51% of Americans, Including 29% of Dems, Support Deportation Raids


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Fifty-one percent of registered voters in a new Morning Consult/Politico survey said they supported Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids aimed at arresting and deporting immigrants who are living in the country illegally with outstanding deportation court orders -- Twenty-nine percent of Democratic voters, forty-six percent of independents, and eighty-five percent of Republicans favor the deportation raids."

Illegal Immigration has overtaken health care as the #1 issue in the US, and over half the country support President Trump on this issue.

I bet it would be more like 65% if the question was presented in a non leading way. Polls?! Common sense will tell any logical person that borders and border security protects all Americans and legal residents. Viva Trump.
Doesn't surprise me at all and I'd bet the numbers are larger.

Most Americans want illegals out of our country. They cost us billions each year. About time they started rounding them up and booting them back to Mexico.

Ike did it in the 50's and Trump can do it now.
That poll goes against the dems' narrative of "open borders". I hope they keep their open borders plank in their 2020 platform, along with free healthcare and free education for illegals.

Oh, did anyone see the MS-13 crew that cut the heart out of one of their victims?

MS-13 members hacked up one victim and cut out his heart, federal indictment says - CNN
A majority of Mexicans want illegals deported.

Majority of Mexicans favor deporting migrants waiting to enter US

The study, conducted by the Washington Post and Mexican newspaper Reforma, found “more than 6 in 10 Mexicans say migrants are a burden on their country because they take jobs and benefits that should belong to Mexicans.”



Suck a big fat one, Dimms. Your bullshit lies are so pathetic.
ICE conducts raids on a regular basis -

Trump ordering immigration raids is as pointless as him ordering a BigMac and fries.
If the pro illegal propaganda spewed by the media and Dem's was corrected, if people knew the true story, 90% would champion raids and deportations.
Is there something wrong with enforcing federal law? You commit a crime expect to suffer the consequences when your caught.
Apparently not in the Dim’s new America. To be honest if I don’t pay my taxes I get f—ked, so what’s the difference?
A majority of Mexicans want illegals deported.

Majority of Mexicans favor deporting migrants waiting to enter US

The study, conducted by the Washington Post and Mexican newspaper Reforma, found “more than 6 in 10 Mexicans say migrants are a burden on their country because they take jobs and benefits that should belong to Mexicans.”



Suck a big fat one, Dimms. Your bullshit lies are so pathetic.

Clear Majority of Mexicans Say Migrants Should Be Deported Back to Their Home Countries


This should come as no surprise.

A new poll conducted by the Washington Post found that the clear majority of Mexicans think migrants should be deported back to their home countries.

The survey, which was conducted in partnership with Mexico’s Reforma newspaper, found that Mexicans are “deeply frustrated” with immigrants traveling through their country from Central America.

6 in 10 Mexicans say migrants are a burden on their country taking jobs that should belong to citizens, the poll found.

55 per cent of Mexicans also support deporting migrants who go through Mexico to the United States, compared to just 7 per cent who want to give them residency in Mexico.

They take their food, fill their streets with their feces and trash, and no few are being offered work that Mexicans feel to be theirs. Mexico’s president is facing a backlash and has established all sorts of barriers to immigrants coming from the south.

More @ Prison Planet.com » Poll: Clear Majority of Mexicans Say Migrants Should Be Deported Back to Their Home Countries
A majority of Mexicans want illegals deported.

Majority of Mexicans favor deporting migrants waiting to enter US

The study, conducted by the Washington Post and Mexican newspaper Reforma, found “more than 6 in 10 Mexicans say migrants are a burden on their country because they take jobs and benefits that should belong to Mexicans.”



Suck a big fat one, Dimms. Your bullshit lies are so pathetic.
If Mexico is getting stuck with "refugees" invading and shitting on Mexico's sovereignty, I support Mexico's right to defend its sovereignty and go kick the shit out of the neighboring country from whence these fake refugees came.

I hope Mexico understands that we have the same right.
(Don't make it 3-0, Sancho)

The country is going in the right direction: 39% Wrong direction: 61%
Approve of Donald Trump: 40% Don't approve of Donald Trump: 56%

I'm not sure where you're seeing that Illegal immigration has taken the number one spot.

Page 18 shows that the top set of issues are economic issues. Immigration would be part of the second most important, and that's rolled together with terrorism, foreign policy, and border security.

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