6-8 thugs beat white man, news media ignores it


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
6-8 thugs beat white man, news media ignores it
North Carolina Mob Attack – PC Media Intentionally Avoid Racial Element – 6 to 8 Thugs… | The Last Refuge

Police: Man leaving ice cream stand on child's scooter assaulted - WBTV 3 News, Weather, Sports, and Traffic for Charlotte, NC

North Carolina Mob Attack – PC Media Intentionally Avoid Racial Element – 6 to 8 Thugs…

The Statesville man was pummeled by anywhere from six to eight assailants — an assault that put him in the Intensive Care Unit at Davis Regional Medical Center for two days.

According to Murdock, he rode his son’s scooter to a store on Newton drive on Monday, and as he was leaving, noticed a group of 15 to 20 young men in the parking lot. “One of them asked me if he could ride the scooter,” Murdock said.

He told the man no and continued on his way home, crossing the street and riding down Park Drive. Murdock said he was about a tenth of a mile down Park Drive when he felt something hit him in the back. “The next thing I know I was getting jumped on by eight or 10 of them,” he said.

Anything that is black on white = ignored.
If the "news media ignored it" ---------- then what the fuck is "WBTV 3 News, Weather, Sports, and Traffic for Charlotte, NC"?

Btw did you know your links redirect from Stormfront?

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Soros backed Acorn isn't funding black on white violence. Reverse that and paid black inciters would be all over Charlotte. And the national news media would be falling all over themselves to get a good shot of black lives mattering.
If the "news media ignored it" ---------- then what the fuck is "WBTV 3 News, Weather, Sports, and Traffic for Charlotte, NC"?

Btw did you know your links redirect from Stormfront?

Hey retard, the links worked just fine.
If the "news media ignored it" ---------- then what the fuck is "WBTV 3 News, Weather, Sports, and Traffic for Charlotte, NC"?

Btw did you know your links redirect from Stormfront?

Hey retard, the links worked just fine.

Hey retard, who said anything about how they work? Read the URLs. Now why would you link to Stormfront (which is illegal here btw) if your destination was actually "WBTV 3 News, Weather, Sports, and Traffic for Charlotte, NC", which is by some wacko definition "not news media"?

Interesting.....................I did a Google search for this story and found it had been picked up by several media outlets.

So much for this story being ignored.
Interesting.....................I did a Google search for this story and found it had been picked up by several media outlets.

So much for this story being ignored.
So did I. Nothing. Not a single link. I included blacks on white and even left out race. Nothing.

That makes the OP's own link to a local TV station hard to explain (which btw is over a month old, which means the OP "ignored" it while local media had it in April....

As did this other local TV station...

As did this third local TV station (with a video of the victim)

As did this local radio station....

As did this local newspaper...

As did this Atlanta TV station...

As did this Phoenix TV station, 2000 miles away...

Actually that's quite a bit of overcoverage for a simple event in little Statesville North Cackalackee.

Where am I getting all these links from stories over a month old? Do I have some kind of magic Übergoogle?
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Interesting.....................I did a Google search for this story and found it had been picked up by several media outlets.

So much for this story being ignored.
So did I. Nothing. Not a single link. I included blacks on white and even left out race. Nothing.

That makes the OP's own link to a local TV station hard to explain (which btw is over a month old, which means the OP "ignored" it while local media had it in April....

As did this other local TV station...

As did this third local TV station (with a video of the victim)

As did this local radio station....

As did this Atlanta TV station...

As did this Phoenix TV station, 2000 miles away...


Where am I getting all these links from stories over a month old? Do I have some kind of magic Übergoogle?
I was looking at the dates on the links and it is an old story.
Did it show up on MSNBC? CNN? PBS? Did any liberal reporters or commentators mention it on any national network? Obama? His wife? Was it on Nightline? This Week? Good Morning America?
search for the plane that touched down INSIDE the fence at FCI Phoenix Federal prison, in 1992, or the same place (but a month or so earlier), look for news about the 2 inmates who smuggled in a wire cutter and 2 Smith 9mm's and got shot dead between the fences (having opened fire on the perimeter patrol truck/cop. It's not just liberals who are hiding news that they don't like known!
Did it show up on MSNBC? CNN? PBS? Did any liberal reporters or commentators mention it on any national network? Obama? His wife? Was it on Nightline? This Week? Good Morning America?
Yet a made up story about a bunch of white frat boys raping a coed was splashed across the country.

Go figure.
Did it show up on MSNBC? CNN? PBS? Did any liberal reporters or commentators mention it on any national network? Obama? His wife? Was it on Nightline? This Week? Good Morning America?

Those are all national outlets. And GMA is't even a news show.
Why would a story of this local scope be on national news?

Better question -- what's it even doing on the media in Houston and Orlando and Phoenix?
If the races were reversed it would have been on every national news outlet in the country (and probably beyond).
Did it show up on MSNBC? CNN? PBS? Did any liberal reporters or commentators mention it on any national network? Obama? His wife? Was it on Nightline? This Week? Good Morning America?

Those are all national outlets. And GMA is't even a news show.
Why would a story of this local scope be on national news?
Like Baltimore, Ferguson, Cleveland, Trayvon, etc.?

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