500 years after the expulsion of Spain’s Jews, medieval Bible comes home


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
On a summer’s day in 1476 a scribe called Moses Ibn Zabarah put the finishing touches to an enormous and magnificently illustrated Hebrew Bible commissioned by the son of a wealthy Jewish family from Galicia, north-western Spain.

“The blessed Lord grant that he study it, he and his children and his children’s children throughout all generations,” he wrote.

The Bible, whose pages teem with dragons, monkeys, peacocks, intricate geometric patterns and a slightly alarmed Jonah entering the whale’s mouth head first, took 10 months to complete and would have demanded careful study.

But the scribe’s wish was not to be fulfilled. Sixteen years later Spain’s Jews – who had already endured a century of persecution that led many to convert to Catholicism – were ordered to leave the country by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella.
500 years after the expulsion of Spain’s Jews, medieval Bible comes home

That's kinda cool.
The Spanish Jews came as soldiers and administrators of the Muslim invaders. No Pity Party need be held for them; they helped loot the locals for some 700 years for their Muslim allies. Their 'persecution' was pretty tame stuff compared to what they themselves inflicted on others.
The Spanish Jews came as soldiers and administrators of the Muslim invaders. No Pity Party need be held for them; they helped loot the locals for some 700 years for their Muslim allies. Their 'persecution' was pretty tame stuff compared to what they themselves inflicted on others.

There was a community of Jews indeed BEFORE the Muslim invaders who took over from the Visigoths, I'm sure SOME arrived with the invaders but seems the Mussies were more tolerant of Jews than the Catholics...at least in some measure. You sure you are fully aware of the History??

The Spanish Jews came as soldiers and administrators of the Muslim invaders. No Pity Party need be held for them; they helped loot the locals for some 700 years for their Muslim allies. Their 'persecution' was pretty tame stuff compared to what they themselves inflicted on others.

There is always someone on every thread, to re-write history for us. Please continue. I'm sure it's amusing.
The Spanish Jews came as soldiers and administrators of the Muslim invaders. No Pity Party need be held for them; they helped loot the locals for some 700 years for their Muslim allies. Their 'persecution' was pretty tame stuff compared to what they themselves inflicted on others.

There was a community of Jews indeed BEFORE the Muslim invaders who took over from the Visigoths, I'm sure SOME arrived with the invaders but seems the Mussies were more tolerant of Jews than the Catholics...at least in some measure. You sure you are fully aware of the History??


Yes, I'm aware of the history; I use Jewish sources. A Jewish scholar had wondered why there were so many Jews in Spain at the time, and found out why. Yes, there were a few there before, but the majority came with their allies as invaders. Some of those already there in fact opened the gates of the some of the cities to let them in. It's part of the reason they weren't trusted in Christian Europe, along with their previous histories of massacres and genocides of Christians, which is extensive, more than most people are taught. Jewish intellectuals didn't have their 'Enlightenment' until the 18th century or so, when they began their own miniature version of the 'Age Of Reason', and became less self-isolating and pursuing liberal philosophies and the like. The Jewish Encyclopedia has a lot of this info.
The Spanish Jews came as soldiers and administrators of the Muslim invaders. No Pity Party need be held for them; they helped loot the locals for some 700 years for their Muslim allies. Their 'persecution' was pretty tame stuff compared to what they themselves inflicted on others.

There is always someone on every thread, to re-write history for us. Please continue. I'm sure it's amusing.

It is Jewish historians writing on their own history in this case; I guess they didn't consult you first and instead went with the facts. Seems they weren't much concerned with following popular narratives. They're pretty annoying like that.
The Spanish Jews came as soldiers and administrators of the Muslim invaders. No Pity Party need be held for them; they helped loot the locals for some 700 years for their Muslim allies. Their 'persecution' was pretty tame stuff compared to what they themselves inflicted on others.
The Spanish in some ways seemed worse than the Nazis with the Inquisition and rape and destruction of the New World. No wonder the Mexican and South American cartels are so despicable. Keep these people away from us.
In this country, the Jews here gave George Washington the money he needed to buy shoes and coats for his barefoot soldiers who suffered at Valley Forge. They friended us when we had no friends. After the emptied all their money to the good of the new nation, then we had lots and lots of friends.

We wouldn't have a constitution guaranteeing us freedom of our religion if it weren't for a handful of Jewish investors who quite frankly, got nothing back except their freedoms--of speech, of practicing their own religion, and the right to carry or not to carry arms, and best of all, everyone was in on the pursuit of happiness, so long as it did not interfere with other people's freedoms. Seems to be still going on 243 years later, although about half the people are not satisfied, they somehow manage to life long lives under the freedom system. :)
In this country, the Jews here gave George Washington the money he needed to buy shoes and coats for his barefoot soldiers who suffered at Valley Forge. They friended us when we had no friends. After the emptied all their money to the good of the new nation, then we had lots and lots of friends.

