500 scientists say there is no climate emergency

What the climate deniers ignore is that adding more carbon to the atmosphere does not itself cause heat, but changes how much heat is retained vs radiated away, constantly.
It is an accumulating process.
You are correct about the process and there are some here who claim the CO2 does nothing at all, but an argument you frequently see here is that there is no, or almost no positive feedback. A significant portion of equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) is the positive feedback that any temperature increase will receive from added water vapor that higher temps put in to the air. Of course no one has ever explained why there WOULDN'T be such feedback but there you go.
That is why the earth does not drop to zero degrees every night.
And the excess carbon we added will not stop retaining more and more heat for a very long time.
On the order of a couple centuries.
We do not know how long.
Scientists have made estimates and they are all in that ballpark for CO2. Methane, which absorbs more IR than CO2, fortunately has a shorter atmospheric lifespan of about 12 years.
And we do not know then what the final temperature will be when it finally reaches equilibrium.
We'll, yes we do. That is what the ECS tells us. Have a look at Chapter 3 of the Technical Summary of The Physical Science Basis of the IPCC's AR6 at www.ipcc.ch.
It may be so hot that eventually all the surface water in the oceans evaporate.
No. I doubt our atmosphere could hold that much water even were the planet at 100C. Eventually, one way or a very unpleasant other, humans will stop burning fossil fuels. Within a few decades, CO2 in the air will start to come down and with it, temperatures. Water vapor decreases and increasing carbonate solubility will both provide some assistance in that direction as well.
You are correct about the process and there are some here who claim the CO2 does nothing at all, but an argument you frequently see here is that there is no, or almost no positive feedback. A significant portion of equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) is the positive feedback that any temperature increase will receive from added water vapor that higher temps put in to the air. Of course no one has ever explained why there WOULDN'T be such feedback but there you go.
It's been like pulling teeth getting you guys to admit how much was the GHG effect and how much was feedback.

Why was that?
an argument you frequently see here is that there is no, or almost no positive feedback.
Actually we haven't even been able to have that discussion because you couldn't bring yourself to admit there are two separate components in the first place. So you have no idea where that discussion would have led.
I find the whole lack of transparency in RF effect of CO2 and feedback from RF effect of CO2 to be astonishing and the antithesis of science.
Who here has noticed a common theme for the "I blame the hateful man beliefs"?
Ummm .. "I care about my fellow human beings"?
Do they tell us what they have done to chill Earth?
Yes. Cutbacks in CO2 and methane emissions as well as unintentionally via aerosols.
Why do they not provide proof?
There are two very strong pieces of evidence that humans are responsible for the added CO2 in the atmosphere. First, bookkeeping. Since oil and coal and gas are marketed items, there are all manner of records which may be studied allowing an estimate to be made of the total amounts of each that have been consumed. Second. Isotopic analysis. Fossil fuels, due to their age, have a different mix of isotopes (molecules with greater or lesser numbers of neutrons). CO2 from fossil fuels combustion may be differentiated from CO2, say, just exhaled by an air-breathing animal. The results of both methods agree quite closely: both show that virtually every molecule above 280 ppm was produced by the combustion of fossil fuels.

They will often extrapolate stuff to hold up their belief. But why hasn't any of them told us how they chill off Earth?
Okay. How who or what chills off the Earth?
You are correct about the process and there are some here who claim the CO2 does nothing at all, but an argument you frequently see here is that there is no, or almost no positive feedback. A significant portion of equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) is the positive feedback that any temperature increase will receive from added water vapor that higher temps put in to the air. Of course no one has ever explained why there WOULDN'T be such feedback but there you go.


On the order of a couple centuries.

Scientists have made estimates and they are all in that ballpark for CO2. Methane, which absorbs more IR than CO2, fortunately has a shorter atmospheric lifespan of about 12 years.

We'll, yes we do. That is what the ECS tells us. Have a look at Chapter 3 of the Technical Summary of The Physical Science Basis of the IPCC's AR6 at www.ipcc.ch.

No. I doubt our atmosphere could hold that much water even were the planet at 100C. Eventually, one way or a very unpleasant other, humans will stop burning fossil fuels. Within a few decades, CO2 in the air will start to come down and with it, temperatures. Water vapor decreases and increasing carbonate solubility will both provide some assistance in that direction as well.
CO2 helps cool the planet
crick is an idiot.gif
Three graphs train wreck the theories of the AGW bozo's.

Three Graphs That Show There Is No "Climate Crisis" | ZeroHedge

And we know...voters don't care about climate change.
25 years and the climate k00k have yet to make their case. We know this because fossil fuels continue to DOMINATE the energy landscape. Energy policymakers don't give a fcuk about climate change :funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:
And yet China?

China doesn't exist on a map for any climate nutter.:deal:

Hey JC....what up brother?!!
31 degrees here yesterday at 8am

Be well dude....
Ummm .. "I care about my fellow human beings"?

Yes. Cutbacks in CO2 and methane emissions as well as unintentionally via aerosols.

There are two very strong pieces of evidence that humans are responsible for the added CO2 in the atmosphere. First, bookkeeping. Since oil and coal and gas are marketed items, there are all manner of records which may be studied allowing an estimate to be made of the total amounts of each that have been consumed. Second. Isotopic analysis. Fossil fuels, due to their age, have a different mix of isotopes (molecules with greater or lesser numbers of neutrons). CO2 from fossil fuels combustion may be differentiated from CO2, say, just exhaled by an air-breathing animal. The results of both methods agree quite closely: both show that virtually every molecule above 280 ppm was produced by the combustion of fossil fuels.

Okay. How who or what chills off the Earth?
Robert! How who or what chills off the Earth?
Three graphs train wreck the theories of the AGW bozo's.

Three Graphs That Show There Is No "Climate Crisis" | ZeroHedge

And we know...voters don't care about climate change.
25 years and the climate k00k have yet to make their case. We know this because fossil fuels continue to DOMINATE the energy landscape. Energy policymakers don't give a fcuk about climate change :funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:

China doesn't exist on a map for any climate nutter.:deal:

Hey JC....what up brother?!!
31 degrees here yesterday at 8am

Be well dude....
Hey Skooks, 19 degrees this morning here old friend. I'm glad it wasn't 20 I'd be in trouble all that one degree warmer rule implemented by warmer nutters. whew, escaped that disaster. Now if I do my Homer Simpson, Doh, 19 is one degree warmer than 18, maybe I am in weather danger. Oh no's..........

Still waiting on seeing that all inclusive data set that is used to produce the graphs and charts, but still zero brother.

Hope all is well with you and your family, that's the most important thing for me.
The video above is from Friends of Science, a Canada-based “non-profit organization run by dedicated volunteers comprised mainly of active and retired earth and atmospheric scientists, engineers, and other professionals.” On the same day last week that Greta Thunberg made an impassioned speech to the United Nations about her fears of a climate emergency, a group of 500 prominent scientists and professionals, led by the CLINTEL co-founder Guus Berkhout, sent this registered letter to the United Nations Secretary-General stating that there is no climate emergency and climate policies should be designed to benefit the lives of people. Here’s the press release, here’ the list of 500 signees, and here’s the opening of the letter:
I don't think it's climate that deprives Greta of a future. She needs some serious help with autism-spectrum issues, like we get our younger son. We don't encourage him to make a spectacle of himself.

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