You can talk about PC stuff all you like, but PC exists because people don't want others going around making hate all the time.
But that's my point ..... there is no "hate" in symbols and catch phrases.I can say n-i-g-g-e-r all day long without any "hate". Buddhists can wear the swastika all day long without "hate". I don't think you understood me.

No, I probably don't, because you appear to be ignoring the reality.

You might have no hate, but how does someone know that? You walk up to a random black person and say "hey n-g-er" and are they going to think you have no hate? No they're not.
I don't think the depth of your understanding is adequate for this subject.

Good for you. You don't know what I know. So you're making assumptions, which is never really a good idea.

But hey, you've given up, so....
Doesn't the cross spin in reverse?
Buddhism works by independent investigation and freedom of thought not indoctrination, even to the point where nonviolence allows oppression and bullying to overrun others by not fighting back with force.

Hitler 's Nazism was the opposite in imposing and carrying out collective dogma by political oppression and deadly force .

Going against natural laws of justice and peace is the lawless selfish spirit of antichrist. Hitler is seen historically as an antichrist figure, and now the armageddonist Zionists and Jihadist terrorists who wage religious war instead of seeking peace.

The faithful Jews, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Bahai, Universalists, secular humanists all seek peace by establishing truth and avoiding political wars.

If you look at the common factors among peacemaking believers, they all live by Restorative Justice not political coercion. So this is the same key to the Kingdom of God or world peace that is represented by Christ Jesus and the unifying message of salvation for humanity.
I'm sure we are discussing the symbol itself, not any philosophical/politico dissimilarities. There is no reason for someone to feel indignation at the sight of it. The swastika means different things to different people. Banning its' use is counter-productive to humanitarian well-being.

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