4 Hours at the Capitol (BBC/HBO)

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Excellent documentary covering the trump riots in January. Worth watching when we see the antics of the GOP in trying to stifle any investigation of the events.

Like most limited people they tend not to be able to see further than their noses. So a good turn out on the day is proof to them that their antics had public support. Thats how dumb they are.

A GOP congressman lamented the actions because it made them "look bad". Then he returned out of his hidden tunnel to vote against certifying the election.

One of the rioters. A guy from Cowboys 4 Trump. Stated that it would be wrong to assume that they were all trump fans. It was difficult to see how civilization can build a bridge to these loons.

Worth watching . Should be on HBO on your side.

Excellent documentary covering the trump riots in January. Worth watching when we see the antics of the GOP in trying to stifle any investigation of the events.

Like most limited people they tend not to be able to see further than their noses. So a good turn out on the day is proof to them that their antics had public support. Thats how dumb they are.

A GOP congressman lamented the actions because it made them "look bad". Then he returned out of his hidden tunnel to vote against certifying the election.

One of the rioters. A guy from Cowboys 4 Trump. Stated that it would be wrong to assume that they were all trump fans. It was difficult to see how civilization can build a bridge to these loons.

Worth watching . Should be on HBO on your side.
Shame it wasnt a real insurrection, maybe then the gasoline and food prices would be lower, China wouldnt be firing hypersonic weapons, cargo ships wouldnt be anchored off in the Pacific, US citizens wouldnt still be stuck in Afghanistan and life would be a whole lot better today, but alas, the 2020 election was stolen by Communists, and the world is reaping that Communist dream..
Looking forward to seeing it.

The usual suspects will say the jihadis are actually all FBI, BLM and Antifa plants, because that's the best they can come up with.
Its clear that this is a nazi cult. They want things the way they want them and dont give a fuck if the electorate disagrees. They will be out and about next year as well. Violence and threats are their tools. Whats the plan.

Excellent documentary covering the trump riots in January. Worth watching when we see the antics of the GOP in trying to stifle any investigation of the events.

Like most limited people they tend not to be able to see further than their noses. So a good turn out on the day is proof to them that their antics had public support. Thats how dumb they are.

A GOP congressman lamented the actions because it made them "look bad". Then he returned out of his hidden tunnel to vote against certifying the election.

One of the rioters. A guy from Cowboys 4 Trump. Stated that it would be wrong to assume that they were all trump fans. It was difficult to see how civilization can build a bridge to these loons.

Worth watching . Should be on HBO on your side.

Is there thorough coverage in this documentary on the decision the police officer made when he shot and killed an unarmed female soldier, and, the subsequent refusal to name him (under what grounds, anyone know?)?

This is one aspect of the Jan 6th story which I rarely if ever have seen coverage of. Certainly not on the fossil network CNN in which they cover everything about January 6th BUT that killing.
Its clear that this is a nazi cult. They want things the way they want them and dont give a fuck if the electorate disagrees. They will be out and about next year as well. Violence and threats are their tools. Whats the plan.
Well, it's worse than that, though. They're trying to get obedient Trumpsters into Secretary of State positions, as well as other top local election positions across the country. The top priority is to refuse to certify elections, and then back it up with their own "audits".

The trained rubes and jihadis are just the noise, driven partially insane by the propaganda and misinformation. The real problem is the apparatus that is trying to control the state processes. This is a real problem, and it's clearly leading up to some potentially bad stuff.
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We were so close to having our wonderful, efficient, and great government overthrown.

Awww. Perseverating on this STILL will not distract from the disaster unfolding now though, will it? lol

Excellent documentary covering the trump riots in January. Worth watching when we see the antics of the GOP in trying to stifle any investigation of the events.

Like most limited people they tend not to be able to see further than their noses. So a good turn out on the day is proof to them that their antics had public support. Thats how dumb they are.

A GOP congressman lamented the actions because it made them "look bad". Then he returned out of his hidden tunnel to vote against certifying the election.

One of the rioters. A guy from Cowboys 4 Trump. Stated that it would be wrong to assume that they were all trump fans. It was difficult to see how civilization can build a bridge to these loons.

Worth watching . Should be on HBO on your side.
HAHAHAHAHAHH--more crap from the FOREIGNER that doesn't know anything about the US
..keep making a fool of yourself
Is there thorough coverage in this documentary on the decision the police officer made when he shot and killed an unarmed female soldier, and, the subsequent refusal to name him (under what grounds, anyone know?)?

This is one aspect of the Jan 6th story which I rarely if ever have seen coverage of. Certainly not on the fossil network CNN in which they cover everything about January 6th BUT that killing.
It shows the actual killing. They had cameras either side of the door. In my view there was a need to take action to protect those inside. The police should be praised for their restraint in the attack. But at the point of the defensive shooting they had no other option.

I have to add that her friends then started screaming for medics. The same medics who were denied access to the building by the rioters.
It shows the actual killing. They had cameras either side of the door. In my view there was a need to take action to protect those inside. The police should be praised for their restraint in the attack. But at the point of the defensive shooting they had no other option.

I have to add that her friends then started screaming for medics. The same medics who were denied access to the building by the rioters.

The same rioters that were allowed access by the Capitol Police? Who is in charge of the allocation of said police, Pelosi or is it someone else?

Also, I believe taking action could have started with a shot into the air and a verbal warning. She was unarmed. That's just me.

If all police and storeowners had taken the same position against the George Floyd rioters that this guy took on January 6th, how many more dead would there have been?
The same rioters that were allowed access by the Capitol Police? Who is in charge of the allocation of said police, Pelosi or is it someone else?

Also, I believe taking action could have started with a shot into the air and a verbal warning. She was unarmed. That's just me.

If all police and storeowners had taken the same position against the George Floyd rioters that this guy took on January 6th, how many more dead would there have been?
Having watched the situation unfold it is clear that the police fought heroically to maintain the building and only ceded ground when they had no other option.
Its clear that this is a nazi cult. They want things the way they want them and dont give a fuck if the electorate disagrees. They will be out and about next year as well. Violence and threats are their tools. Whats the plan.
Nazis are leftists idiot....just like slave owners, the KKK, etc, etc......
Having watched the situation unfold it is clear that the police fought heroically to maintain the building and only ceded ground when they had no other option.
It was a totally unarmed and non violent woman alone in her breakin......no other option? No other option?
Excellent documentary covering the trump riots in January.

How can you have an "excellent" documentary of something that a whole committee of congresspeople currently say they need to still deeply investigate just to find out what really happened?

And what kind of dolt would waste their time reading it? :auiqs.jpg:

Must be a British publisher.

And by the way Tammy, was there more than one capitol protest over the election? Because riots is PLURAL, Petunia, and I only remember one, and it was started by the capitol police and FBI plants inciting it.
But at the point of the defensive shooting they had no other option.

If they had no other option than to murder a girl who was in the door unarmed posing no threat to anyone, Buttercup, then why was that the only shot fired? Why wasn't the whole crowd gunned down in a rain of hellfire?! I mean, Junior, THEY HAD NO OTHER OPTION. :uhh:
If they had no other option than to murder a girl who was in the door unarmed posing no threat to anyone, Buttercup, then why was that the only shot fired? Why wasn't the whole crowd gunned down in a rain of hellfire?! I mean, Junior, THEY HAD NO OTHER OPTION. :uhh:
The police were trying to show restraint. Maybe they should have shot a few more but its easy to say that after the event. Watch the film.

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