38 Dead in another Muslim attack -- Not even major news any more


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
38 people died in a Muslim attack in Tunisia last week. Most people are unaware this has even happened. On USMB, the thread I found on this matter was on its whopping second page. I frankly would bet that even a high percent of regulars here didn't even know the attack occurred. I'm not a news show junky at this point; but I'd bet it wasn't even the lead story on a great many news programs or that coverage was great limited even if it did get top billing for a bit...except for may on Fox News; and even then probably for all of a day.

It's as if we consider these deaths merely a tax of coexisting with Muslims...nothing to see here.

38 people died in a Muslim attack in Tunisia last week. Most people are unaware this has even happened. On USMB, the thread I found on this matter was on its whopping second page. I frankly would bet that even a high percent of regulars here didn't even know the attack occurred. I'm not a news show junky at this point; but I'd bet it wasn't even the lead story on a great many news programs or that coverage was great limited even if it did get top billing for a bit...except for may on Fox News; and even then probably for all of a day.

It's as if we consider these deaths merely a tax of coexisting with Muslims...nothing to see here.

All major media outlets reported on this. Google is your friend.
It was reported----I think most of the dead were british tourists But the fact is that it did get a "ho-hum" response to the world------a major catastrophe----ho hum
The only thing that matters anymore is if a white person dares to defend themselves from a nigga. Now that will get wall to wall media attention.

Stupid, racist, moronic response......Go light a cross on someone's lawn instead of spewing hatred on here.
and 150 in iraq goes almost unreported. Using children as fight animals in cages, abuse and slavery of women and girls, drowning prisoners in cages............
Just another day from ISIS
38 people died in a Muslim attack in Tunisia last week. Most people are unaware this has even happened. On USMB, the thread I found on this matter was on its whopping second page. I frankly would bet that even a high percent of regulars here didn't even know the attack occurred. I'm not a news show junky at this point; but I'd bet it wasn't even the lead story on a great many news programs or that coverage was great limited even if it did get top billing for a bit...except for may on Fox News; and even then probably for all of a day.

It's as if we consider these deaths merely a tax of coexisting with Muslims...nothing to see here.

We all heard about it, why didn't you Gasbag? Did you have a media blackout??
We don't need to worry about Muslim attacks, the liberals tell us we only need to worry about white American TeaParty people.


Liberal idiots!
All major media outlets reported on this. Google is your friend.

I'm imagine that all of them did their token reports....was never saying anything to the contrary. Humility is your friend even if you don't claim him.
Oh good grief cry me a fucking river. It was reported on, among a whole boatload of other news stories such as the supreme court rulings. Which people were FAR more interested in btw, on both the left and the right.

Get a grip.
All major media outlets reported on this. Google is your friend.

I'm imagine that all of them did their token reports....was never saying anything to the contrary. Humility is your friend even if you don't claim him.
Oh good grief cry me a fucking river. It was reported on, among a whole boatload of other news stories such as the supreme court rulings. Which people were FAR more interested in btw, on both the left and the right.

Get a grip.

Dude, you're spazzing. Tell yourself to get a grip.
All major media outlets reported on this. Google is your friend.

I'm imagine that all of them did their token reports....was never saying anything to the contrary. Humility is your friend even if you don't claim him.
Oh good grief cry me a fucking river. It was reported on, among a whole boatload of other news stories such as the supreme court rulings. Which people were FAR more interested in btw, on both the left and the right.

Get a grip.

Dude, you're spazzing. Tell yourself to get a grip.
Hey you made this whole thing up. That always makes for a shitty conversation.
Hey you made this whole thing up. That always makes for a shitty conversation.

I didn't make anything up, dude. I'm sure you think a day's play of 38 dead in bla bla bla by everyone and their dog is sufficient. I'm stating the problem that is isn't.
You made up that the media ignored it. When they didn't.

Tell me, are you mad at Faux News for covering teh ghey marriage ruling more than the Tunisia killings?
38 people died in a Muslim attack in Tunisia last week. Most people are unaware this has even happened. On USMB, the thread I found on this matter was on its whopping second page. I frankly would bet that even a high percent of regulars here didn't even know the attack occurred. I'm not a news show junky at this point; but I'd bet it wasn't even the lead story on a great many news programs or that coverage was great limited even if it did get top billing for a bit...except for may on Fox News; and even then probably for all of a day.

It's as if we consider these deaths merely a tax of coexisting with Muslims...nothing to see here.

38 deaths in a Muslim country? How is that a tax on coexisting with Muslims?

When the Muslims of Tunisia are busy trying to figure out how to deal with the Muslim Extremists that want to kill?

The attack was all over the news- widely reported- Muslim extremist attacks tourists in Tunisia- citizens of Tunisia appalled and upset. This is the second attack by Muslim extremists in Tunisia who have attacked foreign tourists in an effort to harm the Muslim citizens of Tunisia by driving away the tourism industry.

It was the top news when it happened- not our fault you just are catching up.
38 people died in a Muslim attack in Tunisia last week. Most people are unaware this has even happened. On USMB, the thread I found on this matter was on its whopping second page. I frankly would bet that even a high percent of regulars here didn't even know the attack occurred. I'm not a news show junky at this point; but I'd bet it wasn't even the lead story on a great many news programs or that coverage was great limited even if it did get top billing for a bit...except for may on Fox News; and even then probably for all of a day.

It's as if we consider these deaths merely a tax of coexisting with Muslims...nothing to see here.

38 deaths in a Muslim country? How is that a tax on coexisting with Muslims?

When the Muslims of Tunisia are busy trying to figure out how to deal with the Muslim Extremists that want to kill?

The attack was all over the news- widely reported- Muslim extremist attacks tourists in Tunisia- citizens of Tunisia appalled and upset. This is the second attack by Muslim extremists in Tunisia who have attacked foreign tourists in an effort to harm the Muslim citizens of Tunisia by driving away the tourism industry.

It was the top news when it happened- not our fault you just are catching up.

You boast about all this alleged news coverage and then get the most basic fucking facts wrong? Dumb fuck! Not my fault that you are such a dumb fuck! Various citizens of various European nations were killed (as shown in the OP video and presumably in the journalistic blitzkrieg of info that you and TheOldSchool purport. It was a tourist destination, dumb fuck!
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A question for MATTHEW------you seem into the
PLIGHT OF THE WHITE MAN as VICTIM. Can you define "WHITE MAN" ??? Are Tunisians---in general,, "WHITE MEN (women)?????
Do you think that the attack on tourists in Tunisia

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