400 millionaires & billionaires ask Republicans to not cut their taxes

I agree with the billionaires. The entire system will collapse when the Debt gets much larger. Here are a few other ideas for them to consider when fixing the tax code:
1. revisit Simpson-Bowles, they had a few great ideas
2. revisit the "one-cent solution"
3. revisit the "Border Adjustment Tax" to pay down the Debt and build the wall
4. Drop the "carried interest" loophole
5. Fix entitlements, SS & Medicare & Medicaid, which are going bankrupt
The rich have already paid the taxes on their earnings. Gates, Buffett, etal, only pay on earnings, not on what they are now worth.

Granny says, "Dat's right...

... if dey cut taxes...

... we ain't ever gonna pay off...

... dat national debt.

Dey need to leave it like it is...

... so's China don't end up ownin' us."

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