5.000 Canadians in support of Trump, against liberal Trudeau administration


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A group of up to 5,000 Canadian citizens marched on Canada’s capital on Saturday in support of U.S. President Donald Trump’s conservative agenda and against the liberal agenda of their own Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. The marchers gathered to protest the country’s spiraling tax rate, its recent attacks on free speech, and the government’s wild over-
5,000 Canadians March in Support of Trump, Against Liberal Trudeau Administration


These are the people who woke up and get the game plan. These are the people who don't want to turn into Europe because some SJW idiots would rather find a pitty party for the Muslims , make excuses for them while their own ppl get blown up, stabbed, killed etc.

If they had any brains they'd realize these ppl don't give one flying fk about you..
"End Times Headlines". :lmao:

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Good to know they have internet access in loony bins ---- eh? Y'all just loooove your shovels.

They can move here! We can use 5k more. In return we can ship 5k moronic liberals to Canada since at least that many claimed to be moving there after Trump won!

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