6 million $ man pole vaults???


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
..I just saw the Six Million Dollar Man Steve Austin pole vault over a fence
now, isn't this ridiculous as he usually just jumps over fences ...???!!!!
I don't know... How tall was the fence? What are the specs on those legs? Where is Dr. Wells when we need answers damn it!

Did you know that Mark Wahlberg is currently attached to the movie The Six Billion Dollar Man? I imagine that's adjusted for inflation...
I don't know... How tall was the fence? What are the specs on those legs? Where is Dr. Wells when we need answers damn it!

Did you know that Mark Wahlberg is currently attached to the movie The Six Billion Dollar Man? I imagine that's adjusted for inflation...
the fence didn't look any higher than usual
and he just pole vaulted --again--in the next show ---season 1 ep 14 Burning Bright
they were testing Steve's abilities and one of the tests was pole vaulting!
I used to pole vault in high school
here he is doing a lot of jumps for comparison
he's jumping a lot higher than the fence he pole vaults over
here's something else:
....he has to use great speed to get a high pole vault height--but if he's going fast, what keeps the pole from going far into the ground??
..I used to pole vault and you have a ''box'' the pole goes into.....I'm calling bullshit on the Six Million Dollar Man's pole vaulting
fake fake
I'm very disappointed in Steve
That program supposedly was expensive to produce. What I don't get is much of it is him going/moving in slow motion. How expensive can that be?
That program supposedly was expensive to produce. What I don't get is much of it is him going/moving in slow motion. How expensive can that be?
plus they did a lot of shows outside in the hills/etc--no sets required...
yes, he was running a lot
....I just saw Steve hit the 7 Million $ man in the face with his bionic arm.....but he kept fighting Steve....wouldn't a hit in the face by a bionic arm just about kill someone????!!!
Wow! Talk about inconstancies! That just makes everything far more confusing! I think this conversation should continue for a very long time though. At least until we feel more comfortable with the choices, decisions, standards and values of the producers. It was probably to throw us a loop and head spin so that we would discuss it on a message board thirty five years later I will bet you! Genius! Fucking, genius!

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