6 Months Prison for Handing Out Plastic Straws in Santa Barbara KKKalifornia

Actually I did and then researched further, unlike you, that just accepts anything you read, without researching -

Plastic straw bans disregard people with disabilities – East Bay Times
Straw ban controversies also have arisen in Seattle and New York City, and Lawrence Carter-Long, Director of Communications at Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund, said it’s because legislators did not consult the disability community.

Carter-Long explained how plastic straw alternatives do not work for everyone. Glass straws can shatter; metal straws can break teeth; wheat or corn straws can cause allergic reactions; and paper straws can turn to mush.

“Every single bit of this controversy could’ve been avoided if people had taken the time, stopped to think, and reached out to the disability community beforehand rather than after the fact,” Carter-Long said.
Proposed SF straw ban may affect people with disabilities
Many people with disabilities fear the plastic straw ban will limit their accessibility at restaurants, stores and other service establishments. For many people with disabilities, flexible plastic straws are the easiest and safest way to eat and drink food. Most paper straws dissolve and get soggy and many reusable straws, made out of metal for example, have no flex and can pose a hazard for people with mobility issues.

You can drink regular, you don't need to drink through a straw. its time to grow up and quit blowing through them to make bubbles.:)
Did you see Americans with Disabilities have attacked this, as many need plastic flex straws to even be able to drink.

Didn't read the article hey.

Here's another one: How Do Plastic Straw Bans Work?

But we know the "poorly educated" only read the headlines.

The Left obviously hate the disabled, elderly, and children.


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