52% of those polled have seen NO TAX savings (now comes part 2, APRIL 15)


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2018
I said it would take until early April. This was from a poll published a week ago. As I suspected, MOST people see nothing.

Here's the kicker. April 15 is around the corner. I wonder how many people who are seeing some savings will owe or have smaller refund checks? (I'd rather have mine all year long). MOST people don't understand what might be their case. And many rely on those MAY refund checks).

Shock poll: Majority of Americans don’t see Trump tax cuts in paychecks
By Helaine Olen March 27

CNBC’s All America Economic Survey, conducted by Hart Research Associates and Public Opinion Strategies in mid-March, found that only a third of the Americans have noticed more money in their paychecks because of $1.5 trillion Trump tax cuts. More than half — 52 percent — say they’ve seen no change at all.

The extra take home pay is so inconsequential to most people that, of the minority who says they’ve noticed the extra funds, a little less than 40 percent say it’s improved their finances “a great deal” or “a fair amount,” with the remainder saying it the money either helps a small amount or not at all.

Am I surprised? Of course not! This was entirely predictable — despite Republican claims to the contrary last year.


The tax bill, as we all know, was a major gift to corporations and the wealthiest of the wealthy, who received the lion’s share of the $1.5 trillion cuts. The cuts the typical American received, on the other hand, are relatively minor.

The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center estimated that the typical middle-income household would see an after-tax gain of $930 in 2018 as a result of the new law. Assuming a one-paycheck household, that adds up to a little less than $18 a week.
I said it would take until early April. This was from a poll published a week ago. As I suspected, MOST people see nothing.

Here's the kicker. April 15 is around the corner. I wonder how many people who are seeing some savings will owe or have smaller refund checks? (I'd rather have mine all year long). MOST people don't understand what might be their case. And many rely on those MAY refund checks).

Shock poll: Majority of Americans don’t see Trump tax cuts in paychecks
By Helaine Olen March 27

CNBC’s All America Economic Survey, conducted by Hart Research Associates and Public Opinion Strategies in mid-March, found that only a third of the Americans have noticed more money in their paychecks because of $1.5 trillion Trump tax cuts. More than half — 52 percent — say they’ve seen no change at all.

The extra take home pay is so inconsequential to most people that, of the minority who says they’ve noticed the extra funds, a little less than 40 percent say it’s improved their finances “a great deal” or “a fair amount,” with the remainder saying it the money either helps a small amount or not at all.

Am I surprised? Of course not! This was entirely predictable — despite Republican claims to the contrary last year.


The tax bill, as we all know, was a major gift to corporations and the wealthiest of the wealthy, who received the lion’s share of the $1.5 trillion cuts. The cuts the typical American received, on the other hand, are relatively minor.

The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center estimated that the typical middle-income household would see an after-tax gain of $930 in 2018 as a result of the new law. Assuming a one-paycheck household, that adds up to a little less than $18 a week.

Democrats who are angry about their tax cuts should not take their tax deductions.
Democrat Voters hate rich people, but the Democratic Party is run by rich people. lol
When corporations do better, the middle class also does better.
The Left Wing demagogue class warfare is really dumb.
You have to have an income to begin with to save on taxes. They included deadbeats and parasites in their poll. The 47% that don't pay taxes and mooch off the rest of society. In other words, democrats.
A shock poll... no scientific value....no controls, means the outcome is totally subjective to who was selectively called... Left wing wackos were doing the polling and their base called in..

Just one more name for bull shit left wing propaganda....
You do see the Communist lie on this, right? April 15 is for fiscal 2017 taxes _PRE-TAX CUT.

The Maoists are planning to say "see, you didn't save anything." The Media will lie, as they always do, failing to point out that we are filing under the OLD tax law.
You do see the Communist lie on this, right? April 15 is for fiscal 2017 taxes _PRE-TAX CUT.

The Maoists are planning to say "see, you didn't save anything." The Media will lie, as they always do, failing to point out that we are filing under the OLD tax law.

"we are filing under the OLD tax law." That much is true.
I picked up about $200 each two-week paycheck.

To the Oligarchs like Jeff Bezos this is just crumbs...
Lie. Lie. Lie.

Poor little Maoist.

Note that the lies your fellow Communists admit that pretty much everyone got a tax cut, but according to our ruling elite {The extra take home pay is so inconsequential to most people} - at least it is inconsequential to our ruling Oligarchs. An extra $100 a week to Tim Cook has no meaning at all, he can't even get a blowjob from a young boi for that.

But to the normals that you Maoists hate so bitterly, it's an extra tank of gas, or a prime rib on the week end.
I picked up about $200 each two-week paycheck.

To the Oligarchs like Jeff Bezos this is just crumbs...
Lie. Lie. Lie.

