5 Statements That Prove Trump's Top Environmental Nominee Is Unqualified


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
5. "I do not have any kind of expertise or even much layman study of the ocean dynamics and the climate change issue."

This shockingly honest response was given when Senator Whitehouse began to grill Hartnett White on ocean science.

Senator Whitehouse began by asking Harnett White how much of the additional atmospheric heat, captured by greenhouse gas emissions, has been absorbed by the ocean. Hartnett White was unable to answer the question. When he asked if it was more or less than 50 percent, Hartnett White said she believed there was serious scientific opinion that it was below 50 percent.

"Wow," said Whitehouse.

In actuality, scientists estimate that as much as 90% of the extra heat heads straight into our oceans.

Whitehouse went on to ask the nominee whether the law of thermal expansion applied to seawater. It was then that Hartnett White admitted to her complete lack of expertise.

When a nominee openly admits to being underqualified, there isn't much else to say.

5 Statements That Prove Trump's Top Environmental Nominee Is Unqualified


It's like she's saying: I am one dumbfuk, uneducated pink dildo and I know nothing of value and I'm unqualified to even boil water.

When I was watching this, I was so shocked. Just before her, they were interviewing Trump judicial nominees who were getting unanimous "not qualified" even before being interviewed by the congress.

What is going on here?
And I presume you have years of experience vetting managers for jobs. So what qualifications do you have? What educational experience? What job experience do you have. No matter what you write, I feel it is insufficient to allow you to comment on this issue.

Don’t like that? Fine. What qualifications do you have to argue first amendment issues? Are you a lawyer? What first amendment cases have you argued successfully? Are you a recognized and referenced expert on the First Amendment? No matter what you write, I will find that you are unqualified to comment on your right to express your opinion.
You guys will be in mental institutions before his first term ends. Your daily melt downs make my day.

You fuckwads always have some bullshit lie about everyone in the Trump Administration.
It's just plain boring as Hell.
Knock knock!


And what are your qualifications to certify the untampered nature of a video? What education and experience do you have? How long have you been doing it? If you are not qualified or experienced what gives you the right to comment on it?
You fuckwads always have some bullshit lie about everyone in the Trump Administration.
It's just plain boring as Hell.

Which part of the video do you think is a lie?
Which part of the video do you know is true?


You think it is a fake video?
Videos can be edited.
They did it to Trump when he was feeding Koya......making what happened look totally different from reality.
I think you need to be a lot less trusting of what the Establishment is asking you to swallow.
The "90% of excess heat is absorbed by the oceans" is anti science nonsense the AGW Cult invented in order to explain away the 2 decade pause. It instantly disqualifies AGW as science
You fuckwads always have some bullshit lie about everyone in the Trump Administration.
It's just plain boring as Hell.

Which part of the video do you think is a lie?
Which part of the video do you know is true?


You think it is a fake video?
Videos can be edited.
They did it to Trump when he was feeding Koya......making what happened look totally different from reality.
I think you need to be a lot less trusting of what the Establishment is asking you to swallow.

You think the video was out of context? The entire session is available on line. Perhaps you will tell us the context you think those ignorant remarks were really meant in?
You fuckwads always have some bullshit lie about everyone in the Trump Administration.
It's just plain boring as Hell.

Which part of the video do you think is a lie?
Which part of the video do you know is true?


You think it is a fake video?
Videos can be edited.
They did it to Trump when he was feeding Koya......making what happened look totally different from reality.
I think you need to be a lot less trusting of what the Establishment is asking you to swallow.

You think the video was out of context? The entire session is available on line. Perhaps you will tell us the context you think those ignorant remarks were really meant in?
To be honest.....I don't give a flying-fuck about it.
We just went through 8 years of an administration that has committed so many crimes it's hard to believe.
I could care less what you asshats try to say about this one because your selective outrage is off the motherfucking charts.
Which part of the video do you think is a lie?
Which part of the video do you know is true?


You think it is a fake video?
Videos can be edited.
They did it to Trump when he was feeding Koya......making what happened look totally different from reality.
I think you need to be a lot less trusting of what the Establishment is asking you to swallow.

You think the video was out of context? The entire session is available on line. Perhaps you will tell us the context you think those ignorant remarks were really meant in?
To be honest.....I don't give a flying-fuck about it.
We just went through 8 years of an administration that has committed so many crimes it's hard to believe.
I could care less what you asshats try to say about this one because your selective outrage is off the motherfucking charts.

Of course you don't care if the administration is incompetent from top to bottom. After all, you're a crazy right winger. It's just part of your makeup.
Which part of the video do you know is true?


You think it is a fake video?
Videos can be edited.
They did it to Trump when he was feeding Koya......making what happened look totally different from reality.
I think you need to be a lot less trusting of what the Establishment is asking you to swallow.

You think the video was out of context? The entire session is available on line. Perhaps you will tell us the context you think those ignorant remarks were really meant in?
To be honest.....I don't give a flying-fuck about it.
We just went through 8 years of an administration that has committed so many crimes it's hard to believe.
I could care less what you asshats try to say about this one because your selective outrage is off the motherfucking charts.

Of course you don't care if the administration is incompetent from top to bottom. After all, you're a crazy right winger. It's just part of your makeup.
And again.....considering the criminals in the last administration that's rather rich, don't you think?
America let out a big sigh of relief when Hillary lost.....because the shit she was planning to do to all of us was pretty horrible.
You think it is a fake video?
Videos can be edited.
They did it to Trump when he was feeding Koya......making what happened look totally different from reality.
I think you need to be a lot less trusting of what the Establishment is asking you to swallow.

You think the video was out of context? The entire session is available on line. Perhaps you will tell us the context you think those ignorant remarks were really meant in?
To be honest.....I don't give a flying-fuck about it.
We just went through 8 years of an administration that has committed so many crimes it's hard to believe.
I could care less what you asshats try to say about this one because your selective outrage is off the motherfucking charts.

Of course you don't care if the administration is incompetent from top to bottom. After all, you're a crazy right winger. It's just part of your makeup.
And again.....considering the criminals in the last administration that's rather rich, don't you think?
America let out a big sigh of relief when Hillary lost.....because the shit she was planning to do to all of us was pretty horrible.

What do you think she was planing for us, and why do you think that?

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