We wouldn't have a constitution guaranteeing us freedom of our religion if it weren't for a handful of Jewish investors who quite frankly, got nothing back except their freedoms--of speech, of practicing their own religion, and the right to carry or not to carry arms, and best of all, everyone was in on the pursuit of happiness, so long as it did not interfere with other people's freedoms. Seems to be still going on 243 years later, although about half the people are not satisfied, they somehow manage to life long lives under the freedom system. :)

I'm sure some did. Not sure what that has to do with the Spanish Jews of the Reconquest, and the biggest lenders were French, not American Jews, and the money was loaned on the word of Richard Morris, and Benjamin Franklin to a lesser extent for the most part. While the organizers of the U.S. Bank were arguing with pols, Morris set up the Bank Of America, which was the only Bank the French would deposit their loans in at the time. It remained a major bank for many decades after.
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The Spanish Jews came as soldiers and administrators of the Muslim invaders. No Pity Party need be held for them; they helped loot the locals for some 700 years for their Muslim allies. Their 'persecution' was pretty tame stuff compared to what they themselves inflicted on others.

The Spanish in some ways seemed worse than the Nazis with the Inquisition and rape and destruction of the New World. No wonder the Mexican and South American cartels are so despicable. Keep these people away from us.

The Inquistion wasn't nearly as large as what the the old Protestant propaganda said; they were far less than what non-believers suffered under Muslims, if they didn't have the money to pay for protection. There were 3 Inquisitions, the Spanish, the Portuguese, and the Roman. The Spanish may have executed maybe a couple thousand, not just Jews but also Muslims, not surprising since such a large number of them indeed probably did lie about converting in order to keep their loot, the Portuguese probably the same or less, and the Roman executed hardly anybody, after the Cathars were put down; the Church was forbidden to shed blood.

The myths that 'millions' were put to death is absurd nonsense put out by Reformation propagandists and modern day shills. In those days, lots of 'death sentences' were handed out, but few actually carried out; other alternatives were offered to offenders. No country could afford to lose 'millions', for one obvious fact. Europe would be empty today if 'many millions' were killed in those times. Plagues were doing such a good job it would have been suicidal.
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The Spanish Jews came as soldiers and administrators of the Muslim invaders. No Pity Party need be held for them; they helped loot the locals for some 700 years for their Muslim allies. Their 'persecution' was pretty tame stuff compared to what they themselves inflicted on others.

The Spanish in some ways seemed worse than the Nazis with the Inquisition and rape and destruction of the New World. No wonder the Mexican and South American cartels are so despicable. Keep these people away from us.

The Inquistion wasn't nearly as large as what the the old Protestant propaganda said; they were far less than what non-believers suffered under Muslims, if they didn't have the money to pay for protection. There were 3 Inquisitions, the Spanish, the Portuguese, and the Roman. The Spanish may have executed maybe a couple thousand, not just Jews but also Muslims, not surprising since such a large number of them indeed probably did lie about converting in order to keep their loot, the Portuguese probably the same or less, and the Roman executed hardly anybody, after the Cathars were put down; the Church was forbidden to shed blood.

The myths that 'millions' were put to death is absurd nonsense put out by Reformation propagandists and modern day shills. In those days, lots of 'death sentences' were handed out, but few actually carried out; other alternatives were offered to offenders. No country could afford to lose 'millions', for one obvious fact. Europe would be empty today if 'many millions' were killed in those times. Plagues were doing such a good job it would have been suicidal.
Still bad people
The Spanish Jews came as soldiers and administrators of the Muslim invaders. No Pity Party need be held for them; they helped loot the locals for some 700 years for their Muslim allies. Their 'persecution' was pretty tame stuff compared to what they themselves inflicted on others.

The Spanish in some ways seemed worse than the Nazis with the Inquisition and rape and destruction of the New World. No wonder the Mexican and South American cartels are so despicable. Keep these people away from us.

The Inquistion wasn't nearly as large as what the the old Protestant propaganda said; they were far less than what non-believers suffered under Muslims, if they didn't have the money to pay for protection. There were 3 Inquisitions, the Spanish, the Portuguese, and the Roman. The Spanish may have executed maybe a couple thousand, not just Jews but also Muslims, not surprising since such a large number of them indeed probably did lie about converting in order to keep their loot, the Portuguese probably the same or less, and the Roman executed hardly anybody, after the Cathars were put down; the Church was forbidden to shed blood.

The myths that 'millions' were put to death is absurd nonsense put out by Reformation propagandists and modern day shills. In those days, lots of 'death sentences' were handed out, but few actually carried out; other alternatives were offered to offenders. No country could afford to lose 'millions', for one obvious fact. Europe would be empty today if 'many millions' were killed in those times. Plagues were doing such a good job it would have been suicidal.
Still bad people

I'm not a fan of theirs, modern or old. When one looks at the former colonies of other European empires, especially Britain's, which seems to have the best record of success after colonialism, the Spanish ones fare the worst of all. Of course, when you're dealing with Aztecs and the like, I also doubt results would have been much better with others, really. There is certainly good reason to limit their migration into the U.S., unless you really like shitholes run by Aztecs. The 'pure' Spanish families in South and Central America marry each other or Europeans.
The Spanish Jews came as soldiers and administrators of the Muslim invaders. No Pity Party need be held for them; they helped loot the locals for some 700 years for their Muslim allies. Their 'persecution' was pretty tame stuff compared to what they themselves inflicted on others.
The Spanish in some ways seemed worse than the Nazis with the Inquisition and rape and destruction of the New World. No wonder the Mexican and South American cartels are so despicable. Keep these people away from us.

To be fair though.... everyone was brutal in the past. Everyone. Being cruel, was a planet wide sport. A lot of people tend to miss the fact, that as brutal as some of the empire building Europeans were, the people they conquered were not exactly a bunch of colorful care bears either.

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