4 Million doses in One Day !!!

Biden did fuck all.
He tripped into office with all the spade work done.
Trump is responsible for the vaccine, the excess ventillators, and the rollout plan.
He presented it to Sleepy Joe on a silver platter.

How the fuck would you know? You don't live here, you're an ignorant foreigner.

Worry about your own country, not mine.
At this rate the human clinical trials will be completed in no time.
Then maybe they can rid themselves of the experimental tag.
Vaccines were running at a million a day prior to Biden.

No they weren't. Please stop lying.

13.5 million shots in arms over a 5 week period from the time first shots went in arms on December 14th until he mercifully left the building on 1-20 averages out to 385,000 shots in arms a day - NOT a million.
Check the date of publication.

That was a week before he left office .. and STILL not a million. I gave you the average - a THIRD of his goal.
Meanwhile Biden is DOUBLING his goal.
Face it - Trumpy Bear botched the purchasing of enough vaccine and a complete failure of planning to distribute.
Thank God he's gone - Perhaps your country could use an inept, disgraced wannabe dictator? ;)
The vaccine was announced in December afair.
You don't go from announcement to a million a day overnight.
Only a childlike innocent would imagine such a thing.
I'd give my right testicle to have Trump take control of my shithole country.
Biden is making a serious difference in this country, and getting it moving again after four years of inertia, Trump rallies, diplomacy through Twitter, and hyper partisanship.

No matter what Biden does for this country, Trumpsters will not, and cannot, acknowledge it. They have checked out and live in the same fantasy world as Trump.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: How much does Langley pay you to post these lies?:abgg2q.jpg: Yeah lying Biden is making a serious differerence alright,he has got obamas war machine cranked up in Syria murdering women and children again making mass murderer Obama very happy and got gas prices skyrocketing,the gas station I go down to for gas I never paid more than $25.00 for a full tank the entire four years under trump,just yesterday I paid $41.00 for that same full tank,yep making a serious differerence alright in ruining America and middle class familys like me.:banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::yes_text12: Yeah Biden.:yes_text12::dance::dance:

thanks for proving you are a fan of presidents that are mass murderers as always.:thankusmile::yes_text12::dance:
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I am happy that it is 4M per day now. However, I am still waiting for the results of Biden's things, like all his EOs or his bill. So far, he is behind the count :rolleyes:
Yeah all those incredible EOS destroying America,yeah baby :banana: :dance: :yes_text12::thankusmile:
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Biden did fuck all.
He tripped into office with all the spade work done.
Trump is responsible for the vaccine, the excess ventillators, and the rollout plan.
He presented it to Sleepy Joe on a silver platter.
Your tears make me happy !!!

You cry now, but in 6 month you are going to be crying a lot more when the coutry is roaring like never before.

This is just the beginning.
When Biden is done. the U.S will be a broken society.
There may well be a national rupture, and social collapse.
You mean like an insurrection at the Capitol incited by lies...

You people are a complete and total joke. A party of total failure.
Yeah the lies of the msm media concealing the dem funded antifa started it troll.you trolls always leave out how antifa attacked the elderly and children trump supporters two weeks before that and cowardly hid behind the police when adults defended them child.you trump haters are the complete joke censoring those facts.
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The Trump Shot.
Trump slowed down the vaccine. This is why our first FDA approved vaccine came from Germany.

Obama / Biden had 4 US made vaccines approved in under 5 months when viruses struck US. It took Trump twice as long to get one from a foreign country because he played politics with Hydroxychloroquine & caught Covid himself while taking it.
22 million Americans had Swine Flu before Obama/ Biden called an emergency.
They did not close the border with Mexico (the source)
In February 2020 the advice from Dems was to keep the flights open, use public transport, "go ahead with Mardi Gras" and "get down to Chinatown".
Hydroxichlorquine was used in Cuba and China and their death rate was extremely low.
Agent kissmy as always gets his ass handed to him ona platter. :up:
Biden is making a serious difference in this country, and getting it moving again after four years of inertia, Trump rallies, diplomacy through Twitter, and hyper partisanship.

No matter what Biden does for this country, Trumpsters will not, and cannot, acknowledge it. They have checked out and live in the same fantasy world as Trump.
By all measures the country went up and got much better under Trump---It's the beginning of April and we are already spiraling down under Biden--hyper inflation, the flood of illegals, our enemies laughing at our new leader......
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

you handed the troll and the op baby their asses to them on a platter checkmating them big time.:up:
Biden did fuck all.
He tripped into office with all the spade work done.
Trump is responsible for the vaccine, the excess ventillators, and the rollout plan.
He presented it to Sleepy Joe on a silver platter.
Your tears make me happy !!!