Poor little Maoist.

Note that the lies your fellow Communists admit that pretty much everyone got a tax cut, but according to our ruling elite {The extra take home pay is so inconsequential to most people} - at least it is inconsequential to our ruling Oligarchs. An extra $100 a week to Tim Cook has no meaning at all, he can't even get a blowjob from a young boi for that.

But to the normals that you Maoists hate so bitterly, it's an extra tank of gas, or a prime rib on the week end.

You read a whole lot of bull shit into my comment, Skippy. It's still all lies.
You do see the Communist lie on this, right? April 15 is for fiscal 2017 taxes _PRE-TAX CUT.

The Maoists are planning to say "see, you didn't save anything." The Media will lie, as they always do, failing to point out that we are filing under the OLD tax law.

"we are filing under the OLD tax law." That much is true.

So the lie that your fellow Stalinist posted is exposed. the 2017 returns will not show lower taxes because they are PRE_TAX CUT.

We KNOW that the little Goebbels over at CNN, the Amazon Post, and the New Speak Times will lie up and down, howling that the GOP tax cuts are a failure because the average family saw no relief on their returns on April 15th.
I picked up about $200 each two-week paycheck.

To the Oligarchs like Jeff Bezos this is just crumbs...
Funny, the Koch Brothers get 1.5 billion. To them, this is a huge savings.

So, to pay them their due, what should be cut? Lunches for poor children? Medicare for the elderly? Benefits for veterans? Any ideas?

I know. How about healthcare subsidies for Trump supporters?
You do see the Communist lie on this, right? April 15 is for fiscal 2017 taxes _PRE-TAX CUT.

The Maoists are planning to say "see, you didn't save anything." The Media will lie, as they always do, failing to point out that we are filing under the OLD tax law.

"we are filing under the OLD tax law." That much is true.

So the lie that your fellow Stalinist posted is exposed. the 2017 returns will not show lower taxes because they are PRE_TAX CUT.

We KNOW that the little Goebbels over at CNN, the Amazon Post, and the New Speak Times will lie up and down, howling that the GOP tax cuts are a failure because the average family saw no relief on there returns on April 15th.
Wait until October. In the tax bill, we had to end the subsidies to pay the Koch Bros. their due. In October, just before the November elections, we will find out how many millions of Trump supporters will no longer have healthcare. Man, are they going to be soooooo happy!
What you see in your paycheck depends on a number of variables, including the number of exemptions claimed, married, single, or head of household filing status and any other special instructions you may have given to your paymaster.

The ultimate amount of tax paid will be less with the tax cut than it would have been otherwise for at least 75% of U.S. FIT payers. This is fact, not opinion, not personal impression.

The PURPOSE of this survey was to make it appear that there is no benefit to the tax cut. If you are too stupid to see that, then you probably took it seriously.
I picked up about $200 each two-week paycheck.

To the Oligarchs like Jeff Bezos this is just crumbs...
Lie. Lie. Lie.

Poor little Maoist.

Note that the lies your fellow Communists admit that pretty much everyone got a tax cut, but according to our ruling elite {The extra take home pay is so inconsequential to most people} - at least it is inconsequential to our ruling Oligarchs. An extra $100 a week to Tim Cook has no meaning at all, he can't even get a blowjob from a young boi for that.

But to the normals that you Maoists hate so bitterly, it's an extra tank of gas, or a prime rib on the week end.

You read a whole lot of bull shit into my comment, Skippy. It's still all lies.

The OP is all lies, if that's what you mean.
Funny, the Koch Brothers get 1.5 billion. To them, this is a huge savings.

So, to pay them their due, what should be cut? Lunches for poor children? Medicare for the elderly? Benefits for veterans? Any ideas?

Ohhh look, deantard is lying again and making up numbers to post.

What a good Stalinist you are, not a hint or shred of integrity.
Funny, the Koch Brothers get 1.5 billion. To them, this is a huge savings.

So, to pay them their due, what should be cut? Lunches for poor children? Medicare for the elderly? Benefits for veterans? Any ideas?

Ohhh look, deantard is lying again and making up numbers to post.

What a good Stalinist you are, not a hint or shred of integrity.

You beat me to it. I was going to ask.
I went from making little w/o benefits (contract work only, part-time on-call) to full-time with benefits in March 2018 an ~8.5X increase in annual pay gross up to full-time. Benefits a nice bonus.

I had to move out of the "GayArea" to another state to accept this job. Moving mostly re-imbursed.

The 2-3% Tax cut for upper tossed in by Slimy RINO (not Trump) at last minute was in part to shut up Blue State Tax crybabies losing State/Local deductions. I was on record against upper bracket sneaky last-minute Schumer "fix".
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