'60s "Liberals" Have Sold Out


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
Back then, they didn't trust anyone over 30.

They were repulsed by the mere image of fat cat corporate influence peddlers, like Jeffrey Immelt, Warren Buffet, Boone Pickens, Ariana Huffington and George Soros.

They were reflexively anti-foreign war, no matter who was prosecuting it.

They distrusted-cum-detested the establishment.

But now they are the establishment, so all bets are off.

Oddball, Both my parents were 60's liberal, I guess. They both also helped man reach the moon and further our space program to toadys level. My dad is now retired due to cancer but moms is still hard at work on the range.

I was wondering why you had not posted on the thread I started. This generation you speak of put us ahead in so many ways and you seem to forget. Just trying to stay positive here.
One of them is currently the President.

I'll save any comments about dying for a later date.

don't go blaming that asshat on the 60's-they've got enough problems.

he's younger than me, and i'm barely a 60s kid.

he's more of a disco queen

just sayin
He's my age and I'm a '60s kid.

I hung out with them...I partied with them...I fell for it while I was young, dumb and full of cum.

I was out in The World busting my hump, while they were in college learning how everything isn't.

Now, they're the ones who are The Man, while guys like me are poo-poo-ed as "fringe teabaggers".

Irony is a bitch, man.
One of them is currently the President.

I'll save any comments about dying for a later date.

don't go blaming that asshat on the 60's-they've got enough problems.

he's younger than me, and i'm barely a 60s kid.

he's more of a disco queen

just sayin

people said the same thing about my late client jerry rubin.

but i do love the list of "influence peddlers" named by the o/p.

i'm thinking he left out rupert murdoch, roger aisles the koch brothers, etc, etc,

any excuse for him to rant and rave while being dishonest, i guess.
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Sure, you can grow up.

But what of becoming just about everything that you professed to despise?

There's some serious Freudian shit skulking around these here parts.

'60s "Liberals" Have Sold Out

Back then, the didn't trust anyone over 30.

They were repulsed by the mere image of fat cat corporate influence peddlers, like Jeffrey Immelt, Warren Buffet, Boone Pickens, Ariana Huffington and George Soros.

They were reflexively anti-foreign war, no matter who was prosecuting it.

They distrusted-cum-detested the establishment.

But now they are the establishment, so all bets are off.

The '60s "Liberals"?????

That's supposed to qualify as some definitive-group??


Your "youth & inexperience" (as that ol' fart ReRon used to call it).....eclipsed (only) by your total lack of personal reference-points (as is evident by your choice of rhetoric)....exposes you as a Liberty University style "historian"; totally-unqualified to (even) mention the term History.

Ya' got nothin'......​
Back then, the didn't trust anyone over 30.

They were repulsed by the mere image of fat cat corporate influence peddlers, like Jeffrey Immelt, Warren Buffet, Boone Pickens, Ariana Huffington and George Soros.

They were reflexively anti-foreign war, no matter who was prosecuting it.

They distrusted-cum-detested the establishment.

But now they are the establishment, so all bets are off.


They met the "enemy" and found they are them
Back then, the didn't trust anyone over 30.

They were repulsed by the mere image of fat cat corporate influence peddlers, like Jeffrey Immelt, Warren Buffet, Boone Pickens, Ariana Huffington and George Soros.

They were reflexively anti-foreign war, no matter who was prosecuting it.

They distrusted-cum-detested the establishment.

But now they are the establishment, so all bets are off.


Yeah, a lot of them became libertarians. Sold their souls, I tell you!!! :evil:
They just learned that the pie in the sky bullshit is just that.....pie in the sky bullshit!!
Sad part is how long it took them to realize it.

Pie in the sky? That's what conservatives believe in, not liberals. Liberals believe you should have your pie right here on earth.

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