You cry now, but in 6 month you are going to be crying a lot more when the coutry is roaring like never before.

This is just the beginning.
Sure fool, just like his buddy Obama did right? All Obama did was create part time jobs, to avoid paying for employees healthcare. Obama had the slowest recovery after a recession in HISTORY. Just get ready for the massive inflation coming from the old senile fools policies, dimwit.
This is why we elected Biden !
Really? You elected Joe? And here I just thought he kinda just fell into the job after the deep state engineered a fake election to guarantee Trump's ouster.

Great job Joe, you are doing exactly what you need to do.
Joe isn't doing anything. He hasn't distributed a single dose of vaccine. Joe is doing the only thing he can do, let the millions of doses of vaccine go out and be distributed to all the centers as he stands by and takes credit.

Had Biden been Prez a year ago, there would be no vaccine today.
Biden did fuck all.
He tripped into office with all the spade work done.
Trump is responsible for the vaccine, the excess ventillators, and the rollout plan.
He presented it to Sleepy Joe on a silver platter.
Your tears make me happy !!!

You cry now, but in 6 month you are going to be crying a lot more when the coutry is roaring like never before.

This is just the beginning.
Sure fool, just like his buddy Obama did right? All Obama did was create part time jobs, to avoid paying for employees healthcare. Obama had the slowest recovery after a recession in HISTORY. Just get ready for the massive inflation coming from the old senile fools policies, dimwit.
:thankusmile: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

it’s funny you mentioned that because over on another thread,someone else just said the exact same thing you did and backed it up by posting an article from Forbes thst confirmed it,what’s comedy gold about is forbes is a mouthpiece for the government and even THEY are backing me up thst Obama resided over the slowest recession in history,must suck being this banker baby having to face reality his own government is even siding with me on how Obama ran the economy into the ground same as bush.he can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is with egg on his face in embarrassment.
#63: we’re working to do something about this Petroleum Pimp opportunism. Our approach uses solar electricity to counter the violence of fossil fuel addiction.
Biden did fuck all.
He tripped into office with all the spade work done.
Trump is responsible for the vaccine, the excess ventillators, and the rollout plan.
He presented it to Sleepy Joe on a silver platter.

How the fuck would you know? You don't live here, you're an ignorant foreigner.

Worry about your own country, not mine.
You do not get it. You are the disturbed ones. The crime with you is much more then with the Deplorables. The media speaks platitudes about Progs. it is clear that Biden and Harris are not qualified to be President and Vice President. They get their marching orders from their masters. The work is done for them. And they can not answer the screw ups.

What are the names of the people who are giving Biden and Harris their "marching orders."

What are those marching orders?

What are the names of Biden's and Harris' "masters?"

What are the names of the people who are doing the work for Biden and Harris?

Give all of us on the board the specific names of the specific people.

Not this vague ridiculous propaganda.

As far for screw ups. Seems to me that Biden is cleaning up the screw up of the virus trump left behind.

Yes trump and republicans have left a lot of screw ups that will take time to clean up.

Next thing we know you will revert to the Obama years complain that democrats aren't cleaning up your mess fast enough for you.
You do not get it. You are the disturbed ones. The crime with you is much more then with the Deplorables. The media speaks platitudes about Progs. it is clear that Biden and Harris are not qualified to be President and Vice President. They get their marching orders from their masters. The work is done for them. And they can not answer the screw ups.

That makes about as much sense as you do.
Biden did fuck all.
He tripped into office with all the spade work done.
Trump is responsible for the vaccine, the excess ventillators, and the rollout plan.
He presented it to Sleepy Joe on a silver platter.

How the fuck would you know? You don't live here, you're an ignorant foreigner.

Worry about your own country, not mine.
He is more of a patriot to this country than your sorry ass lying troll will ever be.
Most of my friends & family over the age of 50 have now been vaccinated under Biden. We don't know of anyone who was vaccinated under Trump admin. Trump was all conman, no action.

We can start with Pence, Trump, Biden, Kammy, AOC
Front line responders,
Nursing Home Residents. (you don't need to know them just know they were vaxxed under Trump)
I have family that are first responders & in nursing homes & none of them know of anyone vaccinated under Trump!
The date of this article suggests you are lying.
Vaccines were available for first responders weeks before Biden's inauguration.
Maybe they werent in a rush.
This shill has never been able to open up his mouth without lying.
Biden did fuck all.
He tripped into office with all the spade work done.
Trump is responsible for the vaccine, the excess ventillators, and the rollout plan.
He presented it to Sleepy Joe on a silver platter.

How the fuck would you know? You don't live here, you're an ignorant foreigner.

