...62 years old, and Sedition Hunters found him...

What bizarre batshittery. Yes, the insurrectionists were all Trumpers. And they all had bigger balls than you.

HATE HOAXING HOMOS in MAGAdrag..... - ittery....

HATE HOAXING HOMOS in MAGAdrag..... - ittery....
And all of them were Trumpers.

This cult fantasy has no legs, sorry.
There were more FBI Agents in that crowd posing as Trump supporters than there were looking into the Biden Crime Family
Don't mean to question your credibility ---or your beliefs. But Frank, if you allege it, you gotta prove it.
Not my rules. It's how the responsible adult world works.
Trust me.
And show me.
Show all of us that you know what you are talking about.
That you have some gravel, grit, and gravitas within you.
Good luck.

I found a way. I sent them a Nazi flag.
That's really interesting. How did you get an address so you could mail it or UPS it?

Others here may want the address in order to send money to support their admirable efforts in helping our authorities bring justice to those MAGA jackasses who savagely beat our uniformed police, pooped in the hallways and offices of our Capitol, vandalized and stole from our People's House.

Any money you can send to help them advance this valuable work would help America heal the the tragedy of the January 6th Insurrection by fanboy supporters of Don Trump.

BTW....if you recognize any of your family, your neighbors, workmates, teammates, or co-conspirators in this "Perp Sheet" put out by Sedition Hunters, well, please call or contact the Hunters, or your local FBI office.
God bless America and keep us safe from enemies both foreign ......and domestic.
Don't mean to question your credibility ---or your beliefs. But Frank, if you allege it, you gotta prove it.
Not my rules. It's how the responsible adult world works.
Trust me.
And show me.
Show all of us that you know what you are talking about.
That you have some gravel, grit, and gravitas within you.
Good luck.

That's really interesting. How did you get an address so you could mail it or UPS it?

Others here may want the address in order to send money to support their admirable efforts in helping our authorities bring justice to those MAGA jackasses who savagely beat our uniformed police, pooped in the hallways and offices of our Capitol, vandalized and stole from our People's House.

Any money you can send to help them advance this valuable work would help America heal the the tragedy of the January 6th Insurrection by fanboy supporters of Don Trump.

BTW....if you recognize any of your family, your neighbors, workmates, teammates, or co-conspirators in this "Perp Sheet" put out by Sedition Hunters, well, please call or contact the Hunters, or your local FBI office.
God bless America and keep us safe from enemies both foreign ......and domestic.
I turned in a tip on Jon Schaffer. Not sure if it ended up being useful or not. He was actually arrested very quickly, but the FBI asked the public for more info on him.

Jon Schaffer (on the right):

download (11).jpeg
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This will make any patriot happy.

Very violent insurrectionist Vincent Gillespie (age 61) was offered a plea bargain for 41-51 months.

He turned it down.

He ended up being convicted and sentenced to 68 months.

All Americans must be grateful to, and proud of, the efforts of that web-based group of amateur sleuths who continue .... nearly 28 months later....to hunt down and identify those J6 MAGA jackasses who assaulted America on that tragic day. [ Sedition Hunters ]

Here's a bloke whose retirement just got a speedbump. 62 friggin' years old!!


Rockne Gerard Earles was tagged .... #SteamPunkLunk by the Sedition Hunters…​

"Rockne Earles, 62, of Chama, New Mexico, formerly of Oriska, North Dakota, is charged in a criminal complaint filed in the District of Columbia with assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers, civil disorder, both felonies, and the misdemeanor charges of entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds, engaging in physical violence in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly conduct in a Capitol building, act of physical violence in the Capitol grounds or buildings, and parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building. He was arrested yesterday in Chama, New Mexico."

RESPONSE: "Rockne Earles, 62,....... is charged with assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers, both felonies,...... engaging in physical violence in a restricted building or grounds,... act of physical violence in the Capitol grounds or buildings,

PS...support and contribute to Sedition Hunters. You will feel patriotic in doing so. God bless America!
Meanwhile your cherished savage negroes terrorize the streets of Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago and the streets of every disgusting blue shithole in America, your beloved wetbacks are bringing in fentanyl by the truckload at our southern border and you ignorant fucking dumbasses say nothing about it. Just know…NOBODY sane takes you filthy fucks seriously.
  • your cherished savage negroes .....
  • disgusting blue shithole in America,
  • your beloved wetbacks ......
  • you ignorant fucking dumbasses ....
  • you filthy fucks seriously.
Well, Republicans, the GOP, Conservatives, Trump Supporters, MAGA / QAnon adherents, and possibly some loyal well-educated Americans, in general.....can be rightfully proud of having an articulate and enthusiastic spokesman for their interests, for their type, for their intellectual prowess and education level.....in a prolific and earnest poster, Broke Loser.

God bless America.
This will make any patriot happy.

Very violent insurrectionist Vincent Gillespie (age 61) was offered a plea bargain for 41-51 months.

He turned it down.

He ended up being convicted and sentenced to 68 months.

Trump Supporter?

Somehow your media heroes did not document that. If they don't document it, it probably isn't there...
Because they are scum.
I am old, and so, sometimes mistake the identity of one for another.
But not now.
Accordingly, I am convinced that good poster Billiejeans really is EMH.
They post the same. Use the same language. Same tone, ideas, and thoughts.
They are one.
A twofer.
Billiejeens = EMH
EMH = Billiejeens
True that.

Convince me otherwise.
You are such a little f*cking child.
Your taste of what you jack off to is not something I want you to show me.
Keep your demented perverted porno to yourself.
If, that is, you can keep tRumPs d*ck out of your mouth long enough and quit burping his sperm.

I like your satanic haircut... but the nipple thing is just wrong fuckboi....

Now quit sniveling and get busy.... your girlfriend's cock is not going to suck itself....

View attachment 777738
You are such a little f*cking child.
Your taste of what you jack off to is not something I want you to show me.
Keep your demented perverted porno to yourself.
If, that is, you can keep tRumPs d*ck out of your mouth long enough and quit burping his sperm.
I like pushing your buttons and you seem to like me shitting in your face, but I'm afraid you've mistaken me for someone that gives a shit whether you even survive next few hours.

I don't. Who would miss you if you hung yourself from your landlord's chain link fence, using his anal beads?

Absolutely nobody. Ever.

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