$650,000,000,000 to $850,000,000,000 a YEAR! WASTED!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
This is a fact supported by this source:

Gallup reports that one in four healthcare dollars spent in healthcare can be attributed to defensive medicine – about $650 billion annually. These costs are passed along to everyone, significantly driving up health insurance premiums, taxes to cover public health insurance programs, co-pays and out of pocket costs.

Defensive Medicine A Cure Worse Than The Disease - Forbes

Here is the study Forbes refers to:

Proof is 90% of physicians surveyed say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!

Physicians estimate the cost of defensive medicine in US at $650 to $850 billion per year.

--- Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
--- 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
--- "Physicians contracted by the federal government practice significantly less defensive medicine as they
are protected against lawsuits by the 1946 Federal Tort Claims Act. "
-- BUT........Only 48% practice defensive medicine compared to 92% of non-government physicians.
-- Only 48% practice defensive medicine compared to 92% of non-government physicians.
-- 89% of physicians support a patient’s right to be compensated fairly for true negligence.
Consider the fact that of the physicians interviewed 52% DID NOT practice defensive medicine!

Who were they? Doctors contracted by federal government!

WHY did these doctors NOT practice "defensive medicine"??? 1946 Tort reform!

So why not tax lawyers like ACA taxed tanning salons because tanning caused cancer...then
tax lawyers 10% because THEY ARE DIRECTLY related to the fear of lawsuits hence defensive medicine!

Take that $27 billion a year of the $270 billion they make and pay a $5,000 annual premium for each
of the 4 million that are truly uninsured that want insurance!
Problem solved!
And guess what?
When the insurance companies begin paying OUT less on the $650 to $850 billion a year they pay WASTEFULLY premiums decline!
It is a FACT!
When claims' costs go down, premiums have to go down under state insurance regulation rules!
FACT! If premiums go down, more people can afford health insurance!
Hug ehealthcare costs are directly attributable to mandatory health insurance. If health insurance pays the majority of healthcare costs, the costs will be jacked up into orbit. If people paid healthcare costs out of their own pockets, the costs would be reflective and affordable.

No reason a single aspirin should cost several dollars. But because insurance is who gets billed, costs soar.
Tort reform arguement again...

Right lads a mother a baby the needs 24 hr nursing care for the rest of his life because of a mistake by a hospital....

What is your solution to that?

I am not aganist reform I just think France has reduced costs around this heavilly by encouraging a non leagl route and having a pay before blame.

If you the baby doesn't get the care who do think picks up the bill ? The taxpayer...
Hug ehealthcare costs are directly attributable to mandatory health insurance. If health insurance pays the majority of healthcare costs, the costs will be jacked up into orbit. If people paid healthcare costs out of their own pockets, the costs would be reflective and affordable.

No reason a single aspirin should cost several dollars. But because insurance is who gets billed, costs soar.

But you didn't read the thread closely!

Doctors bill insurance companies for duplicate testing,etc. $850 billion a year...i.e. defensive medicine as they fear lawsuits.

If we had tort reform as the 1946 law did then the rest of the doctors and not just federally contracted doctors wouldn't do defensive medicine.

As result fewer claims would be submitted.
Fewer claims then paid by insurance companies.
Then companies when going for rate hikes have to justify with insurance regulators and they won't be able to because it is the medical liability ratio i.e. what percent of premiums goes to pay claims the regulators look at.
If it is considerably less then the 80% of premiums are paid out in claims which is the average right now the regulators won't allow rate increases.

I know this point goes WAY way over most people especially LIPs head but Tort reform for the rest of the medical community would save
$100 billion or more a year alone in wasted claims!

That's the point but obviously too complicated for the 8 second mindset people especially LIPs!
Tort reform arguement again...

Right lads a mother a baby the needs 24 hr nursing care for the rest of his life because of a mistake by a hospital....

What is your solution to that?

I am not aganist reform I just think France has reduced costs around this heavilly by encouraging a non leagl route and having a pay before blame.

If you the baby doesn't get the care who do think picks up the bill ? The taxpayer...

AND once again... YOU use singular rare events and make it sound like it happens ALL the time!
It doesn't! Plus you seem to forget what the doctors SAID!
YOU jump to conclusions based on this happening to everyone all the time!
It doesn't but when idiots make these rare events occur sound like it happens all the time I really see the proof that your attention span
is truly less then 8 seconds!
THINK! It doesn't happen all the time BUT all the time doctors practice defensive medicine!
$850 billion a year wasted. Cut that by 20% and premiums go down! FACT of life but evidently goes WAY WAY over your pointy head!
Stop giving anecdotal single occurrences and making that sound like it happens ALL time time EVERYONE!

See that's the problem! People like you take a anecdote like you shared and make it sound like it happens to everyone!
6 billion claims a year! A YEAR!!!
And you use ONE example of the 6 billion a year!
Screen Shot 2015-05-14 at 10.42.00 AM.png

Understanding Health Insurance Book Only - Michelle Green - Google Books
Tort reform arguement again...

Right lads a mother a baby the needs 24 hr nursing care for the rest of his life because of a mistake by a hospital....

What is your solution to that?

I am not aganist reform I just think France has reduced costs around this heavilly by encouraging a non leagl route and having a pay before blame.

If you the baby doesn't get the care who do think picks up the bill ? The taxpayer...

YOU didn't read closely as is wont with LIPs and the 8 second crowd!
Did you not read where I suggested the lawyers be taxed 10% just as tanning salons are because tanning causes cancer, lawyers caused
the $850 billion in defensive medicine!
Take the 10% of $270 billion and use the $27 billion to pay the premium for the truly 4 million that want health insurance!
That's all that would be needed with out the destruction of Obamacare destroying our health system.
That's my simple solution! Tax lawyers 10% and the tax declines as the $850 billion defensive medicine bill declines!
This thread unknowingly shows again the short attention span especially of LIPs!
As another thread states LIPs especially have a shorter attention span then goldfish...i.e. less then 8 seconds and they jump to the next
attention getter.
This is why our society is truly going to hell because we act based on headlines! We jump to conclusions based on less then 8 seconds of input!
We make anecdotal stories again based on not a little more time spent understanding the stupid headline!
Almost all the detractors of this thread automatically think they would lose out on the defensive medicine lottery, i.e. they want the ability
to SUE for the simplest error made by a doctor and hence the doctors fear lawsuits and practice defensive medicine.
And it is these LIPs these 8 second people that use anecdotes i.e. baby needs hospital care for life as the justification for $850 billion in wasted health expenses!
Sad the attention span and the TV /paper headlines are ALL these LIPs depend on!

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