Worry about your own country, not mine.
You do not get it. You are the disturbed ones. The crime with you is much more then with the Deplorables. The media speaks platitudes about Progs. it is clear that Biden and Harris are not qualified to be President and Vice President. They get their marching orders from their masters. The work is done for them. And they can not answer the screw ups.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Most of my friends & family over the age of 50 have now been vaccinated under Biden. We don't know of anyone who was vaccinated under Trump admin. Trump was all conman, no action.
That’s easy to believe sense only a moron would want to take that poison which is why all your friends and family will dead within five years thanks to Biden,they are all as stupid as you obviously taking a vaccine fir a virus no more deadly than the cold. :abgg2q.jpg: :rofl:
Biden did fuck all.
He tripped into office with all the spade work done.
Trump is responsible for the vaccine, the excess ventillators, and the rollout plan.
He presented it to Sleepy Joe on a silver platter.

How the fuck would you know? You don't live here, you're an ignorant foreigner.

Worry about your own country, not mine.
You do not get it. You are the disturbed ones. The crime with you is much more then with the Deplorables. The media speaks platitudes about Progs. it is clear that Biden and Harris are not qualified to be President and Vice President. They get their marching orders from their masters. The work is done for them. And they can not answer the screw ups.
Screw ups? You mean like the War in Iraq, Katrina response, Bush economic collapse, Trump's failed presidency, Trump's failed covid response, Trump's failed vaccine distribution, trump's incitement of an insurrection (with dead cops), based on lies...

The GOP is the party of "screw ups" They have been screwing up Big Time for 30+ years.

"Maybe we could inject bleach"
"This is nothing it will all go away"
"Its the flu"
"We're rounding the curve"
"We won in a landslide"

You people are a total joke.

Lol. Let's see, dems are the party of slavery and segregation and never ending wars yet you fail to mention this. Hack on.
He always leaves out those little convienent details in his babble all the time.lol
The Rump Administration was, indeed, responsible for fast-tracking the first vaccine(s), and getting them approved and ready for manufacture...

Trouble is, they lacked a practical understanding of both Manufacture and Logistics, and therefore left us "all dressed up and no place to go"...

The supposed reserve of vaccine turned out to be nonexistent - not surprising given that Rump climbed into a shell and abdicated once he lost the election...

At least Sleepy Old Uncle Joe and HIS people understood the dynamics of Manufacture and Logistics and ramped-up production and reinvented its distribution...

Left in Rump's hands, we'd have 10,000,000 people vaccinated by now rather than 100,000,000... led by a power-made egomaniac who secretly made sure he got HIS...

Republicans can keep trying to defend that Orange Piece-of-$hit all they want... nobody but fellow Rump-Worshipers... and increasingly fewer REAL Republicans... believe...

Credit Rump et al for fast-tracking the research and approvals...

Everything else... including the Success that is being accomplished from that early baseline... is credited to the Biden Administration...

Rump only knew HOW to bull$hit... Biden knows how to cut THROUGH the bull$hit... big difference... and it shows... thanks be to God.
C'mon man, Biden could not have both ways. On one hand, he complained that Orange did not push the vaccine out fast enough. Then, saying there was no reserve of the vaccine. Can you show me how reinvented his distribution? I could not find it in CNN or MSNBC (the 6 for 5 did not count, and it was so stupid). :rolleyes: In the end, you are clueless about the vaccina number, when Orange moved out of the WH, this was his number.

BTW, do you have any update on the Biden's 300K missing vaccina? It seems that the news dead.
Biden inherited a program that was broken and turned it into an unparalleled success.

That makes Former Guy MAGAcreeps crazy
Vaccines were running at a million a day prior to Biden.
You would be waiting five years for the vaccine without Trump's Warp Speed.
Warp Speed was nothing more than Trump's political slogan he stole from Germany. Obama / Biden quickly knocked out the H1N1 virus, because in only 5 months they had 4 US approved vaccines, more than twice as fast as Trump who only managed to import one after a year.

Germany's BioNTech "Project Lightspeed" created the "Pfizer Vaccine" that was the first covid-19 vaccine approved here in the USA.

After Dr. Sahin read a Lancet article that him convinced him the rapidly spreading coronavirus in China, would explode into a full-blown pandemic. Sahin had his BioNTech scientists in Mainz, Germany, cancel vacations and set to work on what they called "Project Lightspeed".

“There are not too many companies on the planet which have the capacity and the competence to do it so fast as we can do it,” Dr. Sahin said in an interview last month. “So it felt not like an opportunity, but a duty to do it, because I realized we could be among the first coming up with a vaccine.”

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